
Primary tabs



<<<<Flowers>Calyx>Posterior lobes>Flowers>Lobe number

1. 005-002-002-001-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Posterior lobes>Flowers

flowers with calyx lobes2
2. 005-002-002-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobe number

3. 005-003-005-001


cylindric to expanded distally4
4. 005-003-002-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobe number

5. 005-003-004-001

<<<Flowers>Pollen>Insulae>Row number

6. 005-005-002-001


± circular7
7. 005-005-002-002

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers>Sterile theca number

8. 005-004-002-002

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers>Theca number

9. 005-004-002-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Thecae>Thecae with basal appendage number

1 or both10
10. 005-004-003-001


0.1-0.5 mm long11
11. 003-001-004-001

<<Capsules>Seeds>Seed number

12. 006-002-001


variable, spheroidal to diskoid, occasionally reniform or obcordate13
13. 006-002-002

<<Flowers>Bracteoles>Bracteole number

14. 005-001-001

<<Flowers>Calyx>Lobe number

15. 005-002-001

<<Flowers>Calyx>Posterior lobes

posterior lobe sometimes greatly reduced in ;16
16. 005-002-002


greenish, white, pinkish, red, or purplish, usually with white or colored markings on ridged palate of lower lip17
17. 005-003-001


limb strongly zygomorphic, bilipped,18
18. 005-003-003

<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip

lower lip , corolla lobes imbricate in bud;19
19. 005-003-005


tube , usually lacking a distinct throat,20
20. 005-003-002

<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip usually shallowly (rarely entire),21
21. 005-003-004

<<Flowers>Ovary>Ovule number per locule

22. 005-006-001


stigma lobes indistinct to distinct, when distinct equal to unequal in length.23
23. 005-006-003


style exserted from mouth of corolla,24
24. 005-006-002

<<Flowers>Pollen>Aperture number

25. 005-005-001


apertures flanked on each side by rows of insulae26
26. 005-005-002


anthers ( theca rarely sterile),27
27. 005-004-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

28. 005-004-001


thecae equal or unequal in length, equally or unequally inserted or superposed, with basal appendage (usually spurred or apiculate) staminodes absent;29
29. 005-004-003


green or brightly colored30
30. 004-004-002


linear or subulate to large31
31. 004-004-001

<<Inflorescences>Dichasia>Flower number

32. 004-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Leaf axils>Bract number

33. 004-001-001


cystoliths present, .34
34. 003-001-004


margins entire to sinuate to crenate35
35. 003-001-003


ovate to oblong36
36. 003-001-002


membranous to coriaceous37
37. 003-001-001


retinacula present, septa with retinacula remaining attached to inner wall of mature capsule;38
38. 006-001


seeds , .39
39. 006-002


subtended by bracteoles40
40. 005-001


calyx deeply ,41
41. 005-002


corolla ,42
42. 005-003


ovary with ovules per locule,43
43. 005-006


pollen subprolate to perprolate, , , exine usually reticulate;44
44. 005-005


stamens , inserted at various positions in corolla tube, exserted from mouth of corolla,45
45. 005-004


bracts alternate or opposite, various, small and distant, , , prominent or inconspicuous, margins entire (in the Guianas).46
46. 004-004


dichasia alternate or opposite, , subtended by a leaf or a bract, sessile or pedunculate;47
47. 004-003

<Inflorescences>Leaf axils

leaf axils (or in axil of partially fused bracts forming a cupulate involucre)48
48. 004-001


axillary and terminal49
49. 004-002


blades , , ,50
50. 003-001

<Stems>Growth form

51. 002-001


terete to quadrate52
52. 002-002


Capsules stipitate,53
53. 006


Herbaceous or shrubby perennials. Stems decumbent or erect, terete to quadrate. Leaves opposite, sessile to petiolate; blades membranous to coriaceous, ovate to oblong, margins entire to sinuate to crenate, cystoliths present, 0.1-0.5 mm long. Inflorescences of dichasia in leaf axils (or in axil of 2 partially fused bracts forming a cupulate involucre) or of axillary and terminal dichasiate spikes, racemes, thyrses or panicles; dichasia alternate or opposite, 1(-3)-flowered, subtended by a leaf or a bract, sessile or pedunculate; bracts alternate or opposite, various, small and distant, linear or subulate to large, green or brightly colored, prominent or inconspicuous, margins entire (in the Guianas). Flowers homostylous, subtended by 2 bracteoles, sessile or pedicellate; calyx deeply 4-5-lobed, posterior lobe sometimes greatly reduced in flowers with 5 calyx lobes; corolla greenish, white, pinkish, red, or purplish, usually with white or colored markings on ridged palate of lower lip, tube cylindric to expanded distally, usually lacking a distinct throat, limb strongly zygomorphic, bilipped, upper lip usually shallowly 2-lobed (rarely entire), lower lip 3-lobed, corolla lobes imbricate in bud; stamens 2, inserted at various positions in corolla tube, exserted from mouth of corolla, anthers 2-thecous (1 theca rarely sterile), thecae equal or unequal in length, equally or unequally inserted or superposed, 1 or both with basal appendage (usually spurred or apiculate) staminodes absent; pollen subprolate to perprolate, 2-4-aperturate, apertures flanked on each side by 1-several rows of ± circular insulae, exine usually reticulate; ovary with 2 ovules per locule, style exserted from mouth of corolla, stigma lobes indistinct to distinct, when distinct equal to unequal in length. Capsules stipitate, retinacula present, septa with retinacula remaining attached to inner wall of mature capsule; seeds 2-4, variable, spheroidal to diskoid, occasionally reniform or obcordate.


Cosmopolitan present, Guianas present
Cosmopolitan genus of up to 600 species; it is the largest genus of the Acanthaceae and also the largest genus of the family in the Guianas with 20 species.


Flowers homostylous, , sessile or pedicellate;54
54. 005


Herbaceous or shrubby perennials.55
55. 001


Inflorescences of dichasia in or of dichasiate spikes, racemes, thyrses or panicles;56
56. 004


Leaves opposite, sessile to petiolate;57
57. 003


Stems decumbent or , .58
58. 002


J. brasiliensis.


Growth rings absent.
Vessels more or less in radial distribution, c. 8% solitary, the remainder in radial multiples of 2-4 (10), over 100 per sq. mm, outline angular to round, 30 (18-50) µm wide. Vessel member length 340 (145-500) µm. Perforations simple, intervascular pits 3.5-4 µm, slits enclosed or confluent, giving the impression of spiral thickening; vessel/ray pitting identical. Tracheids occasionally present.
Rays exclusively 1-seriate, 16 per mm. All cells upright, juvenile type. Height up to 500 µm (6 cells).
Parenchyma extremely scarce, restricted to strands bordering a vessel. Strands fusiform and 2-3-celled.
Ground tissue of non-septate fibres. Diameter 12-15 µm, walls 3.5-4 µm thick. Pits simple, minute, in radial and less frequent in tangential walls. Length 550 (320-720) µm. F/V ratio: 1.60.