Justicia prevostiae

Primary tabs

Justicia prevostiae


<<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Tube>Shape>Diameter>Relative distance

1 mm above base1
1. 005-002-004-001-002-001


0.5 mm in diam. at base, slightly enlarged to 1.25 mm at2
2. 005-002-004-001-002


6-8 mm long3
3. 005-002-004-001-001


all glabrate or puberulous with a mixture of eglandular and glandular trichomes4
4. 005-001-006-001


5. 005-001-007-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Posterior lobes>Length

2.5-3 mm long6
6. 005-001-005-002

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Posterior lobes>Shape

7. 005-001-005-001


with conspicuous violet striations8
8. 005-002-008-001


oblong to narrowly obovate, apically rounded9
9. 005-002-007-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Growth form

± erect10
10. 005-002-006-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Length

5.5 mm long11
11. 005-002-006-002


cylindrical, , , then slightly constricted12
12. 005-002-004-001


2 mm wide at mouth13
13. 005-002-004-002

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Dimensions

5-6 x 1.5-2 mm14
14. 005-002-005-003

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Growth form

15. 005-002-005-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Shape

narrowly ovate16
16. 005-002-005-002

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma>Lobe number

17. 005-004-002-001


18. 005-004-001-001


19. 005-003-003-001


not conspicuously apiculate20
20. 005-003-002-001


21. 004-007-005-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Lower surfaces>Colour

lighter green, young blades often reddish to purple on lower surface22
22. 003-003-003-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Lower surfaces>Hairs

glabrate to puberulous23
23. 003-003-003-002


4-7 x 2-2.7 cm24
24. 003-003-001-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Upper surfaces>Colour

dark green when dry25
25. 003-003-002-001


reddish brown26
26. 006-004-001


2 x 1.75 x 1 mm27
27. 006-004-003


28. 006-004-002


4-4.5 mm long29
29. 005-001-004

<<Flowers>Calyx>Lobe number

5-lobed30 431
30. 005-001-001, 31. 005-001-002


32. 005-001-006


margin ;33
33. 005-001-007

<<Flowers>Calyx>Posterior lobes

posterior lobe reduced, , ,34
34. 005-001-005


narrowly lanceolate35
35. 005-001-003


white to pale mauve36
36. 005-002-001


37. 005-002-003


11-13(-14) mm long38
38. 005-002-002


limb ;39
39. 005-002-008


lobes ,40
40. 005-002-007

<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip

lower lip , ,41
41. 005-002-006


tube , ,42
42. 005-002-004

<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip , , , entire at apex,43
43. 005-002-005


stigma minute, .44
44. 005-004-002


style ,45
45. 005-004-001


filament ;46
46. 005-003-003

<<Flowers>Stamens>Relative distance

exserted 3-4 mm beyond mouth of corolla47
47. 005-003-001


anther thecae superposed, subequal, vertically attached to connective, ,48
48. 005-003-002


3.5-4 x 0.5 mm49
49. 004-008-002


50. 004-008-001


51. 004-007-001


3.5-4 x 0.75 mm52
52. 004-007-003


glabrate to puberulous with both eglandular and glandular trichomes53
53. 004-007-004


margin ;54
54. 004-007-005


narrowly lanceolate55
55. 004-007-002


56. 004-005-003


4-15 mm long57
57. 004-005-001


58. 004-005-002


59. 004-006-002


60. 004-006-001

<<Petiole>Blade>Lower surfaces

lower surface drying a , ;61
61. 003-003-003


elliptic to broadly lanceolate to narrowly ovate, , entire or undulate, acute to acuminate at apex, acute to attenuate at base62
62. 003-003-001

