Pourouma mollis subsp. mollis

Primary tabs

Pourouma mollis subsp. mollis


Tree up to 25m tall. Branchlets 3-10(-15) mm thick, yellow-hirtellous to subvelutinous. Stipules 3-18(-25) cm long, caducous, yellow-velutinous outside, glabrous inside; petiole 7-20(-37) cm long, yellow-(sub)tomentose to -velutinous to -puberulous; blade coriaceous, entire, ovate to narrowly ovate (to elliptic) and 10-28 x 6-18 cm or (in saplings and shade leaves) 7-3-lobed to -parted and 17-50 x 14-54 cm, apex short-acuminate, base (acute to) obtuse to subcordate, upper surface smoothyellow- (sub)hirsute on the primary vein, lower surface on the vein yellow-tomentose to -hirtellous, in the areoles arachnoid-tomentose, or this indument almost lacking; secondary veins 5-35 pairs, basal pair branched. Staminate inflorescences: peduncle 3-5 cm long; flowers densely glomerate in globose heads (bud a few flowers solitary), sessile to pedicellate; tepals connate; filaments longer than the tepals. Pistillate inflorescences branched, usually with 2 short branches and the flowers mostly in two clusters; peduncle 4.5-11 cm long; flowers ca. 10-20, in the clusters and turned to one side; pedicel 2-4 mm long; perianth ca. 5 mm long; stigma discoid. Fruiting perianth subovoid, ca. 2 cm long; pedicel up to 0.7 cm long.


Guianas present, Lower Amazon Basin present, Southern America: Brazil Northeast (Bahia present); Brazil Southeast (Espirito Santo present), eastern Brazil present
The Guianas, Lower Amazon Basin, eastern Brazil (Bahia and Espirito Santo).


A second subspecies, subsp. triloba (Trecul) C.C. Berg & van Heusden, is found in the Upper Amazon Basin.