Eichhornia heterosperma

Primary tabs

Eichhornia heterosperma


<<<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade>Shape>Length

3-9 cm long1
1. 003-003-001-001-001

<<<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade>Shape>Width

1.2-6.2 cm wide2
2. 003-003-001-001-002


3. 006-002-003-002

<<<Capsules>Seeds>Wings>Wing number

4. 006-002-003-001


5. 005-005-002-002

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Stigma>Lobe number

6. 005-005-002-001


1.0-1.3 mm long7
7. 005-004-003-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Lower stamens>Length

11-15 mm long8
8. 005-004-002-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Upper stamens>Length

5.0-8.8 mm long9
9. 005-004-001-001

<<<Flowers>Tepals>Upper tepals>Colour

dark at base10
10. 005-003-004-001

<<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade>Shape

round to oval, , , with an obtuse to acute apex and truncate to obtuse base11
11. 003-003-001-001


1.5-1.9 mm long12
12. 006-002-001


0.7-1.1 mm wide13
13. 006-002-002


with wings14
14. 006-002-003


1-4 mm long15
15. 005-005-001


stigma , ;16
16. 005-005-002


anthers ;17
17. 005-004-003

<<Flowers>Stamens>Lower stamens

lower stamens18
18. 005-004-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Upper stamens

upper stamens19
19. 005-004-001


8-10 mm long20
20. 005-003-002


with entire margins21
21. 005-003-003


obtuse to acute at apex22
22. 005-003-001

<<Flowers>Tepals>Upper tepals

the upper tepals23
23. 005-003-004


10-18 mm long24
24. 005-002-001


25. 004-002-001


1.2-4 cm long26
26. 004-002-002


1.8-4 cm long27
27. 004-003-002


linear to obovate28
28. 004-003-001

<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade

the blade ;29
29. 003-003-001

<<Sessile leaves>Petiole>Length

6-14 cm long30
30. 003-004-001

<<Vegetative stems>Flowering stems>Hairs

31. 002-002-001

<<Vegetative stems>Flowering stems>Length

1.5-5 cm long32
32. 002-002-002


6-9 mm long33
33. 006-001


seeds , .34
34. 006-002


35. 005-001


36. 005-006


ovary ,37
37. 005-005


, ,38
38. 005-004


tepals , , , ;39
39. 005-003


tube ,40
40. 005-002

<Inflorescences>Flower number

41. 004-001


peduncle or nearly so, ;42
42. 004-002


spathe , .43
43. 004-003

<Sessile leaves>Length

6-11 cm long44
44. 003-002

<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves

petiolate leaves emersed,45
45. 003-003

<Sessile leaves>Petiole

petiole .46
46. 003-004

<Sessile leaves>Shape

linear, acuminate at apex47
47. 003-001

<Vegetative stems>Flowering stems

flowering stem , .48
48. 002-002

<Vegetative stems>Shape

49. 002-001


Capsule ;50
50. 006


Perennial, rooted in mud. Vegetative stem elongate, developing to and growing at the water surface; flowering stem glabrous, 1.5-5 cm long. Sessile leaves alternate, linear, acuminate at apex, 6-11 cm long; petiolate leaves emersed, the blade round to oval, 3-9 cm long, 1.2-6.2 cm wide, with an obtuse to acute apex and truncate to obtuse base; petiole 6-14 cm long. Inflorecence a spike with 4-14 flowers, all opening the same day; peduncle glabrous or nearly so, 1.2-4 cm long; spathe linear to obovate, 1.8-4 cm long. Flowers blue, tube 10-18 mm long, tepals obtuse to acute at apex, 8-10 mm long, with entire margins, the upper tepals dark at base; upper stamens 5.0-8.8 mm long, lower stamens 11-15 mm long, anthers 1.0-1.3 mm long; ovary 1-4 mm long, stigma 3-lobed, pilose; homostylous. Capsule 6-9 mm long; seeds 1.5-1.9 mm long, 0.7-1.1 mm widewith 11-15longitudinal wings.


Guianas present present, South America present, Southern America: Colombia (Colombia present); Ecuador (Ecuador present); Nicaragua (Nicaragua present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Central America (south from Nicaragua) and South America (Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, and Brazil); 84 collecions studied, 26 from the Guianas (GU: 13; SU: 4; FG: 9).


Flowers ,51
51. 005


Perennial, rooted in mud.52
52. 001

Individuals Association

lower Mahury R., Leeuwen- berg 11701 Guyana, road from Helena.to Cane Grove, Horn 4545 Savane Gabrielle, Raynal-Roques 20159 Suriname, "in regionibus interioribus'', Kappler 1842 Suriname, Saramacca.R., Jonker-Verhoef & Jonker 529 Guyana, Jenman 4537


Inflorecence a spike with flowers, all opening the same day;53
53. 004

Sessile leaves

Sessile leaves alternate, , ;54
54. 003

Vegetative stems

Vegetative stem , developing to and growing at the water surface;55
55. 002