Knema emmae

Primary tabs

Knema emmae


Treelet c. 4 m. Leaves thinly chartaceous, elliptic-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 12-20 by 3.5-7 cm, base short-attenuate, apex ± blunt or (acute-)acuminate; Inflorescences: Fruits 2-4 per infructescence (slightly immature), ovoid-oblong, 2.5-3 by 1.5-1.6 cm, base ± truncate or broadly rounded, apex narrowly rounded, with stigma remnant, 1 mm, dry pericarp 0.5(-l) mm thick, with rusty mealy hairs 0.5 mm;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sabah present), Keningau present, NE Kalimantan present
Malesia: Borneo (Sabah: Keningau; NE Kalimantan).


Knema emmae is obviously related to K curtisii (var. curtisii) and K lingui-formis. Knema curtisii is distinguishable by more slender twigs, 1(—1.5) mm in diameter, and smaller leaves with more slender lateral nerves and petiole; the fruits are ± similar in size (although variable) but early or late glabrescent. Knema linguiformis often has a ± rounded leaf base, fruits glabrous (early glabrescent), at base ± contracted towards a short fruiting pedicel. Knema emmae is noticeable especially for its male flowers, with a circular staminal disc, with beneath 14 or 15 not tightly contiguous small anthers; in the other two species mentioned here there are more anthers (although often only 9-18 in Bornean specimens of K curtisii var. curtisii), attached to a bluntly triangular staminal disc.


W.J. de Wilde 2000 – In: Tree Fl. Sabah & Sarawak. p 409