- <<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs>Shape>Lower lip>Lobe number
- <<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs>Shape>Upper lip>Lobe number
- <<<<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs>Shape>Lobe number
- <<<<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs>Shape>Lower lip
- <<<<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs>Shape>Upper lip
- <<<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs>Shape
- <<<Calyx>Ovules>Style>Shape
- <<<Calyx>Stamens>Anthers>Theca number
- <<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Margins>Hairs
- <<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Margins>Margin type
- <<<Leaves>Blade>Margins>Margin type
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Colour
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Tube
- <<Calyx>Lobes>Hairs
- <<Calyx>Lobes>Shape
- <<Calyx>Ovules>Ovule number per locule
- <<Calyx>Ovules>Posterior lobes
- <<Calyx>Ovules>Style
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Anthers
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Filaments
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Staminodes
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Thecae
- <<Capsules>Seeds>Hairs
- <<Capsules>Seeds>Seed number
- <<Capsules>Seeds>Shape
- <<Flowers>Bracteoles>Bracteole number
- <<Flowers>Bracteoles>Shape
- <<Inflorescences>Bracts>Colour
- <<Inflorescences>Bracts>Margins
- <<Inflorescences>Bracts>Shape
- <<Leaves>Blade>Margins
- <Calyx>Corolla
- <Calyx>Lobe number
- <Calyx>Lobes
- <Calyx>Ovules
- <Calyx>Stamens
- <Capsules>Retinacula
- <Capsules>Seeds
- <Flowers>Bracteoles
- <Habit>Growth form
- <Habit>Hairs
- <Inflorescences>Bracts
- <Inflorescences>Position
- <Leaves>Blade
- Calyx
- Capsules
- Description
- Distribution
- Flowers
- Habit
- Inflorescences
- Leaves
± equally to subbipped with and , corolla lobes contorted in bud6
6. 005-003-003-001
retinacula present, septae with retinacula remaining attached to inner wall of mature capsule;40
40. 006-001
Sprawling to erect perennial herbs with cystoliths, pilose or glabrate. Leaves petiolate; blades thin, margin entire, crenate, or repand-dentate. Inflorescences terminal or axillary spikes; bracts opposite, green, imbricate, usually ovate to suborbicular, margin entire, ciliate. Flowers sessile, subtended by 2narrowly lanceolate to elliptic bracteolesCalyx deeply 5-lobed, lobes linear-subulate, ciliolate, slightly unequal in length; corolla usually lavender, white, or purplish, tube slender, straight or curved, somewhat enlarged above, limb subregular, and ± equally 5-lobed to subbipped with upper lip 2-lobed and lower lip 3-lobed, corolla lobes contorted in bud; stamens 4, didynamous, inserted above middle of corolla tube, filaments united at base by a membrane, anthers 2-thecous, thecae equal, parallel, muticous at base, staminodes 0; ovules few to 6 in each locule, style included in corolla tube, subulate at apex, posterior lobe usually minute. Capsules substipitate, ellipsoidal, retinacula present, septae with retinacula remaining attached to inner wall of mature capsule; seeds 8-16, flat, lenticular, margins covered with hygroscopictrichomes.