Pourouma tomentosa

Primary tabs

Pourouma tomentosa



acute to acuminate1
1. 003-004-004-001


(obtuse to) truncate to deeply cordate2
2. 003-004-005-001

<<<Stipules>Blade>Dimensions>Lobe number

3. 003-004-003-001

<<<Stipules>Blade>Lower surfaces>Hairs

with arachnoid hairs between the tertairy veins, initially also on the main veins4
4. 003-004-007-001

<<<Stipules>Blade>Upper surfaces>Hairs

puberulous to hirtellous on the primary vein5
5. 003-004-006-002

<<<Stipules>Blade>Upper surfaces>Texture

6. 003-004-006-001


7. 002-002-001

<<Fruiting perianth>Hairs>Colour

yellowish-puberulous to -velutinous, and/or (initially) white8
8. 006-003-001

<<Fruiting perianth>Pedicels>Length

up to 1.1 cm long9
9. 006-004-001

<<Pistillate inflorescences>Flowers>Flower number

10. 005-002-001

<<Pistillate inflorescences>Pedicels>Length

2-4 mm11
11. 005-003-001

<<Pistillate inflorescences>Peduncle>Length

5-7 cm long12
12. 005-001-001

<<Pistillate inflorescences>Perianth>Length

4-5 mm long13
13. 005-004-001

<<Pistillate inflorescences>Stigma>Shape

14. 005-005-001

<<Staminate inflorescences>Filaments>Relative dimensions

longer than the tepals15
15. 004-004-001

<<Staminate inflorescences>Flowers>Arrangement

densely glomerate in (sub)globose heads16
16. 004-002-001

<<Staminate inflorescences>Peduncle>Length

2-3 cm long17
17. 004-001-001

<<Staminate inflorescences>Tepals>Shape

18. 004-003-001


apex ,19
19. 003-004-004


base ,20
20. 003-004-005


5-21 x 3-13 cm, or to -parted and 15-40 x 15-23 cm21
21. 003-004-003

<<Stipules>Blade>Lower surfaces

lower surface ;22
22. 003-004-007


ovate to elliptic23
23. 003-004-002


24. 003-004-001

<<Stipules>Blade>Upper surfaces

upper surface , ,25
25. 003-004-006


yellow-hirsute, and usually also with white26
26. 003-002-001


puberulous to hirtellous, initially arachnoid-villous27
27. 003-003-002


4-15 cm long28
28. 003-003-001

<<Stipules>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

10-26 pairs29
29. 003-005-001


(sparsely) puberulous to hirtellous and with dense, , pluricellular hairs, often initially arachnoid-villous30
30. 002-002


lenticels ± conspicuous.31
31. 002-003


2-7 mm thick32
32. 002-001

<Fruiting perianth>Hairs

33. 006-003

<Fruiting perianth>Length

ca. 2 cm long34
34. 006-002

<Fruiting perianth>Pedicels

pedicel .35
35. 006-004

<Fruiting perianth>Shape

subovoid to ellipsoid36
36. 006-001


up to 20m tall37
37. 001-001

<Pistillate inflorescences>Flowers

flowers ;38
38. 005-002

<Pistillate inflorescences>Pedicels

pedicel ;39
39. 005-003

<Pistillate inflorescences>Peduncle

peduncle ;40
40. 005-001

<Pistillate inflorescences>Perianth

perianth ;41
41. 005-004

<Pistillate inflorescences>Stigma

stigma .42
42. 005-005

<Staminate inflorescences>Filaments

filaments .43
43. 004-004

<Staminate inflorescences>Flowers

flowers , sessile to pedicellate;44
44. 004-002

<Staminate inflorescences>Peduncle

peduncle ;45
45. 004-001

<Staminate inflorescences>Tepals

tepals ;46
46. 004-003


blade , entire, , and ,47
47. 003-004


, arachnoid hairs outside, glabrous inside48
48. 003-002


3-18 cm long49
49. 003-001


petiole , ;50
50. 003-003

<Stipules>Secondary veins

secondary veins , basal pair branched.51
51. 003-005


Branchlets , ;52
52. 002


Tree up to 20m tall. Branchlets 2-7 mm thick, (sparsely) puberulous to hirtellous and with dense, brown, pluricellular hairs, often initially arachnoid-villous; lenticels ± conspicuous. Stipules 3-18 cm long, caducous, yellow-hirsute, and usually also with white, arachnoid hairs outside, glabrous inside; petiole 4-15 cm long, puberulous to hirtellous, initially arachnoid-villous; blade coriaceous, entire, ovate to elliptic, and 5-21 x 3-13 cm, or 3-5-lobed to -parted and 15-40 x 15-23 cm, apex acute to acuminate, base (obtuse to) truncate to deeply cordate, upper surface smooth, puberulous to hirtellous on the primary vein, lower surface with arachnoid hairs between the tertairy veins, initially also on the main veins; secondary veins 10-26 pairs, basal pair branched. Staminate inflorescences: peduncle 2-3 cm long; flowers densely glomerate in (sub)globose heads, sessile to pedicellate; tepals connate; filaments longer than the tepals. Pistillate inflorescences branched; peduncle 5-7 cm long; flowers 5-20; pedicel 2-4 mm; perianth 4-5 mm long; stigma discoid. Fruiting perianth subovoid to ellipsoid, ca. 2 cm long, yellowish-puberulous to -velutinous, and/or (initially) white-arachnoid-tomentose; pedicel up to 1.1 cm long.


Amazon Basin present, Guianas present, eastern Venezuela present
Amazon Basin and the Guianas to eastern Venezuela.

Fruiting perianth

Fruiting perianth , , ;53
53. 006


Tree .54
54. 001


Five subspecies have been recognized. Two of them are found in the Guianas.

Pistillate inflorescences

Pistillate inflorescences branched;55
55. 005

Staminate inflorescences

Staminate inflorescences:56
56. 004


Stipules , caducous, ;57
57. 003