Xanthophyllum griffithii

Primary tabs

Xanthophyllum griffithii


Tree, up to 27 m, 40 cm dbh. Leaf-blade 4—12(—15) by 1—4.5(—9) cm, apex sometimes cuspidate; Inflorescences up to 10 cm long, at very base with 2 side-axes or with a pair of buds of second order; Sepals sometimes with 2 glands in apical part; Petals white, the upper ones with a yellow spot, when dry dark red to orange-red, the longest one (5—)7—8 mm long; Stamens: Ovary 0.5-2 mm stalked, more or less appressedly hairy; Fruit globular, up to 1.5 cm diam., more or less smooth brown, appressedly hairy;


Asia-Tropical, SE. Asia present
SE. Asia and Malesia.


VAN DER MEIJDEN (l.c.) distinguished 3 subspecies, of which the typical one (from Burma, Mergui) occurs outside Malesia.


BURK. 1935: Dict. p 2269
BRANDIS 1906: Indian Trees. p 45
WYATT-SMITH 1952 – In: Mal. For. Rec. 80, 362
BURK. & HEND. 1925 – In: Gard. Bull. S. S. p 346
RIDLEY 1922 – In: Fl. Mal. Pen. p 149
A.W.BENNETT 1975: p. 85. – In: Mal. For. f. 8.1 A-E, 8.2
GAGNEP. 1908 – In: Desv., J. Bot. 21. p 251
Merr. 1923 – In: En. Philip. p 387
K. & V. 1900 – In: Bijdr. Booms. Java. p 302
MAINGAY 1890: Kew Bull. p 114
Koord. 1912 – In: Exk. Fl. Java. p 454
BACKER 1911: Schoolfl. Java. p 80
MEIJDEN 1982 – In: Leiden Bot. Ser. p 92
A.W.BENNETT 1928 – In: Gard. Bull. S. S. p 222
King 1890: Mat. Fl. Mal. Pen. p 136
NG 1972: p. 357. – In: Tree Fl. Mal. f. 2