Salacia miqueliana

Primary tabs

Salacia miqueliana


Liana; branches terete or obtusely angled, greyish brown, with numerousbrown lenticels, branchlets opposite, often short and conspicuously broadened at base. Petiole thick, to 5 mm diam., 1.5-3.5 cm long; blades coriaceous or thin-coriaceous, often shiny, elliptic to obovate, 10-20(-30) x 6-9(-14) cm, margins entire, slightly revolute and undulate, apex acuminate or short cuspidate, sometimes with callose tip, often conduplicate, base obtuse to cuneate or sometimes rounded; primary vein prominent above, strongly so below, secondary veins 11-14 per side, widely arcuately ascending almost at right angles from the primary vein into the margins, prominent above, prominulous below, tertiary veins widely reticulate, subhorizontal and parallel. Inflorescence paniculate, to 4 cm long, precociously produced, on short stout branches with thickened nodes; peduncle to 2 cm long; branches and pedicels finely ferrugineous-tomentose; bracts deltoid, ca. 1 mm long, acute; pedicels to 1-4 mm long, articulated. Flowers fragrant, 10-12 mm diam.; sepals greenish cream, semiorbicular, fleshy, 2.3 x 4 mm, entire; petals coriaceous or fleshy, green, greenish yellow, yellowish brown or orange, broadly ovate or orbicular, 4-5.5 x 3-5.5 mm flabellately veined; disk 4.5 mm in diam., 1.2 mm high, flattened at the base, covering the petal bases; stamens strongly reflexed, filaments 1.5 mm long, anthers 0.3 x 0.5-0.6 mm, dehiscent by apical, transverse, confluent clefts; ovary projecting beyond the disk, ovules 2 per locule, superposed, style very short, subulate. Fruit unknown.


French Guiana present, Southern America, Suriname present
Suriname, French Guiana and adjacent Brazil; 20 collections studied, 16 from the Guianas (SU: 6; FG: 10).


Flowering reported from .