Justicia mcdowellii

Primary tabs

Justicia mcdowellii


<<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Tube>Shape>Diameter>Relative distance

2.5 mm above base1
1. 005-002-004-001-002-001

<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes>Length

2 mm long2
2. 005-002-007-003-001

<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes>Shape

narrowly ovate and apically rounded3
3. 005-002-007-003-002


2 mm in diam. at base, enlarged to 3 mm at4
4. 005-002-004-001-002


19-19.5 mm long5
5. 005-002-004-001-001


2.5 mm wide at mouth6
6. 005-002-004-001-003

<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobes>Dimensions

0.5 x 0.5 mm7
7. 005-002-006-005-001

<<<<Flowers>Stamens>Thecae>Lower thecae>Shape

inconspcisouly apiculate8
8. 005-003-002-001-001

<<<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Larger bracts>Shape>Dimensions

8-9 x 7-8 mm9
9. 004-005-003-001-001

<<<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Margins>Sterile bracts>Dimensions

6-7 x 0.4-0.6 mm10
10. 004-005-005-002-002

<<<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Margins>Sterile bracts>Shape

11. 004-005-005-002-001


5-5.5 x 0.5 mm12
12. 005-001-003-002


aristate at apex, glabrous13
13. 005-001-003-003


14. 005-001-003-001


15. 005-001-004-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Growth form

16. 005-002-007-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Length

4 mm long17
17. 005-002-007-002

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes

lobes , all ;18
18. 005-002-007-003


narrowly cylindrical, , , then slightly constricted,19
19. 005-002-004-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Dimensions

5 x 1.75-2 mm20
20. 005-002-006-003

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Growth form

21. 005-002-006-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobe number

22. 005-002-006-004

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobes

lobes ,23
23. 005-002-006-005

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Shape

narrowly ovate24
24. 005-002-006-002

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma>Lobe number

25. 005-004-002-001


26. 005-004-002-002


27. 005-004-001-001


28. 005-003-003-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Thecae>Lower thecae

lower theca29
29. 005-003-002-001


30. 004-006-004-001

<<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Larger bracts>Shape

obovate to suborbicular, , rounded and apiculate at apex, abruptly narrowed and cuneate at base31
31. 004-005-003-001


32. 004-005-005-001

<<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Margins>Sterile bracts

sterile bract greatly reduced, ,33
33. 004-005-005-002

<<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Primary and secondary veins>Hairs

34. 004-005-004-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Lower surfaces>Colour

lighter yellow-green when dry35
35. 003-003-004-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Lower surfaces>Hairs

both surfaces sericeous36
36. 003-003-004-002


15-25 x 6-11 cm37
37. 003-003-002-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Upper surfaces>Colour

dark green when dry38
38. 003-003-003-001


dark reddish brown39
39. 006-004-001


3 x 2 1 mm40
40. 006-004-003


lenticular to subspheric41
41. 006-004-002


5.5-6 mm long42
42. 005-001-002

<<Flowers>Calyx>Lobe number

43. 005-001-001


lobes equal, , , ,44
44. 005-001-003


margin ;45
45. 005-001-004


46. 005-002-001


puberulous and gland-dotted47
47. 005-002-003


22-22.5 mm long48
48. 005-002-002


limb short,49
49. 005-002-005

<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip

lower lips , ,50
50. 005-002-007


tube ,51
51. 005-002-004

<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip , , , ,52
52. 005-002-006


stigma , minute, .53
53. 005-004-002


style ,54
54. 005-004-001


filament ;55
55. 005-003-003

<<Flowers>Stamens>Relative distance

exserted 4 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube56
56. 005-003-001


anther thecae superposed, subequal, vertically attached to connective, ,57
57. 005-003-002


6 x 0.5 mm58
58. 004-006-002


long-aristate at apex, puberulous59
59. 004-006-003


margin .60
60. 004-006-004


61. 004-006-001


62. 004-005-001

<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Larger bracts

larger bract , thin63
63. 004-005-003


margin , ;64
64. 004-005-005

<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Primary and secondary veins

primary and secondary veins prominent, both surfaces gland-dotted, along primary vein65
65. 004-005-004


