Buchenavia macrophylla

Primary tabs

Buchenavia macrophylla


<<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Neck>Hairs

glabrous to sparsely pubescent1
1. 004-002-003-001

<<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Ovary-bearing part>Hairs

densely pubescent2
2. 004-002-002-001

<<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

6-14 pairs3
3. 002-007-002-001

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Length

1.5-2 mm long4
4. 004-002-001

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Neck

with neck ca. half total length5
5. 004-002-003

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Ovary-bearing part

on ovary-bearing part6
6. 004-002-002

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Dimensions

1-1.5 x 2.5-4 mm7
7. 004-003-001

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Hairs

glabrous or nearly so8
8. 004-003-002


rounded to subacute or apiculate9
9. 005-003-001


10. 005-004-001


puberulous to densely so11
11. 003-002-002


0.6-3.2 cm12
12. 003-002-001


densely puberulous13
13. 003-003-002


2-10 cm14
14. 003-003-001


long- to short-acuminate to apiculate or rarely rounded15
15. 002-004-001


glabrous except often puberulous on midvein and secondary veins especially below16
16. 002-005-001


dense hair-tufts17
17. 002-006-001


pubescent to sparsely so, biglandular (often conspicuously so)18
18. 002-011-002


0.6-3.5 cm long19
19. 002-011-001

<<Leaves>Veins>Intersecondary veins

intersecondary veins usually absent;20
20. 002-007-003


midvein moderate to strong, prominent,21
21. 002-007-001

<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary veins

secondary veins , moderately spaced to distant, arising at moderately acute angles, curved, prominent,22
22. 002-007-002


2.5-3.5 mm long23
23. 004-001

<Flowers>Lower hypanthium

lower hypanthium , , ;24
24. 004-002

<Flowers>Upper hypanthium

upper hypanthium , .25
25. 004-003


apex ,26
26. 005-003


base to very shortly pseudostipitate.27
27. 005-004


1-3.3 x 0.6-1.3 cm28
28. 005-001


elliptic to oblong or narrowly so in side view, more or less terete29
29. 005-002


3-20(-30) m30
30. 001-001


3-13 cm long31
31. 003-001


peduncle , ;32
32. 003-002


rhachis , .33
33. 003-003


apex ,34
34. 002-004


areolation imperfect, slightly prominent;35
35. 002-010


base narrowly attenuate-cuneate, ;36
36. 002-005


3-35 x 1.5-14 cm37
37. 002-003


domatia absent or shallow except for ;38
38. 002-006

<Leaves>Higher order veins

higher order veins distinct;39
39. 002-009


petiole , .40
40. 002-011


oblanceolate or narrowly elliptic to narrowly obovate or narrowly elliptic-oblong41
41. 002-002

<Leaves>Tertiary veins

tertiary veins regularly and often closely percurrent,42
42. 002-008


chartaceous to subcoriaceous43
43. 002-001


venation eucamptodromous or eucamptodromous-brochidodromous,44
44. 002-007

Common Name

English (French Guiana): alimimo, ingui-tabaka


Tree 3-20(-30) m, without buttresses. Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous, oblanceolate or narrowly elliptic to narrowly obovate or narrowly elliptic-oblong, 3-35 x 1.5-14 cm, apex long- to short-acuminate to apiculate or rarely rounded, base narrowly attenuate-cuneate, glabrous except often puberulous on midvein and secondary veins especially below; domatia absent or shallow except for dense hair-tufts; venation eucamptodromous or eucamptodromous-brochidodromous, midvein moderate to strong, prominent, secondary veins 6-14 pairs, moderately spaced to distant, arising at moderately acute angles, curved, prominent, intersecondary veins usually absent; tertiary veins regularly and often closely percurrent, higher order veins distinct; areolation imperfect, slightly prominent; petiole 0.6-3.5 cm long, pubescent to sparsely so, biglandular (often conspicuously so). Inflorescence 3-13 cm long, spicate; peduncle 0.6-3.2 cm, puberulous to densely so; rhachis 2-10 cm, densely puberulous. Flowers 2.5-3.5 mm long; lower hypanthium 1.5-2 mm long, densely pubescent on ovary-bearing part, with glabrous to sparsely pubescent neck ca. half total length; upper hypanthium 1-1.5 x 2.5-4 mm, glabrous or nearly so. Fruit densely fulvous-pubescent, 1-3.3 x 0.6-1.3 cm, elliptic to oblong or narrowly so in side view, more or less terete, apex rounded to subacute or apiculate, base rounded to very shortly pseudostipitate.


French Guiana present, Guianas present, Pacific coast of Colombia present, Southern America: Brazil West-Central (Mato Grosso present); Ecuador (Ecuador present); Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), upper Orinoco R present, whole Amazon river-basin present
From Pacific coast of Colombia, Venezuela (upper Orinoco R.), French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (whole Amazon river-basin) south to Mato Grosso at ca. 13° S; 3 specimens from the Guianas (FG: 3).


Flowers ;45
45. 004


Fruit densely fulvous-pubescent, , ,46
46. 005


Tree , without buttresses.47
47. 001

Individuals Association

Tampoc R., Service Forestier 7897 Camp no. 1, Ouman fou Langa Soula, Upper Marouini R., de Granville et al. 9614 First waterfalls of Marouini R., S of Maripasoula, Moretti 824


Inflorescence , spicate;48
48. 003


Leaves , , ,49
49. 002


See note under B. megalophylla.


Flowering ; fruiting .