Heisteria barbata

Primary tabs

Heisteria barbata


<<<<Petiole>Blade>Apex>Shape>Relative distance

1-1.5 cm1
1. 003-003-005-001-001

<<<Calyx>Ovary>Shape>Sulcus number

2. 005-006-001-001


2 mm long3
3. 005-005-002-001


abruptly acuminate for , tip obtuse and often curved4
4. 003-003-005-001


broadly attenuate to rounded, subinequilateral5
5. 003-003-006-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Primary veins>Shape

slightly raised above, strongly so beneath6
6. 003-003-007-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

6-8 pairs7
7. 003-003-008-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Secondary veins>Shape

curved-ascending and subparallel to each other, looping before the edge, slightly raised above, more distinctly so beneath8
8. 003-003-008-002


adnate below to a thickish disc9
9. 005-006-001


hirsute only in the middle adaxially10
10. 005-004-002


2 mm long11
11. 005-004-003


oblong acuminate12
12. 005-004-001


filaments ;13
13. 005-005-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number

14. 005-005-001


15. 006-004-001


15-20 mm diam. when expanded16
16. 006-004-004

<<Drupes>Calyx>Growth form

spreading or finally reflexed17
17. 006-004-003


18. 006-004-002


10-20 mm long19
19. 006-005-001


20. 004-002-001


3-5 mm long21
21. 004-003-002


slender to filiform22
22. 004-003-001


to 40(-80) cm diam.23
23. 001-002-001


apex ,24
24. 003-003-005


base ,25
25. 003-003-006


dark reddish to olive-brown above, paler beneath, shiny on both surfaces though more obviously so above26
26. 003-003-002


6-12(-15) x (2-)3.5-5(-6) cm27
27. 003-003-004

<<Petiole>Blade>Primary veins

primary vein ,28
28. 003-003-007

<<Petiole>Blade>Secondary veins

secondary veins .29
29. 003-003-008


ovate-elliptic to elliptic or oblong30
30. 003-003-003


firmly chartaceous to subcoriaceous31
31. 003-003-001


dark red-brown in dry state32
32. 002-002


subterete, striate33
33. 002-001


1 mm long34
34. 005-003

<Calyx>Lobe number

35. 005-002


ovary .36
36. 005-006


petals , , ;37
37. 005-004


cup-shaped, flattish38
38. 005-001


stamens ,39
39. 005-005


fruit-calyx , , , ;40
40. 006-004


shiny, dark green, becoming blue-green to purplish-blackish when dry41
41. 006-003


6-8 mm diam.42
42. 006-002


peduncle .43
43. 006-005


subglobular to broadly ellipsoid44
44. 006-001


from multibracteolate small cushions45
45. 004-002

<Fascicles>Flower number

46. 004-001


pedicels , .47
47. 004-003


10-25 m tall48
48. 001-001


49. 001-002


blades , , , ,50
50. 003-003


4-7(-10) x 1-1.5 mm51
51. 003-001


deeply grooved52
52. 003-002


Branchlets , .53
53. 002


Calyx , shortly , ;54
54. 005


Glabrous tree, 10-25 m tall; stem to 40(-80) cm diam.Branchlets subterete, striate, dark red-brown in dry state. Petioles 4-7(-10) x 1-1.5 mm, deeply grooved; blades firmly chartaceous to subcoriaceous, dark reddish to olive-brown above, paler beneath, shiny on both surfaces though more obviously so above, ovate-elliptic to elliptic or oblong, 6-12(-15) x (2-)3.5-5(-6) cm, apex abruptly acuminate for 1-1.5 cm, tip obtuse and often curved, base broadly attenuate to rounded, subinequilateral, primary vein slightly raised above, strongly so beneath, secondary veins 6-8 pairscurved-ascending and subparallel to each other, looping before the edge, slightly raised above, more distinctly so beneath. Fascicles of (1-)8-15 flowers from axillary multibracteolate small cushions; pedicels slender to filiform, 3-5 mm long. Calyx cup-shaped, flattish, shortly 5-lobed, 1 mm long; petals oblong acuminate, hirsute only in the middle adaxially, 2 mm long; stamens 10, filaments 2 mm long; ovary adnate below to a thickish 10-sulcate disc. Drupe subglobular to broadly ellipsoid, 6-8 mm diam., shiny, dark green, becoming blue-green to purplish-blackish when dry; fruit-calyx green, suborbicular, spreading or finally reflexed, 15-20 mm diam. when expanded; peduncle 10-20 mm long.


Amazonian Colombia present, French Guiana present present present, Southern America: Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Amazonian Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana, Peru and Brazil; rare in French Guiana; 48collections studied, 1 from French Guiana.


Drupe , , ;55
55. 006


Fascicles of flowers ;56
56. 004


Glabrous tree, ;57
57. 001

Individuals Association

Sinnamary river, Saut Aimara at 4 ° 42' N, Loubry 689


Petioles , ;58
58. 003