Knema piriformis

Primary tabs

Knema piriformis


Tree 6-12 m. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong or lanceolate, 15-25 by 3-7 cm, apex acute(-acumi-nate), base rounded to attenuate; Inflorescences: Fruits 1 or 2 per infructescence, ovoid or ellipsoid, faintly ridged, apex subobtuse, base subtruncate, 2.4-2.6 by 1.5-1.7 cm, with grey hairs 0.1 mm long;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sabah present, Sarawak present), Kinabalu and its vicinity present
Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak; Sabah: mainly at Kinabalu and its vicinity).


1 The obovoid male buds may be quite similar to those of K. latericia subsp. albifolia, which differs in the flaking bark, a much more conspicuous indumentum of the twig apices, and more pronounced, not largely sunken, lateral nerves. As judged from the shape of the male buds, K. piriformis seems most related to K. pulchra and K. oblongata. 2 Some sterile specimens (with the lateral nerves above largely sunken) are reminiscent of K. patentinervia (Peninsular Malaysia); they may be confused also with K. hirtella, K. glauca, and K. cinerea (Lesser Sunda Islands), all latter species having ± globose male buds.


W.J. de Wilde 2000 – In: Tree Fl. Sabah & Sarawak. p 437