Roupala montana

Primary tabs

Roupala montana


<<<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Margins>Margin type>Teeth number

1. 004-004-005-001-001

<<<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Margins>Margin type>Teeth pair number

2. 004-006-005-001-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Apex>Shape

acute to attenuate3
3. 004-004-004-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Base>Shape

strongly to weakly asymmetrical, cuneate to angustate, acute to rounded4
4. 004-004-003-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Margins>Margin type

serrate with teeth, rarely entire5
5. 004-004-005-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

3-6 pairs6
6. 004-004-006-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Apex>Shape

acute to attenuate7
7. 004-006-004-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Base>Shape

symmetrical to asymmetrical, attenuate, sometimes rounded to almost truncate8
8. 004-006-003-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Margins>Margin type

serrate with pairs of teeth9
9. 004-006-005-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

ca. 3 pairs10
10. 004-006-006-001

<<<Compound leaves>Length>Length>Petiole length

4.5-11.4 cm long11
11. 004-001-001-001


1.5-3 x 0.4-0.8 mm12
12. 007-003-003-001


light brown, orange, ferrugineous to rufous13
13. 007-005-002-002

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Hairs>Relative distance

extending to 1-3 mm from base14
14. 007-005-002-001


light brown to dark brown, apressed pilose, or densely velutinous when young, hairs light brown to orange-brown to rufous15
15. 009-003-002-001


fimbriate, to densely short tomentose outside, glabrous within16
16. 005-006-002-001


light brown, brown17
17. 005-003-001-001

<<<Simple leaves>Blade>Apex>Shape

acute or obtuse and narrow-attenuate, or rounded18
18. 003-002-005-001

<<<Simple leaves>Blade>Base>Shape

acute, obtuse, rounded, sharply decurrent19
19. 003-002-004-001

<<<Simple leaves>Blade>Margins>Margin type

entire, undulate, or serrate20
20. 003-002-006-001

<<<Simple leaves>Blade>Margins>Teeth pair number

21. 003-002-006-002

<<<Simple leaves>Petiole>Dimensions>Length

1-6 cm long22
22. 003-001-001-001

<<<Simple leaves>Petiole>Dimensions>Width

1-2 mm broad at midlength23
23. 003-001-001-002

<<<Simple leaves>Petiole>Hairs>Colour

ferrugineous-to grey24
24. 003-001-002-001

<<<Simple leaves>Veins>Secondary veins>Marginal veins

marginal vein thick and prominent below, single or double fractiflexed25
25. 003-003-002-002

<<<Simple leaves>Veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

4-9 pairs26
26. 003-003-002-001

<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Apex

apex ,27
27. 004-004-004

<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Base

base ,28
28. 004-004-003

<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Dimensions

6.2-12.2 x 1.2-4.3 cm29
29. 004-004-001

<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Length relative to width

(length:breadth 1.9-6.5:1)30
30. 004-004-002

<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Margins

margin ;31
31. 004-004-005

<<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets>Secondary veins

secondary veins ;32
32. 004-004-006

<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Apex

apex ,33
33. 004-006-004

<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Base

base ,34
34. 004-006-003

<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Dimensions

7.6-11.1 x 2.7-7.6 cm35
35. 004-006-001

<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Length relative to width

(length:breadth 1.3-3.7:1)36
36. 004-006-002

<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Margins

margin ,37
37. 004-006-005

<<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets>Secondary veins

secondary veins38
38. 004-006-006

<<Compound leaves>Leaflets>Leaflet pair number

4-8 pairs39
39. 004-002-001

<<Compound leaves>Length>Length

19.7-33 cm long (including petiole)40
40. 004-001-001

<<Compound leaves>Petiolule lateral leaflets>Length

0-5 mm long41
41. 004-003-001

<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Length

2-2.3(-4) cm long42
42. 004-005-001


anthers ;43
43. 007-003-003


0-0.8 mm long44
44. 007-003-001

<<Flowers>Filaments>Relative distance

attached to tepals 2-6.5 mm from base45
45. 007-003-002


0.2-0.6 mm long46
46. 007-004-001


lobes free;47
47. 007-004-003


48. 007-004-002


hairs , covering entire ovary or lower on one side, short-sericeous, hairs49
49. 007-005-002


symmetrical or asymmetrical, more curved on one side than on the other (like half a pair)50
50. 007-005-001


constricted to 4 mm51
51. 009-003-001


, glabrescent, glabrous at maturity52
52. 009-003-002


constricted for 3-6 mm53
53. 009-002-001


1.8-2.5 x 0.5-1 mm54
54. 009-004-001


usually light brown when young, dark grey, dark purple to red-grey or red-brown after peeling of outer layer55
55. 001-003-001

