Eichhornia diversifolia

Primary tabs

Eichhornia diversifolia


<<<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade>Shape>Length

1.3-3.2 cm long1
1. 003-003-001-001-001

<<<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade>Shape>Width

0.6-4 cm wide2
2. 003-003-001-001-002


3. 006-002-003-002

<<<Capsules>Seeds>Wings>Wing number

4. 006-002-003-001


5. 005-005-002-002


6. 005-005-002-001


0.7-1.3 mm long7
7. 005-004-003-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Lower stamens>Length

5.1-7.6 mm long8
8. 005-004-002-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Upper stamens>Length

2.5-6 mm long9
9. 005-004-001-001

<<<Flowers>Tepals>Upper tepals>Colour

dark toward base with a yellow spot above10
10. 005-003-003-001

<<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade>Shape

rounded to cordate, , with an obtuse to acute apex and a cordate base11
11. 003-003-001-001


0.4-1 mm long12
12. 006-002-001


0.2-0.5 mm wide13
13. 006-002-002


with wings14
14. 006-002-003


1-3 mm long15
15. 005-005-001


stigma , ;16
16. 005-005-002


anthers ;17
17. 005-004-003

<<Flowers>Stamens>Lower stamens

lower stamens18
18. 005-004-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Upper stamens

upper stamens19
19. 005-004-001


4-10 mm long20
20. 005-003-002


obtuse to acute at apex21
21. 005-003-001

<<Flowers>Tepals>Upper tepals

the central upper tepal22
22. 005-003-003


8-15 mm long23
23. 005-002-001


24. 004-002-001


0.9-1.9 cm long25
25. 004-002-002


1.3-1.9 cm long26
26. 004-003-002


27. 004-003-001

<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade

blade ;28
28. 003-003-001

<<Sessile leaves>Petiole>Length

2.5-5 cm long29
29. 003-004-001

<<Vegetative stems>Flowering stems>Hairs

30. 002-002-001

<<Vegetative stems>Flowering stems>Length

1.5-3 cm long31
31. 002-002-002


6-10 mm long32
32. 006-001


seeds , .33
33. 006-002


34. 005-001


35. 005-006


ovary ,36
36. 005-005


, ,37
37. 005-004


tepals , , ;38
38. 005-003


tube ,39
39. 005-002

<Inflorescences>Flower number

40. 004-001


peduncle , ;41
41. 004-002


spathe .42
42. 004-003

<Sessile leaves>Length

3.5-7 cm long43
43. 003-002

<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves

petiolate leaves floating,44
44. 003-003

<Sessile leaves>Petiole

petiole .45
45. 003-004

<Sessile leaves>Shape

linear, acuminate at apex46
46. 003-001

<Vegetative stems>Flowering stems

flowering stem , .47
47. 002-002

<Vegetative stems>Shape

48. 002-001


Capsule ;49
49. 006


Annual, rooted in mud. Vegetative stem elongate, developing to and growing at the water surface; flowering stem glabrous, 1.5-3 cm long. Sessile leaves alternate, linear, acuminate at apex, 3.5-7 cm long; petiolate leaves floating, blade rounded to cordate, 1.3-3.2 cm long, 0.6-4 cm wide with an obtuse to acute apex and a cordate base; petiole 2.5-5 cm long. Inflorescence a spike with 2-4 flowers, all opening the same day; peduncle glabrous, 0.9-1.9 cm long; spathe linear1.3-1.9 cm long. Flowers blue, tube 8-15 mm long, tepals obtuse to acute at apex, 4-10 mm long, the central upper tepal dark toward base with a yellow spot above; upper stamens 2.5-6 mm long, lower stamens 5.1-7.6 mm long, anthers 0.7-1.3 mm long; ovary 1-3 mm long, stigma capitate, pilose; homostylous. Capsule 6-10 mm long; seeds 0.4-1 mm long, 0.2-0.5 mm widewith 9-12longitudinal wings.


Guianas present present, South America present, Southern America: Colombia (Colombia present); Ecuador (Ecuador present); Nicaragua (Nicaragua present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Central America (south from Nicaragua) and South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, the Guianas and Brazil to 15° S); over 100 collecions studied, 48 from the Guianas (GU: 19; SU: 16; FG: 13).


Flowers ,50
50. 005


Annual, rooted in mud.51
51. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Left Coppename R., Florschiitz & Maas 2735 Cayenne, Broadway 943 Guyana, Horn 4539 Guyana, Pomeroon R., de la Cruz 2967 Suriname, Florschiitz & Maas


Inflorescence a spike with flowers, all opening the same day;52
52. 004


Jonker-Verhoef (1968) included Heteranthera zosterifolia Martius in her treatment of the family for the Flora of Suriname. This was based on the collection, Geijskes 12 from the Litani River. Observations of the specimens (NY, U) reveal they are clearly of Eichhornia diversifolia. The specimen at U is vegetative with only sessile leaves; however, the NY speci- men has several petiolate leaves and flowers.

Sessile leaves

Sessile leaves alternate, , ;53
53. 003

Vegetative stems

Vegetative stem , developing to and growing at the water surface;54
54. 002