<<Petiole>Blade>Upper surfaces

upper surface ,63
63. 003-003-002

<<Petiole>Primary veins>Hairs

64. 003-004-001


7-7.5 x 2 x 1.5 mm65
65. 006-002


66. 006-003


seeds , , , surface and margin covered with knoblike papillae.67
67. 006-004


68. 006-001


calyx , lobes subequal, , ,69
69. 005-001


corolla , , ,70
70. 005-002


pistil equaling stamens,71
71. 005-004


stamens ,72
72. 005-003


30-50 cm tall73
73. 001-001


bracteoles , , vestiture similar to that of bract.74
74. 004-008


bracts , not imbricate, decussate, , mucronulate at apex, ,75
75. 004-007


sometimes violet76
76. 004-003

<Inflorescences>Growth form

77. 004-002


3.5-7 cm long78
78. 004-004


peduncle short, , , ;79
79. 004-005


terminal and axillary80
80. 004-001


rachis , ;81
81. 004-006


blade sometimes anisophyllous, firm, ,82
82. 003-003


83. 003-002


3-5 mm long84
84. 003-001

<Petiole>Primary veins

primary vein .85
85. 003-004


86. 002-002


87. 002-001


Capsule , , ;88
88. 006


Erect, perennial herb or subshrub, 30-50 cm tall. Stem subquadrate, sulcatae, pilosulous. Petiole short, 3-5 mm long, pilosulous; blade sometimes anisophyllous, firm, elliptic to broadly lanceolate to narrowly ovate, 4-7 x 2-2.7 cm, entire or undulate, acute to acuminate at apex, acute to attenuate at base, upper surface dark green when dry, lower surface drying a lighter green, young blades often reddish to purple on lower surface, glabrate to puberulous; primary vein pilosulous. Inflorescence terminal and axillary spikes, spikes solitary or paired, erect, lax, sometimes violet, 3.5-7 cm long, pedunculate; peduncle short, 4-15 mm long, subquadrangular, pilosulous; rachis subquadrangular, pilosulous; bracts green, not imbricate, decussate, narrowly lanceolate3.5-4 x 0.75 mm, mucronulate at apex, glabrate to puberulous with both eglandular and glandular trichomes, margin ciliolate; bracteoles linear, 3.5-4 x 0.5 mm, vestiture similar to that of bract. Flowers sessile, opposite, in pairs or solitary and accompanied by a rudimentary secund flower in bract axil; calyx 5-lobed, 4 lobes subequal, narrowly lanceolate, 4-4.5 mm long, posterior lobe reduced, filiform, 2.5-3 mm long, all glabrate or puberulous with a mixture of eglandular and glandular trichomes, margin ciliolate; corolla white to pale mauve, 11-13(-14) mm long, puberulous, tube cylindrical, 6-8 mm long, 0.5 mm in diam. at base, slightly enlarged to 1.25 mm at 1 mm above base, then slightly constricted, 2 mm wide at mouth, upper lip erect, narrowly ovate, 5-6 x 1.5-2 mm, entire at apex, lower lip ± erect, 5.5 mm long, lobes oblong to narrowly obovate, apically rounded, limb with conspicuous violet striations; stamens exserted 3-4 mm beyond mouth of corolla, anther thecae superposed, subequal, vertically attached to connective, not conspicuously apiculate, filament flattened; pistil equaling stamens, style puberulous, stigma minute, 2-lobed. Capsule clavate, 7-7.5 x 2 x 1.5 mm, puberulous; seeds reddish brown, subspheric, 2 x 1.75 x 1 mm, surface and margin covered with knoblike papillae.


French Guiana endemic
Endemic to French Guiana; 15 collections studied (FG: 15).


Flowers sessile, opposite, in pairs or solitary and accompanied by a rudimentary secund flower in bract axil;89
89. 005


Erect, perennial herb or subshrub, .90
90. 001

Individuals Association

Grand Inini R., de Granville et al. 7323 route to Kaw — Mt. Kaw, Prévost & Barthélémy 3691


Inflorescence spikes, spikes solitary or paired, , lax, , , pedunculate;91
91. 004


Petiole short, , ;92
92. 003


Flowering and fruiting .


Stem , sulcatae, .93
93. 002