Salacia multiflora

Primary tabs

Salacia multiflora


Liana; branches terete, greyish brownwith numerous, small, brown lenticels, lateral branches often at right angle with main one. Petiole 4-10 mm long. Leaf margins entire or undulate; primary vein prominent on both sides, secondary veins 6-10 per side, spreading or widely arcuately ascending, prominulous on both sides, tertiary veins inconspicuous. Inflorescence axillary, often on defoliate branchlets, 1-4(-8) cm long and wide, loosely flowered; peduncle (0-)2-18 mm long; pedicels articulate above the middle. Sepals membranous to subcoriaceous, oblong-ovate or orbicular, entire, slightly erosulous, or scariose; petals slightly fleshy or nearly membranous, oblong or oblong-elliptic, entire or slightly erosulous; disk conical-truncate or cylindrical; stamens erect later strongly reflexed, anthers small, dehiscent by oblique to transverse, usually confluent apical clefts; ovary immersed in disk, ovules 4 per locule, superposed, style subulate. Pericarp coriaceous or woody, 2-4 mm thick; seeds angled.


Choco present, Guianas present, Southern America: Colombia (Colombia present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), northern Brazil present
Central Arnerica, Colombia (Choco), Venezuela, the Guianas and northern Brazil.