Xanthophyllum brigittae

Primary tabs

Xanthophyllum brigittae


Shrub, c. 2 m high. Folia basi cordata incurvata; Leaf-blade 25-50 by 9-12 cm; Inflorescences numerous in the upper part of young twigs and also on older nodes, 1 or 2 in each axil, patent or slightly re-flexed, unbranched or basally sometimes with a side-branch; Sepals purplish brown, shortly hairy; Petala in-aequalia, petalo longissimo 16 mm longo; Petals whitish with pink to lilac tips when fresh, light to dark orange when dry, the longest one c. 16 mm; Stamens: Ovarium sparse oppresse pilosum; Ovary c. 1.5 mm stipitate, shortly appressedly hairy to near apex; Fruit unknown. Fructus ignotus.


Asia-Tropical, Gajolands present, Mt Leuser National Park present, N. Sumatra present
Malesia: N. Sumatra (Gajolands: Mt Leuser National Park).


Like 24. X. ancolanum, differing in the longer, distinctly transversally wrinkled petioles, the more numerous secondary nerves, the leaf base with its upturned margin (like in 32. X. adenotus) and its (nearly) free filaments.
Half a century ago VAN STEENIS collected (also on Mt Leuser) a fragment of this species (VAN STEENIS 10075, BO!), thrown down by monkeys, with a single flower and a small part of a single leaf. I erroneously attributed this to 51. X. erythrostachyum GAGNEP. noting, however, that the single flower possessed 4 instead of 11 ovules. Having now a fine collection at hand, it turned out that the original count of the ovules in VAN STEENIS' collection was correct.
The present species is named in honour of Ms. BRIGITTA DE WILDE-DUYFJES who ardently assisted her husband in the botanical exploration of the Leuser National Park in the Gajolands of N. Sumatra.