Xanthophyllum retinerve

Primary tabs

Xanthophyllum retinerve


Tree, up to 12 m, 20 cm dbh. Leaf-blade 7-14 by 2.5-5 cm, apex shortly acuminate to cuspidate; Inflorescences up to 10 cm long, with 2 opposite branches directly above base; Sepals sometimes with tiny glands; Petals white, when dry orange-red, glabrous inside, the longest one c. 6.5 mm; Stamens: Ovary (sub)sessile, faintly ribbed, densely shortly appressedly hairy; Fruit globular, up to 2.2 cm diam., smooth, rather dull, brown, sparsely appressedly hairy;


Asia-Tropical: Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present), Fraser's Hill present, Perak present, Trengganu present
Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Perak; Trengganu; Fraser's Hill).