Xanthophyllum parvifolium

Primary tabs

Xanthophyllum parvifolium


Tree, up to 25 m, 30 cm dbh. Leaf-blade 1.6-5(-6) by 0.5-1.6(-1.9) cm, base rounded to cuneate; Flowers solitary in the upper leaf axils or twigs terminating in a 1-3-flowered inflorescence; Sepals purplish, (sub)glabrous outside, outer ones c. 2 by 1.6 mm, inner ones 3-3.4 by 1.8-2.3 mm. Petals light orange, when dry orange brown, very sparsely hairy at base and at very apex, further glabrous, the longest one 10-11 mm. Stamens: Ovary c. 1 mm stipitate, appressedly hairy; Fruit very shortly stipitate, globular, up to 1.1 cm diam., dull, light brown, very sparsely shortly appressedly hairy;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sarawak present), Lambir Hills present, Sabal For. Res present
Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak: Sabal For. Res., Lambir hills).


MEIJDEN 1982 – In: Leiden Bot. Ser. p 88