Buchenavia tetraphylla

Primary tabs

Buchenavia tetraphylla


<<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Shape>Length

0.8-1.2 mm long1
1. 004-002-002-001

<<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

(2-)3-8 pairs2
2. 002-007-002-001

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Hairs

densely rufous-pubescent except sparsely so on neck3
3. 004-002-003

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Length

1.5-3 mm long4
4. 004-002-001

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Shape

abruptly narrowed to thin neck of5
5. 004-002-002

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Dimensions

1-2 x 2.5-3.5 mm6
6. 004-003-001

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Hairs

7. 004-003-002


acute to rounded and often apiculate8
8. 005-004-001


9. 005-005-001


rufous pubescent in flower, becoming subglabrous and much thicker in fruit10
10. 003-002-002


0.6-2.6 cm11
11. 003-002-001


0.2-0.5(-1) cm12
12. 003-003-001


rounded to retuse (rarely obtuse)13
13. 002-004-001


appressed-pubescent when very young, becoming glabrous except often sparsely pubescent on midvein when mature14
14. 002-005-002


narrowly acute and usually decurrent15
15. 002-005-001


sparsely appressed-pubescent16
16. 002-010-002


0.4-1.5(-2) cm long17
17. 002-010-001

<<Leaves>Veins>Intersecondary veins

intersecondary veins occasionally present,18
18. 002-007-003


midvein moderate, slightly prominent,19
19. 002-007-001

<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary veins

secondary veins , moderately spaced, originating at moderately acute angles, curved to slightly so, slightly prominent,20
20. 002-007-002

<<Leaves>Veins>Tertiary veins

tertiary veins randomly reticulate;21
21. 002-007-004


2.5-5 mm long22
22. 004-001

<Flowers>Lower hypanthium

lower hypanthium , , ,23
23. 004-002

<Flowers>Upper hypanthium

upper hypanthium , .24
24. 004-003


apex ,25
25. 005-004


base or rarely shortly pseudostipitate.26
26. 005-005


(1.2-)1.5-3.5 x (0.7-)1-2.2 cm27
27. 005-002


glabrous or rarely very sparsely pubescent28
28. 005-001


ovate to obovate in side view, more or less terete29
29. 005-003


2-25(-50) m30
30. 001-001


0.8-3 cm long31
31. 003-001


peduncle , ;32
32. 003-002


rhachis .33
33. 003-003


apex ,34
34. 002-004


areolation usually complete;35
35. 002-009


base , ;36
36. 002-005


2-11 x 1-5 cm37
37. 002-003


domatia present;38
38. 002-006

<Leaves>Higher order veins

higher order veins often distinct;39
39. 002-008


petiole , , eglandular.40
40. 002-010


narrowly to broadly obovate41
41. 002-002


coriaceous when mature but very thin at flowering42
42. 002-001


venation brochidodromous,43
43. 002-007

Common Name

English (Suriname): fokadi, fukadi, gemberhout, gindya-udu, kanbii, katoelima, katurimja, komanti kwatii, matakki, parakusinja, toekadi, toekoeli


Semi-evergreen (briefly deciduous) tree 2-25(-50) m, with buttresses when large. Leaves coriaceous when mature but very thin at flowering, narrowly to broadly obovate, 2-11 x 1-5 cm, apex rounded to retuse (rarely obtuse), base narrowly acute and usually decurrent, appressed-pubescent when very young, becoming glabrous except often sparsely pubescent on midvein when mature; domatia present; venation brochidodromous, midvein moderate, slightly prominent, secondary veins (2-)3-8 pairs, moderately spaced, originating at moderately acute angles, curved to slightly so, slightly prominent, intersecondary veins occasionally present, tertiary veins randomly reticulate; higher order veins often distinct; areolation usually complete; petiole 0.4-1.5(-2) cm long, sparsely appressed-pubescent, eglandular. Inflorescence 0.8-3 cm long, more or less capitate, with rather few to many densely grouped flowers; peduncle 0.6-2.6 cm, rufous pubescent in flower, becoming subglabrous and much thicker in fruit; rhachis 0.2-0.5(-1) cm. Flowers 2.5-5 mm long; lower hypanthium 1.5-3 mm long, abruptly narrowed to thin neck of 0.8-1.2 mm long, densely rufous-pubescent except sparsely so on neck,upper hypanthium 1-2 x 2.5-3.5 mm, subglabrous. Fruit glabrous or rarely very sparsely pubescent, (1.2-)1.5-3.5 x (0.7-)1-2.2 cm, ovate to obovate in side view, more or less terete or with 5 low longitudinal ridges, apex acute to rounded and often apiculate, base rounded or rarely shortly pseudostipitate.


Guianas present, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present); Brazil Southeast (Rio de Janeiro present); Costa Rica (Costa Rica present); Cuba (Cuba present)
By far the most widely distributed species of the genus, extending from Cuba and Costa Rica S to Bolivia (ca. 17° S) and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (ca. 22.4° S); about 27 specimens seen from the Guianas (GU: 2; SU: 7; FG: 18).


Flowers ;44
44. 004


Fruit , , or with 5 low longitudinal ridges,45
45. 005


Semi-evergreen (briefly deciduous) tree , with buttresses when large.46
46. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Brokopondo Distr., Forest Reserve Sectie O, tree nr. 30, BBS 4661 Suriname, Brokopondo Distr., Forest Reserve Sectie O, tree nr. 30, BBS 3962 Oyapoque R., NE of mouth of Ingarari R., on forested island, Irwin et al. 48328 Suriname, Osembo, Para R., BBS 91 Montjoly, near Cayenne, Grenand 1734 Suriname, Brokopondo Distr., Forest Reserve Sectie O, tree nr. 30, BBS 4085 Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo Region, NW Kanuku Mts., 12 km ESE of Nappi, Hoffman 3716 Suriname, Tumuc Humac Mts., Talouakem, Acevedo-Rodriguez et al. 5954 Roche Koutou, bassin du Haut Marouini R., de Granville et al. 9296 Suriname, Brokopondo Distr., Forest Reserve Sectie O, tree nr. 30, BBS 6000 Suriname, Brokopondo Distr., Forest Reserve Sectie O, tree nr. 30, BBS BW 1312 Suriname, Brokopondo Distr., Forest Reserve Sectie O, tree nr. 30, BBS 6261


Inflorescence , more or less capitate, with rather few to many densely grouped flowers;47
47. 003


Leaves , , ,48
48. 002


Flowering , fruiting , but both .


Locally used for timber; “wood is yellow and durable, with close smooth grain”.