Knema glomerata

Primary tabs

Knema glomerata


Tree 5-20 m. Leaves chartaceous, rarely faintly lobed in the upper part, elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, 10-23(-35) by 3-7(-10) cm, base rounded to attenuate, apex acute(-acuminate), rarely obtuse; Inflorescences: Fruits 1-3 per infructescence, subglobose or globose-ellipsoid, obtuse, 1.5-2.5(-3) by 1.2-2.3 cm, with greyish brown, scurfy hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sarawak present); Philippines (Philippines present), Babuyan present, Basilan present, Batanes present, Bili-ran present, Cebu present, Cetanduanes present, Guimaras present, Leyte present, Luzon present, Marinduque present, Mindanao present, Mindoro present, Negros present, Palawan present, Panay present, Polillo present, Samar present, Seram present, Sibuyan present, Sulu Is present, Ticao present
Malesia: Philippines (all over the archipelago: Mindoro, Batanes, Babuyan, Luzon, Polillo, Marinduque, Cetanduanes, Sibuyan, Ticao, Samar, Leyte, Bili-ran, Cebu, Negros, Panay, Guimaras, Sulu Is., Basilan, Mindanao, Palawan); one collection from Borneo (Sarawak: 4th Div., see note 2); one collection from Seram


1 Knema glomerata is the most common species of Knema in the Philippines. It is close to K korthalsii, which differs in 20-35 pairs of lateral nerves, somewhat larger flowers, in male with an average of 18 anthers, and a more pronounced mammilla on the staminal disc. It is also close to K tomentella (for differences see the key), but this latter species possibly does not occur in the Philippines. 2 The specimen S 24419, from Sarawak, is highly questionable as regards the locality, far away from the main area of the species in the Philippines. It has male flowers, which agree with K. glomerata. 3 Knema glomerata is variable in the amount and length of the (deciduous) hairs on flowers, twig apices, and petioles: in a woolly form, the hairs are relatively long, up to 1 mm, and longer persistent, on the lower leaf surface it is denser; short-haired specimens may resemble K cinerea, which differs in a flat staminal disc, a very short indumentum on the flowers, and the perianth being usually creamy or greenish inside, not pinkish red.


W. J. de Wilde 1979 – In: Blumea. p 437
1879: 3. p 166
auct. non (Lour.) Hook. f. & Thomson: Fern.-Vill. 1886: Rev. PL Vase. Filip. p 220
1879: 3. p 164
1845. p 525
Merr. 2000 – In: Tree FI. Sabah & Sarawak. p 412
Merr. 1905 – In: Publ. Gov. Lab. Philipp. 24, 73
Merr. 1923 – In: Enum. Philipp. Flow. PL. p 184
Merr. 1918: Sp. Blanc. p 151
Vidal 1885: Phan. Cuming. Philipp. p 139
J. Sinclair 1961: p. 219. – In: Gard. Bull. Sing. f. 11, map 9
A. DC 1856 – In: Prodr. p 205
Merr. 1906 – In: Philipp. J. Sci. p 55
Fern.-Vill. 1880: Noviss. Append. p 27
Merr. 1923 – In: Enum. Philipp. Flow. pl. p 183
W. J. de Wilde 1987 – In: Blumea. p 125
Vidal 1886: Rev. pl. Vase. Filip. p 220
Merr. 1908 – In: Philipp. J. Sci. p 407
1845. p 526