Buchenavia megalophylla

Primary tabs

Buchenavia megalophylla

<<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Neck>Hairs

less pubescent1
1. 004-002-003-001

<<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Ovary>Hairs

densely pubescent2
2. 004-002-002-001

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Length

2-3 mm long3
3. 004-002-001

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Neck

with rather thick neck much less than half total length4
4. 004-002-003

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Ovary

on ovary-bearing part5
5. 004-002-002

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Dimensions

1-2 x 2.5-4 mm6
6. 004-003-001

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Hairs

glabrous or nearly so7
7. 004-003-002


1-2 cm long8
8. 005-004-001


to 0.2-0.7 cm long9
9. 005-005-002


rounded or obtuse and abruptly narrowed10
10. 005-005-001

<<Fruits>Ridges>Ridge number

11. 005-003-001


densely pubescent12
12. 003-002-002


2-3 cm13
13. 003-002-001


densely pubescent14
14. 003-003-002


7-13 cm15
15. 003-003-001


rounded and apiculate to shortly and abruptly acuminate or cuspidate16
16. 002-004-001


glabrous except often puberulous on midvein and secondary veins especially below17
17. 002-005-002


narrowly cuneate and scarcely decurrent18
18. 002-005-001


dense hair-tufts19
19. 002-006-001


20. 002-008-002


1.2-2.3 cm long21
21. 002-008-001


3-4.5 mm long22
22. 004-001

<Flowers>Lower hypanthium

lower hypanthium , , ;23
23. 004-002

<Flowers>Upper hypanthium

upper hypanthium , .24
24. 004-003


apex abruptly narrowed to usually strongly curved beak of ,25
25. 005-004


base pseudostipe.26
26. 005-005


1.8-4.7 x 1-1.4 cm27
27. 005-001


28. 005-003


elliptic in side view29
29. 005-002


2.5-45 m30
30. 001-001


9-16 cm long31
31. 003-001


peduncle , ;32
32. 003-002


rhachis , .33
33. 003-003


apex ,34
34. 002-004


base , ;35
35. 002-005


14-36 x 5-14 cm36
36. 002-003


domatia absent or shallow except for ;37
37. 002-006


petiole , , biglandular.38
38. 002-008


obovate to oblanceolate39
39. 002-002


40. 002-001


venation as in B. macrophylla;41
41. 002-007

Common Name

English (French Guiana): alimi hudu, ingitabaka, kwatabobi


Tree 2.5-45 m. Leaves chartaceous, obovate to oblanceolate, 14-36 x 5-14 cm, apex rounded and apiculate to shortly and abruptly acuminate or cuspidate, base narrowly cuneate and scarcely decurrent, glabrous except often puberulous on midvein and secondary veins especially below; domatia absent or shallow except for dense hair-tufts; venation as in B. macrophylla; petiole 1.2-2.3 cm long, puberulous, biglandular. Inflorescence 9-16 cm long, spicate; peduncle 2-3 cm, densely pubescent; rhachis 7-13 cm, densely pubescent. Flowers 3-4.5 mm long; lower hypanthium 2-3 mm long, densely pubescent on ovary-bearing part, with less pubescent rather thick neck much less than half total length; upper hypanthium 1-2 x 2.5-4 mm, glabrous or nearly so. Fruit densely fulvous-tomentellous, 1.8-4.7 x 1-1.4 cm, elliptic in side view, strongly 5-ridged, apex abruptly narrowed to usually strongly curved beak of 1-2 cm long, base rounded or obtuse and abruptly narrowedto 0.2-0.7 cm long pseudostipe.


Guianas endemic
Endemic to the Guianas; 20 specimens have been seen (GU: 16; SU: 1; FG: 3).


Flowers ;42
42. 004


Fruit densely fulvous-tomentellous, , , ,43
43. 005


Tree .44
44. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Tumuc Humac Mts., along Litani R., Acevedo-Rodriguez et al. 6160 Guyana, Upper Demerara-Berbice Region, Berbice R., Melissa Falls, 2 km downstream from Doreen Bank Cr., Mutchnick & Harmon 1279 Guyana, Kapo, along trail to Lethem, near Karanambo, N Rupununi savanna, Görts-van Rijn et al. 294 Lower Ouaqui R., 2 km above village of Bacarel, de Granville B-4792 Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni Region, Iwokrama Rain Forest Reserve, Kurupukari village, base-camp 2 km N on Essequibo R., Mori & Heald 24347


Inflorescence , spicate;45
45. 003


Leaves , , ,46
46. 002


The fruits of this species are quite unmistakable, but flowering or sterile material is impossible to distinguish with certainty from some specimens of B. reticulata or B. macrophylla. The leaves of B. macrophylla are much more variable than those of B. megalophylla, often being smaller and often with rather gradually tapered apices, but they can mimic the very large abruptly narrowed leaves of the latter. These two species are possibly allopatric. All undoubted (i.e. fruiting) material of B. megalophylla comes from Guyana, but B. macrophylla is not known from Guyana or Suriname, although it definitely occurs in French Guiana. There is flowering material probably referable to B. megalophylla from Suriname and French Guiana. Sterile material from French Guiana must remain undetermined, although most of it closely resembles typical B. megalophylla, with broadly 'shouldered' leaves.
Van Heurck & Müller Arg. stated that the type was sent as Pamea guianensis to Mlle. H. Reichenbach, probably from Demerara. Specimens (s.n.) coll. Parker, 1821-1824, and labelled [wrongly] Pamea guianensis Aubl. are almost certainly duplicates (probable isotypes CGE, G, K; photographs F, NY, US).


Flowering ; fruiting .