<<Habit>Juvenile branches>Colour

light brown56
56. 001-002-001

<<Habit>Juvenile branches>Hairs

short-appressed-pilose, rapidly glabrescent57
57. 001-002-002

<<Habit>Lenticels>Lenticel number

58. 001-004-001


0.4-1.3 x 0.3-2.5 mm59
59. 005-006-001


margin ;60
60. 005-006-002


, short, sparsely61
61. 005-003-001


1.5-4.5 x 0.3-1 mm62
62. 005-008-001


0.5-3 cm x 0.8-2.5 mm63
63. 005-004-001

<<Infructescences>Fruit pedicels>Dimensions

2-5 x 0.8-1.5 mm64
64. 008-003-001


drying pale grey green, glaucous to mid brown65
65. 002-001-002


sparsely pilose, glabrescent, hairs often persistent along lower midvein and below66
66. 002-001-003


chartaceous to very rigid-coriaceous67
67. 002-001-001

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Apex

apex ,68
68. 003-002-005

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Base

base ,69
69. 003-002-004

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Dimensions

4-14 x 2-9 cm70
70. 003-002-002

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Length relative to width

(length:breadth 1.2-3:1)71
71. 003-002-003

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Margins

margin revolute or not, with pairs of teeth;72
72. 003-002-006

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Shape

from narrowly ovate to widely ovate, elliptic to widely elliptic, oblong, and more rarely suborbiculate73
73. 003-002-001

<<Simple leaves>Petiole>Dimensions

74. 003-001-001

<<Simple leaves>Petiole>Hairs

sparsely to densely -velutinous or appressed-tomentose to pilose, glabrescent75
75. 003-001-002

<<Simple leaves>Veins>Midveins

midvein reaching apex,76
76. 003-003-001

<<Simple leaves>Veins>Secondary veins

secondary veins , .77
77. 003-003-002

<Compound leaves>Blade lateral leaflets

blade lateral leaflets ,78
78. 004-004

<Compound leaves>Blade terminal leaflets

blade ,79
79. 004-006

<Compound leaves>Leaflets

leaflets ;80
80. 004-002

<Compound leaves>Length

81. 004-001

<Compound leaves>Petiolule lateral leaflets

petiolules lateral leaflets ,82
82. 004-003

<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets

petiolule terminal leaflet ,83
83. 004-005

<Flower buds>Section

square to rounded in section84
84. 006-003

<Flower buds>Width

0.8-1.7 mm broad85 0.5-1 mm broad at midlength86
85. 006-001, 86. 006-002


filaments , ,87
87. 007-003


hypogynous glands , ,88
88. 007-004


glabrous, to very sparsely shortly-appressed-pilose, to densely pilose89
89. 007-002


7-9 mm long90
90. 007-001


ovary , .91
91. 007-005


apex not constricted or , including persistent style base, straight or curved until perpendicular to unsutured side, marginal vein inconspicuous to conspicuous, venation sometimes conspicuous on suface, ;92
92. 009-003


base ,93
93. 009-002


2-3.5 x 0.8-1.5 cm94
94. 009-001


seeds .95
95. 009-004


bark ;96
96. 001-003


1-8(-15) m tall97
97. 001-001

<Habit>Juvenile branches

young branches , ;98
98. 001-002


lenticels , usually inconspicuous.99
99. 001-004


common bracts ,100
100. 005-006


5-20 cm x 1.7-2.8 mm101
101. 005-002


flower-pair axis absent;102
102. 005-007


103. 005-003


pedicels .104
104. 005-008


peduncle ;105
105. 005-004


axillary, occasionally terminal106
106. 005-001

<Inflorescences>Sterile bracts

sterile bracts few to abundant towards base;107
107. 005-005

<Infructescences>Fruit pedicels

fruit pedicels .108
108. 008-003


glabrous to puberulent or sparsely tomentose109
109. 008-002


5-19 cm long110
110. 008-001


blade , ,111
111. 002-001

<Simple leaves>Blade

blade extremely variable, , ,112
112. 003-002

<Simple leaves>Petiole

petiole, sometimes canaliculate, ;113
113. 003-001

<Simple leaves>Veins

venation obscure to conspicuous, slightly impressed, plane, or slightly raised above, usually conspicuous and prominent below, semicamptodromous,114
114. 003-003

