Justicia sphaerosperma

Primary tabs

Justicia sphaerosperma



10-12 mm long1
1. 005-002-006-001-001

<<<<Flowers>Stamens>Thecae>Upper thecae>Relative distance

attached to connective 1 mm above basal appendaged theca2
2. 005-003-004-002-001

<<<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Hairs>Secondary vein pair number

6-8 pairs3
3. 003-003-003-003-001


6-7 mm long4
4. 006-003-001-001


10-12.5 x 1.5-1.75 mm5
5. 005-001-002-002


densely puberulent, trichomes appressed6
6. 005-001-002-003


7. 005-001-002-001


8. 005-001-003-001


not ciliolate9
9. 005-001-003-003


10. 005-001-003-002


yellow horizontal stripes11
11. 005-002-002-001


glabrous or veins sparingly and minutely hirtellous12
12. 005-002-002-003


30-45 mm long13
13. 005-002-002-002


oblong-linear, , obtuse14
14. 005-002-006-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Growth form

15. 005-002-005-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Length

15 mm long16
16. 005-002-005-002


20 mm long17
17. 005-002-003-001


4-6 mm wide at mouth18
18. 005-002-003-002

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Growth form

19. 005-002-004-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Length

12-14 mm long20
20. 005-002-004-003

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Shape

narrowly ovate21
21. 005-002-004-002

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Teeth number

22. 005-002-004-004


23. 005-003-003-001


yellow and brown24
24. 005-003-004-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Thecae>Upper thecae

upper theca25
25. 005-003-004-002

<<<Flowers>Style>Stigma>Lobe number

26. 005-004-003-001


sparingly pubescent on both surfaces, especially on primary vein and secondary veins ()27
27. 003-003-003-003

<<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Margin type

28. 003-003-003-001


acuminate at apex, acute to attenuate at base29
29. 003-003-003-002

<<<Petiole>Primary and secondary veins>Cystoliths>Cystolith number

30. 003-004-001-001


ovoid to subspheric to ellipsoid-obovoid, , often with a slight medial constriction31
31. 006-003-001


light brown32
32. 006-004-003


2.5 x 2.5 x 1.75 mm33
33. 006-004-004


puberulous, when mature glabrous, smooth and nitid34
34. 006-004-005

<<Capsules>Seeds>Seed number

35. 006-004-001


36. 006-004-002


5-6 mm long37
37. 006-002-001

<<Flowers>Calyx>Lobe number

38. 005-001-001


lobes , , , central vein rather prominent,39
39. 005-001-002


margin , , ;40
40. 005-001-003


red, pink, pink-salmon or light pinkish-red41
41. 005-002-001


lobes subequal, ;42 lobes with , , ,43
42. 005-002-006, 43. 005-002-002

<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip

lower lip , ,44
44. 005-002-005


tube , gradually enlarged from base, ,45
45. 005-002-003

<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip , , , slightly shorter than lower lip, apically minutely ,46
46. 005-002-004


47. 005-003-001


filaments ,48
48. 005-003-003

<<Flowers>Stamens>Relative distance

exserted 10-12 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube49
49. 005-003-002


anther thecae , subequal, superposed, ;50
50. 005-003-004


51. 005-004-002


25-40 mm long52
52. 005-004-001


stigma minutely .53
53. 005-004-003

<<Habit>Branches>Growth form

54. 001-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Axillary spikes>Length

1.3 cm long55
55. 004-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Bracts and bracteoles>Dimensions

10.5-20 x 0.75-1.5 mm56
56. 004-004-003

<<Inflorescences>Bracts and bracteoles>Hairs

hirtellous, trichomes ascending, apically sometimes glandular, ciliolate57
57. 004-004-004

<<Inflorescences>Bracts and bracteoles>Shape

linear-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate58
58. 004-004-002

