
Primary tabs


<<<Flowers>Calyx>Fusion>Relative distance

for ca. 1/10 (seldom more) of length1
1. 004-002-001-001


2. 004-007-002-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Connective apex>Shape

3. 004-007-003-001

<<<Fruits>Seeds>Testa pattern>Shape

4. 005-001-002-001


obtuse to acute5
5. 004-004-001


fused at base6
6. 004-002-001


campanulate to tubular7
7. 004-002-003


8. 004-002-002


fused at base9
9. 004-005-001


28-110 mm long10
10. 004-005-003


salver-shaped to funnel-shaped11
11. 004-005-002


lanceolate, elliptic to ovate12
12. 004-003-001


stigma bilamellate.13
13. 004-009-001


anthers ,14
14. 004-007-002


base of filaments fused with corolla into a ring-shaped corona, or with flaps of tissue between filament bases,15
15. 004-007-001

<<Flowers>Stamens>Connective apex

connective apex ;16
16. 004-007-003


17. 005-001-001

<<Fruits>Seeds>Testa pattern

testa pattern , sometimes with band-like thickenings.18
18. 005-001-002

<<Leaves>Vein number>Vein number

ca. 5-veined19
19. 002-002-001


apex ;20
20. 004-004


calyx , , ;21
21. 004-002


corolla , , ;22
22. 004-005

<Flowers>Corolla bud apex

corolla bud apex tapering, androecium zygomorphic with stamens and style bent towards bottom of corolla mouth;23
23. 004-006


lobes , dorsally thickened, often glandular, rarely with keels;24
24. 004-003


25. 004-001


pistil with nectary disk around base,26
26. 004-009


pollen in tetrads;27
27. 004-008


stamens inserted in corolla tube in lower quarter, of unequal length,28
28. 004-007


seeds ,29
29. 005-001

<Inflorescences>Bracts and bracteoles

bracts and bracteoles absent/scale-like/leaf-like.30
30. 003-002


31. 003-001


1.5-29 cm long32
32. 002-001

<Leaves>Vein number

33. 002-002


Herbs, subshrubs, shrubs to small trees. Leaves sessile to petiolate, 1.5-29 cm long; ca. 5-veined. Inflorescences terminal, dichasial with monochasial branches, sometimes flowers solitary; bracts and bracteoles absent/scale-like/leaf-like. Flowers pedicillate, 5-merous, actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic; calyx fused at base for ca. 1/10 (seldom more) of length, coriaceous, campanulate to tubular; lobes lanceolate, elliptic to ovate, dorsally thickened, often glandular, rarely with keels; apex obtuse to acute; corolla fused at base, salver-shaped to funnel-shaped, 28-110 mm long; corolla bud apex tapering, androecium zygomorphic with stamens and style bent towards bottom of corolla mouth; stamens inserted in corolla tube in lower quarter, of unequal length, base of filaments fused with corolla into a ring-shaped corona, or with flaps of tissue between filament bases, anthers linear, connective apex apiculate; pollen in tetrads; pistil with nectary disk around base, stigma bilamellate. Fruit a capsule, sometimes indehiscent(?), with persistent calyx and deciduous corolla; seeds angular, testa pattern dome-like, sometimes with band-like thickenings.


Guyana present present, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present); Brazil North (Amazonas present); Colombia (Colombia present); Costa Rica (Costa Rica present); Ecuador (Ecuador present); Panamá (Panamá present); Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
A neotropical genus of ca. 38 species from Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil (Amazonas); 1 species in Guyana.


Flowers pedicillate, , actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic;34
34. 004


Fruit a capsule, sometimes indehiscent(?), with persistent calyx and deciduous corolla;35
35. 005


Herbs, subshrubs, shrubs to small trees.36
36. 001


Inflorescences , dichasial with monochasial branches, sometimes flowers solitary;37
37. 003


Leaves sessile to petiolate, ;38
38. 002