Xanthophyllum incertum

Primary tabs

Xanthophyllum incertum


Small tree, to 10 m. Leaf-blade 6-16(-22) by 2.3-5.5(-8) cm, apex cuspidate; Inflorescences branched or un-branched, up to 7 cm long; Sepals sometimes with tiny glandular spots; Petals pinkish, reddish white or pale yellowish and purplish, when dry orange, the longest one 10.5-11.5 mm; Stamens: Ovary patently hairy; Fruit globular, c. 1.5 cm diam., ± shiny, brown, densely patently hairy;


Asia-Tropical, Central Sumatra present, Mt Sago present, Pajakumbuh present, Toba Lands present, West and Central Java present
Malesia: Central Sumatra (Toba Lands, Pajakumbuh, Mt Sago), West and Central Java.