Buchenavia congesta

Primary tabs

Buchenavia congesta


<<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Neck>Relative dimensions

ca. half its length1
1. 004-002-003-001


2. 003-002-002-001


3. 003-003-002-001

<<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

6-16 pairs4
4. 002-007-002-001

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Hairs

probably glabrous to densely pubescent (pilose in type of B. longibracteata)5
5. 004-002-002

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Length

2-2.5 mm long6
6. 004-002-001

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Neck

with narrow neck7
7. 004-002-003

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Dimensions

1-1.5 x 2.5-3 mm8
8. 004-003-001

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Hairs

9. 004-003-002


rounded to acute or apiculate10
10. 005-004-001


11. 005-005-001


densely -puberulous12
12. 003-002-002


1.8-3.7 cm13
13. 003-002-001


densely -puberulous14
14. 003-003-002


5-11 cm15
15. 003-003-001


shortly and abruptly acuminate or apiculate (often with good 'shoulders')16
16. 002-004-001


glabrous except sometimes puberulous on midvein above, glabrous except puberulous on midvein and secondary veins to puberulous except densely so on major venation below17
17. 002-005-001


sparsely to densely puberulous, usually conspicuously biglandular18
18. 002-010-002


(0.6-)1-3 cm long19
19. 002-010-001

<<Leaves>Veins>Intersecondary veins

intersecondary veins absent,20
20. 002-007-003


midvein moderate, prominent,21
21. 002-007-001

<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary veins

secondary veins , moderately spaced to close, arising at moderately to widely acute angles, curved to slightly curved, prominent,22
22. 002-007-002

<<Leaves>Veins>Tertiary veins

tertiary veins regularly and often closely percurrent;23
23. 002-007-004


3-4 mm long24
24. 004-001

<Flowers>Lower hypanthium

lower hypanthium , , ,25
25. 004-002

<Flowers>Upper hypanthium

upper hypanthium , .26
26. 004-003


apex ,27
27. 005-004


base and usually shortly pseudostipitate.28
28. 005-005


1.8-2.5 x 0.7-1.5 cm29
29. 005-002


glabrous or nearly so even when young30
30. 005-001


oblong to oblong-elliptic or narrowly so in side view, more or less terete31
31. 005-003


5-40 m32
32. 001-001


2.5-14 cm long33
33. 003-001


peduncle , ;34
34. 003-002


rhachis , .35
35. 003-003


apex ,36
36. 002-004


areolation imperfect, slightly prominent;37
37. 002-009


base narrowly attenuate-cuneate, ;38
38. 002-005


8-23 x 3-9 cm39
39. 002-003


domatia often present;40
40. 002-006

<Leaves>Higher order veins

higher order veins distinct;41
41. 002-008


petiole , .42
42. 002-010


obovate to oblanceolate43
43. 002-002


chartaceous to subcoriaceous44
44. 002-001


venation eucamptodromous or eucamptodromous-brochidodromous,45
45. 002-007

Common Name

English (Guyana): wild genip


Tree, 5-40 m, with large buttresses. Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous, obovate to oblanceolate, 8-23 x 3-9 cm, apex shortly and abruptly acuminate or apiculate (often with good 'shoulders'), base narrowly attenuate-cuneate, glabrous except sometimes puberulous on midvein above, glabrous except puberulous on midvein and secondary veins to puberulous except densely so on major venation below; domatia often present; venation eucamptodromous or eucamptodromous-brochidodromous, midvein moderate, prominent, secondary veins 6-16 pairs, moderately spaced to close, arising at moderately to widely acute angles, curved to slightly curved, prominent, intersecondary veins absent, tertiary veins regularly and often closely percurrent; higher order veins distinct; areolation imperfect, slightly prominent; petiole (0.6-)1-3 cm long, sparsely to densely puberulous, usually conspicuously biglandular. Inflorescence 2.5-14 cm long, spicate; peduncle 1.8-3.7 cm, densely rufous-puberulous; rhachis 5-11 cm, densely rufous-puberulous. Flowers 3-4 mm long; lower hypanthium 2-2.5 mm long, probably glabrous to densely pubescent (pilose in type of B. longibracteata), with narrow neck ca. half its length,upper hypanthium 1-1.5 x 2.5-3 mm, glabrous. Fruit glabrous or nearly so even when young, 1.8-2.5 x 0.7-1.5 cm, oblong to oblong-elliptic or narrowly so in side view, more or less terete, apex rounded to acute or apiculate, base rounded and usually shortly pseudostipitate.


Guianas present, Guyana present, Southern America: Brazil North (Acre present); Colombia (Colombia present); Ecuador (Ecuador present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), Western catchment of Amazon river-basin in Brazil present
Western catchment of Amazon river-basin in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador; the isolated localities in Ecuador and Acre, Brazil, and in Guyana, are outliers but the specimens are quite typical; a single specimen has been seen from the Guianas (GU: 1).


Flowers ;46
46. 004


Fruit , , ,47
47. 005


Tree, , with large buttresses.48
48. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, NW-Distr., Hurudiah, Moruca R., van Andel et al. 1734


Inflorescence , spicate;49
49. 003


Leaves , , ,50
50. 002