Xanthophyllum penibukanense

Primary tabs

Xanthophyllum penibukanense


Small shrub or tree, up to 12 m, 30 cm dbh. Leaf-blade (5-)7-28 by 2.3-10 cm, base long-attenuate, above dark green, shiny, midrib slightly sunken to slightly prominent basally, further ± prominent, secondary nerves and venation very distinct, sometimes even more distinct than beneath; Inflorescences unbranched, shorter than the leaves; Sepals sparsely hairy along the midrib to (nearly) glabrous outside, often some with rather distinct glandular spots; Petals creamish white to light purplish, the upper ones with a yellow spot, when dry orange, glabrous outside, apically and basally sparsely ciliate, the longest one 11-13 mm. Stamens: Ovary 1-2 mm stipitate, glabrous to densely appressedly whitish hairy; Fruit sometimes distinctly stipitate, globular, c. 1.5 cm diam., ± shiny, brownish, glabrous or nearly so;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sarawak present), E. Kalimantan present
Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak, E. Kalimantan).


Very variable in the indumentum of the ovary.


HEINE 1953: Pfl. Clemens Kinab. p 50
MEIJER 1967 – In: Bot. News Bull. Sandakan. p 88
MEIJDEN 1982: p. 110. – In: Leiden Bot. Ser. f. 9b.