Common Name

English (French Guiana): roupale

Compound leaves

Compound leaves:115
115. 004


Shrub or tree 1-8(-15) m tall; young branches light brown, short-appressed-pilose, rapidly glabrescent; bark usually light brown when young, dark grey, dark purple to red-grey or red-brown after peeling of outer layer; lenticels numerous, usually inconspicuous. Leaves simple in mature plants, rarely compound, blade chartaceous to very rigid-coriaceous, drying pale grey green, glaucous to mid brown, sparsely pilose, glabrescent, hairs often persistent along lower midvein and belowSimple leaf: petiole1-6 cm long x 1-2 mm broad at midlength, sometimes canaliculate, sparsely to densely ferrugineous-to grey-velutinous or appressed-tomentose to pilose, glabrescent; blade extremely variable, from narrowly ovate to widely ovate, elliptic to widely elliptic, oblong, and more rarely suborbiculate, 4-14 x 2-9 cm(length:breadth 1.2-3:1), base acute, obtuse, rounded, sharply decurrent, apex acute or obtuse and narrow-attenuate, or rounded, margin revolute or not, entire, undulate, or serrate with 3-22 pairs of teeth; venation obscure to conspicuous, slightly impressed, plane, or slightly raised above, usually conspicuous and prominent below, semicamptodromous, midvein reaching apex, secondary veins 4-9 pairs, marginal vein thick and prominent below, single or double fractiflexed. Compound leaves: 19.7-33 cm long (including 4.5-11.4 cm long petiole); leaflets 4-8 pairs; petiolules lateral leaflets 0-5 mm long, blade lateral leaflets 6.2-12.2 x 1.2-4.3 cm(length:breadth 1.9-6.5:1), base strongly to weakly asymmetrical, cuneate to angustate, acute to rounded, apex acute to attenuate, margin serrate with 3-20 teeth, rarely entire; secondary veins 3-6 pairs; petiolule terminal leaflet 2-2.3(-4) cm long, blade 7.6-11.1 x 2.7-7.6 cm(length:breadth 1.3-3.7:1), base symmetrical to asymmetrical, attenuate, sometimes rounded to almost truncate, apex acute to attenuate, margin serrate with 7-9 pairs of teeth, secondary veins ca. 3 pairsInflorescence axillary, occasionally terminal, unbranched, 5-20 cm x 1.7-2.8 mm, indument light brown, brown, short, sparsely; peduncle 0.5-3 cm x 0.8-2.5 mm; sterile bracts few to abundant towards base; common bracts 0.4-1.3 x 0.3-2.5 mm, margin fimbriate, to densely short tomentose outside, glabrous within; flower-pair axis absent; pedicels 1.5-4.5 x 0.3-1 mm. Flower buds 0.8-1.7 mm broad at apex, 0.5-1 mm broad at midlength, square to rounded in section. Flowers 7-9 mm long, glabrous, to very sparsely shortly-appressed-pilose, to densely pilose; filaments 0-0.8 mm long, attached to tepals 2-6.5 mm from base, anthers 1.5-3 x 0.4-0.8 mm; hypogynous glands 0.2-0.6 mm long, fleshy, lobes free; ovary symmetrical or asymmetrical, more curved on one side than on the other (like half a pair), hairs extending to 1-3 mm from base, covering entire ovary or lower on one side, short-sericeous, hairs light brown, orange, ferrugineous to rufous. Infructescence 5-19 cm long, glabrous to puberulent or sparsely tomentose; fruit pedicels 2-5 x 0.8-1.5 mm. Fruit 2-3.5 x 0.8-1.5 cm, both sutured and unsutured sides curved equally or sutured side curved more strongly, base constricted for 3-6 mm, apex not constricted or constricted to 4 mm, including persistent style base, straight or curved until perpendicular to unsutured side, marginal vein inconspicuous to conspicuous, venation sometimes conspicuous on suface, light brown to dark brown, apressed pilose, or densely velutinous when young, hairs light brown to orange-brown to rufous, glabrescent, glabrous at maturity; seeds 1.8-2.5 x 0.5-1 mm.


Argentina present, C America present, Northern America, S America present, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present); Paraguay (Paraguay present), Tobago present, Trinidad present, southern Brazil present
From Mexico, throughout C America, Trinidad and Tobago, and widespread in S America to southern Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay; (GU: 13; SU: 7; FG: 6).

Flower buds

Flower buds at apex, , .116
116. 006


Flowers , ;117
117. 007


Fruit , both sutured and unsutured sides curved equally or sutured side curved more strongly,118
118. 009


Shrub or tree ;119
119. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, 5 km E of confluence of Lucie and Oost Rs., Irwin et al. 55692 Bordelaise Savanna, SW of Cayenne, Route du Tour de l’Ile, Cremers 7830 Guyana, Pakaraima Mts., Mt. Warinatepu, just N of Paruima Mission, Maas et al. 5635 anno 1845, Mélinon s.n. Guyana, Rupununi Savanna, Mt. Shiriri, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 524 Suriname, Brazilian frontier, E Sipaliwini Savanna, N slopes of “4-Gebroeders” Mts., Oldenburger et al. 145


Inflorescence , unbranched, , ;120
120. 005


Infructescence , ;121
121. 008


Leaves simple in mature plants, rarely compound,122
122. 002


This species has 4 varieties (Prance et al. 2007: 132), only var. montana occurs in the Guianas.


Flowering and fruiting , with fruiting specimens also relatively abundant for

Simple leaves

Simple leaf:123
123. 003