66. 004-005-002


pilose and puberulous67
67. 004-003-003


7-16 cm long68
68. 004-003-002


69. 004-003-001


pilose and puberulous70
70. 004-004-002


71. 004-004-001

<<Petiole>Blade>Lower surfaces

lower surface a , , espeically on venation;72
72. 003-003-004


elliptic to oblong to narrowly ovate, , entire or slightly undulate, short-acuminate at apex, attenuate at base73
73. 003-003-002


thin and membranous74
74. 003-003-001

<<Petiole>Blade>Upper surfaces

upper surface ,75
75. 003-003-003

<<Petiole>Primary and secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

6-7 pairs76
76. 003-004-001


77. 002-002-001


15 x 4 x 3 mm78
78. 006-002


79. 006-003


seeds , , , surface and margin covered with knoblike papillae.80
80. 006-004


81. 006-001


calyx , ,82
82. 005-001


corolla , , ,83
83. 005-002


pistil ± equaling stamens,84
84. 005-004


stamens ,85
85. 005-003


to 1.2 m tall86
86. 001-001


bracteoles , , ,87
87. 004-006


bracts , , ,88
88. 004-005


8-15 cm long89
89. 004-002


peduncle , , ;90
90. 004-003


91. 004-001


rachis , ;92
92. 004-004


blade , ,93
93. 003-003


sparingly pilose94
94. 003-002


5 mm long95
95. 003-001

<Petiole>Primary and secondary veins

primary and secondary veins () rather obscure above, more prominent on lower surface.96
96. 003-004


pilose, trichomes sordid to97
97. 002-002


98. 002-001


Capsule , , ;99
99. 006


Herb to 1.2 m tall. Stem ascending, quadrangular, pilose, trichomes sordid to yellowish. Petiole short or lacking, if present, then 5 mm long, sparingly pilose; blade thin and membranous, elliptic to oblong to narrowly ovate, 15-25 x 6-11 cm, entire or slightly undulate, short-acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, upper surface dark green when dry, lower surface a lighter yellow-green when dry, both surfaces sericeous, espeically on venation; primary and secondary veins (6-7 pairs) rather obscure above, more prominent on lower surface. Inflorescence terminal, long-pedunculate spikes, these usually paired, 8-15 cm long; peduncle subquadrangular, 7-16 cm long, pilose and puberulous; rachis subquadrangular, pilose and puberulous; bracts greenheteromorphic, larger bract obovate to suborbicular, 8-9 x 7-8 mm, rounded and apiculate at apex, abruptly narrowed and cuneate at base, thin, primary and secondary veins prominent, both surfaces gland-dotted, pubescent along primary vein, margin ciliate, sterile bract greatly reduced, linear, 6-7 x 0.4-0.6 mm; bracteoles linear, 6 x 0.5 mm, long-aristate at apex, puberulous, margin ciliolate. Flowers sessile to subsessile; calyx 5-lobed, 5.5-6 mm long, lobes equal, linear-lanceolate, 5-5.5 x 0.5 mm, aristate at apex, glabrous, margin ciliolate; corolla white, 22-22.5 mm long, puberulous and gland-dotted, tube narrowly cylindrical, 19-19.5 mm long, 2 mm in diam. at base, enlarged to 3 mm at 2.5 mm above base, then slightly constricted, 2.5 mm wide at mouth, limb short, upper lip erect, narrowly ovate, 5 x 1.75-2 mm, 2-lobed, lobes 0.5 x 0.5 mm, lower lips spreading, 4 mm long, lobes 2 mm long, all narrowly ovate and apically rounded; stamens exserted 4 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube, anther thecae superposed, subequal, vertically attached to connective, lower theca inconspcisouly apiculate, filament flattened; pistil ± equaling stamens, style glabrous, stigma 2-lobed, minute, rounded. Capsule clavate, 15 x 4 x 3 mm, puberulous; seeds dark reddish brown, lenticular to subspheric, 3 x 2 1 mm, surface and margin covered with knoblike papillae.


Guyana endemic
Endemic to Guyana, known only from the type locality, mixed forest, with palms, Heliconia, Marantaceae, and Gesneriaceae in understory.


Flowers sessile to subsessile;100
100. 005


Herb .101
101. 001


Inflorescence , long-pedunculate spikes, these usually paired, ;102
102. 004


Petiole short or lacking, if present, then , ;103
103. 003


Flowering and fruiting in .


Stem ascending, , .104
104. 002