<<Inflorescences>Bracts and bracteoles>Texture

rather thick59
59. 004-004-001

<<Inflorescences>Thyrsoid spikes>Length

to 7 cm long60
60. 004-002-001


6-15 x 1.25-3.5 cm61
61. 003-003-002


margin , , ;62
62. 003-003-003


63. 003-003-001

<<Petiole>Primary and secondary veins>Cystoliths

cystoliths .64
64. 003-004-001


body ;65
65. 006-003


12-14 x 5-6 x 4-5 mm66
66. 006-001


seeds , , , , .67
67. 006-004


stipe ,68
68. 006-002


calyx ,69
69. 005-001


corolla ,70
70. 005-002


stamens , ,71
71. 005-003


style , ,72
72. 005-004


branches .73
73. 001-002


0.35-3 m tall74
74. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Axillary spikes

axillary spikes shorter, undivided,75
75. 004-003

<Inflorescences>Bracts and bracteoles

bracts and bracteoles similar, , , , .76
76. 004-004


77. 004-001

<Inflorescences>Thyrsoid spikes

compound, dense thyrsoid spike , this imbricate from a leafy base78
78. 004-002


blade rather firm, , ,79
79. 003-003


puberulous, trichomes antrorsely appressed80
80. 003-002


5 mm long81
81. 003-001

<Petiole>Primary and secondary veins

primary vein and secondary veins prominent on lower surface, obscure on upper surface,82
82. 003-004


glabrous to sparingly puberulous, trichomes retrorsely curved83
83. 002-002


84. 002-001


Capsule ,85
85. 006


Woody climber, 0.35-3 m tall; branches spreading. Stem subterete, slightly sulcate, glabrous to sparingly puberulous, trichomes retrorsely curved. Petiole 5 mm long, puberulous, trichomes antrorsely appressed; blade rather firm, lanceolate, 6-15 x 1.25-3.5 cm, margin entire, acuminate at apex, acute to attenuate at base, sparingly pubescent on both surfaces, especially on primary vein and secondary veins (6-8 pairs); primary vein and secondary veins prominent on lower surface, obscure on upper surface, cystoliths numerous. Inflorescence a terminal, compound, dense thyrsoid spike to 7 cm long, this imbricate from a leafy base, axillary spikes shorter, undivided, 1.3 cm long; bracts and bracteoles similar, rather thick, linear-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, 10.5-20 x 0.75-1.5 mm, hirtellous, trichomes ascending, apically sometimes glandular, ciliolate. Flowers secund, sessile to subsessile; calyx 5-lobed, lobes linear-lanceolate, 10-12.5 x 1.5-1.75 mm, densely puberulent, trichomes appressed, central vein rather prominent, margin white, membranous, not ciliolate; corolla red, pink, pink-salmon or light pinkish-red, lobes with yellow horizontal stripes, 30-45 mm long, glabrous or veins sparingly and minutely hirtellous, tube 20 mm long, gradually enlarged from base, 4-6 mm wide at mouth, upper lip erect, narrowly ovate, 12-14 mm long, slightly shorter than lower lip, apically minutely 2-dentate, lower lip spreading, 15 mm long, lobes subequal, oblong-linear, 10-12 mm long, obtuse; stamens whitish, exserted 10-12 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube, filaments yellow, anther thecae yellow and brown, subequal, superposed, upper theca attached to connective 1 mm above basal appendaged theca; style 25-40 mm long, glabrous, stigma minutely 2-lobed. Capsule 12-14 x 5-6 x 4-5 mm, stipe 5-6 mm long, body ovoid to subspheric to ellipsoid-obovoid, 6-7 mm long, often with a slight medial constriction; seeds 4, subspheric, light brown, 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.75 mm, puberulous, when mature glabrous, smooth and nitid.


Amazonian Ecuador present, Amazonian Venezuela present, Guyana present, Los Llanos present, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present); Colombia (Colombia present)
Colombia (Los Llanos), Amazonian Venezuela, Guyana, Amazonian Ecuador and Bolivia and Brazil; 27 collections studied of which 15 from Guyana (GU: 15).


Flowers secund, sessile to subsessile;86
86. 005


Woody climber, ;87
87. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni region, Essequibo R. at Kurupukari crossing, Hoffman 1377 Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Karanambo, Rupununi R., Jansen-Jacobs et al. 4676


Inflorescence a , , ;88
88. 004


Petiole , ;89
89. 003


Flowering , fruiting .


Stem , slightly sulcate, .90
90. 002