
Primary tabs



<<<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs>Lip number

1. 005-003-004-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip>Growth form

2. 005-003-006-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobe number

3. 005-003-006-002


narrow, slightly ampliate4
4. 005-003-003-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip>Shape

flat or concave5
5. 005-003-005-002

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip>Teeth number

6. 005-003-005-001


7. 005-002-001-001

<<<Calyx>Stamens>Anthers>Theca number

8. 005-004-003-001


pubescent in lower half9
9. 005-004-002-001


red, violet, blue, pink, or white10
10. 005-003-001


limb nearly regular or more often ,11
11. 005-003-004

<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip

lower lip , slightly ;12
12. 005-003-006


often resupinate13
13. 005-003-002


tube ,14
14. 005-003-003

<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip entire, emarginate or , ,15
15. 005-003-005


oblique-truncate or sinuate-dentate16
16. 005-005-001


17. 005-002-002


18. 005-002-001

<<Calyx>Ovary>Ovule number per locule

19. 005-006-001


anthers ,20
20. 005-004-003


filaments ,21
21. 005-004-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number

22. 005-004-001


staminodes absent;23
23. 005-004-005


thecae often unequal, muticous or longer ones sometimes spurred,24
24. 005-004-004

<<Capsules>Seeds>Seed number

4 or 2(-1) by abortion25
25. 006-003-001


26. 006-003-002


smooth, muricate or squamose surface27
27. 006-003-003

<<Flowers>Bracteoles>Bracteole number

2 or 428
28. 004-003-001


lanceolate or ovate29
29. 004-003-002

<<Flowers>Bracts>Bract number

30. 004-002-001


orbicular to spathulate31
31. 004-002-002

<<Flowers>Inflorescences>Growth form

32. 004-001-001


lanceolate to ovate33
33. 003-001-001


corolla , ,34
34. 005-003


disk cupular, ;35
35. 005-005


lobes , equal to subequal, ;36
36. 005-002


ovary with ovules per locule.37
37. 005-006

<Calyx>Part number

38. 005-001


stamens , exserted but shorter than upper lip,39
39. 005-004


retinacula separating from inner capsule wall at maturity and protruding prominently from each valve of capsule, mature capsule conspicuously ruptured near base of head;40
40. 006-002


seeds , , with .41
41. 006-003


ovoid to suborbicular42
42. 006-001


bracteoles , opposite in pairs and forming an involucre, outer pair larger than inner, appressed, .43
43. 004-003


bracts , frequently small, ;44
44. 004-002


these forming , secund, often lax spikes or panicles45
45. 004-001

<Habit>Growth form

46. 001-001


pilose, hirtellous or variously pubescent47
47. 001-002


blades entire, or undulate, .48
48. 003-001


more or less hexagonal in cross-section49
49. 002-001


Calyx deeply ,50
50. 005


Capsules , subsessile, contracted into a short, solid stipe,51
51. 006


Perennial herbs or shrubs, erect, ascending or diffuse, pilose, hirtellous or variously pubescent. Stems branching, often lax, more or less hexagonal in cross-section. Leaves petiolate; blades entire, or undulate, lanceolate to ovate. Flowers sessile, solitary or clustered in contracted cymes, these forming erect, secund, often lax spikes or panicles; bracts 2, frequently small, orbicular to spathulate; bracteoles 2 or 4, opposite in pairs and forming an involucre, outer pair larger than inner, appressed, lanceolate or ovate. Calyx deeply 5-parted, lobes linear-setaceous, equal to subequal, hyaline; corolla red, violet, blue, pink, or white, often resupinate, tube narrow, slightly ampliate, limb nearly regular or more often 2-lipped, upper lip entire, emarginate or 2-toothed, flat or concave, lower lip spreading, slightly 3-lobed; stamens 2, exserted but shorter than upper lip, filaments pubescent in lower half, anthers 2-thecous, thecae often unequal, muticous or longer ones sometimes spurred, staminodes absent; disk cupular, oblique-truncate or sinuate-dentate; ovary with 2 ovules per locule. Capsules ovoid to suborbicular, subsessile, contracted into a short, solid stipe, retinacula separating from inner capsule wall at maturity and protruding prominently from each valve of capsule, mature capsule conspicuously ruptured near base of head; seeds 4 or 2(-1) by abortion, lenticular, with smooth, muricate or squamose surface.


East Indies present, Guianas present, South Africa present, tropical S America present, tropics, subtropics and warm-temperate regions of the world present
Large, taxonomically complex genus of about 150 species in the tropics, subtropics and warm-temperate regions of the world, best developed in the East Indies, South Africa and tropical S America; in the Guianas 4 species.


Flowers sessile, solitary or clustered in contracted cymes, ;52
52. 004


Perennial herbs or shrubs, , ascending or diffuse, .53
53. 001


Leaves petiolate;54
54. 003


Stems branching, often lax, .55
55. 002