Heisteria densifrons

Primary tabs

Heisteria densifrons


<<<<Petiole>Blade>Apex>Shape>Relative distance

0.5-1.5 cm1
1. 003-002-004-001-001


2. 005-006-002-001


more or less abruptly acuminate for , tip blunt3
3. 003-002-004-001


4. 003-002-005-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Primary veins>Shape

slightly prominent above, more distinctly so beneath5
5. 003-002-006-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

6-9 pairs6
6. 003-002-007-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Secondary veins>Shape

arcuately ascending and rather distinctly looping before the margin, usually slightly impressed above, raised beneath7
7. 003-002-007-002


8. 005-007-001


style thickish, short.9
9. 005-007-003

<<Calyx>Ovary>Sulcus number

10. 005-007-002


11. 005-005-003


densely hispidulous-hairy inside12
12. 005-005-004


4-5(-6) mm long13
13. 005-005-005

<<Calyx>Petals>Petal number

14. 005-005-001


ovate-lanceolate, coherent below15
15. 005-005-002


filaments ;16
16. 005-006-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number

17. 005-006-001


pale yellow to orange at maturity18
18. 006-002-002


10-11(-14) x 6-8 mm19
19. 006-002-001


greenish to dull red20
20. 006-003-002


2-5(-7) mm diam.21
21. 006-003-003


1.5-2(-3) mm high22
22. 006-003-004


becoming thickish, but only slightly accrescent and including only the base of the drupe23
23. 006-003-001


1.5-4 mm long24
24. 006-004-001

<<Flowers>Cushions>Bract number

25. 004-002-001


1-2 mm long26
26. 004-003-001


to 15 cm diam.27
27. 001-002-001


apex ,28
28. 003-002-004


base ,29
29. 003-002-005


(4-)10-18(-25) x 3-5 (-9) cm30
30. 003-002-003

<<Petiole>Blade>Primary veins

primary vein ,31
31. 003-002-006

<<Petiole>Blade>Secondary veins

secondary veins , .32
32. 003-002-007


ovate to elliptic or oblong33
33. 003-002-002


thin-chartaceous to subcoriaceous34
34. 003-002-001


finely striate, subterete35
35. 002-001


2 mm diam.36
36. 005-004


ca. 1 mm high37
37. 005-003


ovary , ,38
38. 005-007


petals , , , , ;39
39. 005-005


40. 005-001


stamens ,41
41. 005-006

<Calyx>Teeth number

42. 005-002


apex mucronulate, , ;43
43. 006-002


the subtending fruit-calyx , , , ;44
44. 006-003


peduncle in fruit .45
45. 006-004


46. 006-001


arising from a small cushion formed by small bracts47
47. 004-002

<Flowers>Flower number per fascicle

(1-)3-6 in a fascicle48
48. 004-001


pedicels .49
49. 004-003


3-10(-16) m tall50
50. 001-001


51. 001-002


blades , , ,52
52. 003-002


5-10(-15) mm long53
53. 003-001


Branchlets .54
54. 002


Calyx patently , shortly , , ;55
55. 005

Common Name

English (Guyana): makarasali, marakasali


Glabrous, subscandent shrub, treelet, or tree 3-10(-16) m tall; trunk to 15 cm diam.Branchlets finely striate, subterete. Petioles 5-10(-15) mm long; blades thin-chartaceous to subcoriaceous, ovate to elliptic or oblong, (4-)10-18(-25) x 3-5 (-9) cm, apex more or less abruptly acuminate for 0.5-1.5 cm, tip blunt, base cuneate, primary vein slightly prominent above, more distinctly so beneath, secondary veins 6-9 pairs, arcuately ascending and rather distinctly looping before the margin, usually slightly impressed above, raised beneath. Flowers (1-)3-6 in a fascicle per axil, arising from a small cushion formed by numerous small bracts; pedicels 1-2 mm long. Calyx patently cup-shaped, shortly 5(-6)-dentate, ca. 1 mm high, 2 mm diam.; petals 5(-6), ovate-lanceolate, coherent below, white, densely hispidulous-hairy inside, 4-5(-6) mm long; stamens 10(-12), filaments slender; ovary depressed-globose, 10-sulcate, style thickish, short. Drupe ellipsoid-oblongoid, apex mucronulate, 10-11(-14) x 6-8 mm, pale yellow to orange at maturity; the subtending fruit-calyx becoming thickish, but only slightly accrescent and including only the base of the drupe, greenish to dull red, 2-5(-7) mm diam., 1.5-2(-3) mm high; peduncle in fruit 1.5-4 mm long.


Amazonian Venezuela present, Guianas present present, Southern America: Peru (Peru present)
Amazonian Venezuela, the Guianas, Peru, and Brazil; locally common in the Guianas; over 200 spe- cimens studied (GU: 4; SU: 21; FG: 85).


Drupe ,56
56. 006


Flowers per axil, ;57
57. 004


Glabrous, subscandent shrub, treelet, or tree ;58
58. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Wane- pann Cr., Sastre 1477 Guyana, Potaro River, Maguire & Fanshawe 22980 Approuague, Cr. Arataie, Oldeman B-543 Mt. Bellevue de l'Inini, de Granville et al. 8130 Suriname, Nassau Mts., Lanjouw & Lindeman 2245 Kourou, Billiet & Jadin 1062


Petioles ;59
59. 003