Justicia comata

Primary tabs

Justicia comata


<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes>Dimensions

0.5-1.2 x 0.4-1 mm1
1. 005-002-006-004-002

<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes>Shape

2. 005-002-006-004-001

<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobes>Length

0.1 mm long3
3. 005-002-005-004-001


0.1 mm long4
4. 005-004-003-001-001


2-2.7 m long5
5. 006-005-001-001


0.9-1.3 x 0.9-1.2 mm6
6. 006-007-003-001


1.2-3 x 0.3-0.5 mm7
7. 005-001-003-002


glabrous to minutely hirtellous8
8. 005-001-003-003


narrowly lanceolate to subulate9
9. 005-001-003-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Dimensions

1.8-4 x 3 mm10
10. 005-002-006-003

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Growth form

11. 005-002-006-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes

lobes , ;12
12. 005-002-006-004

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Shape

13. 005-002-006-002


0.8-1.4 mm in diam.14
14. 005-002-004-003


1-2 mm long15
15. 005-002-004-002


16. 005-002-004-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Dimensions

2-3 x 1-1.25 mm17
17. 005-002-005-003

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Growth form

18. 005-002-005-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobes

lobes ,19
19. 005-002-005-004

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Shape

20. 005-002-005-002


21. 005-003-003-001


22. 005-003-002-001


23. 005-003-004-002


0.3-0.5 mm long24
24. 005-003-004-001


subcapitate, , minutely bilobed and rounded25
25. 005-004-003-001


0.8-2.2(-5) x 0.3-0.5 mm26
26. 004-007-001-001


to 4 mm long27
27. 004-005-002-001


both surfaces and margin glabrous to sparsely pubescent28
28. 003-003-003-003

<<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Margin type

29. 003-003-003-001


acuminate at apex, attenuate to truncate to cordate-auriculate at base30
30. 003-003-003-002


ovoid to subellipsoid to obovoid, , often with medial constriction31
31. 006-005-001


ca. 0.75 mm long32
32. 006-006-001


narrowly cucullate33
33. 006-006-002


reddish brown, , surface covered with knoblike papillae34
34. 006-007-003


margin fringed, minutely papillose.35
35. 006-007-004

<<Capsules>Seeds>Seed number

36. 006-007-001


37. 006-007-002


1-1.7 mm long38
38. 006-004-001


1.5-4 mm long39
39. 005-001-002

<<Flowers>Calyx>Lobe number

40. 005-001-001


lobes , equal, , ;41
41. 005-001-003


white, lilac, light blue, purplish-white, often with maroon markings or nectar guides on lower lip42
42. 005-002-001


glabrous or upper part of tube sparsely pubescent43
43. 005-002-003


3-7 mm long44
44. 005-002-002

<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip

lower lip , , ,45
45. 005-002-006


tube , , ,46
46. 005-002-004

<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip , , , emarginate,47
47. 005-002-005


anthers ,48
48. 005-003-003


filaments ,49
49. 005-003-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Relative distance

exserted ca. 2 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube50
50. 005-003-001


thecae , unequal, subparallel to perpendicular, unequally inserted or superposed, ;51
51. 005-003-004


52. 005-004-002

<<Flowers>Style>Relative distance

exserted ca. 3 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube53
53. 005-004-001


stigma .54
54. 005-004-003


0.7-3 x 0.2-0.5 mm55
55. 004-008-002


glabrous or sparingly hirtellous56
56. 004-008-003


subulate to triangular-subulate57
57. 004-008-001


58. 004-007-002


subulate to triangular-subulate, , sharply acute59
59. 004-007-001


minutely to densely hirtellous, often with longer, gland-tipped trichomes intermixed60
60. 004-005-003


very slender and almost filiform, , ± angular61
61. 004-005-002

<<Inflorescences>Branches>Whorl number

62. 004-005-001

<<Inflorescences>Flowers>Flower number per axil

63. 004-006-001


to 25 cm long64
64. 004-004-001


12 cm wide at base65
65. 004-004-002


to 7 cm long66
66. 004-002-001


67. 004-003-001


paniculate inflorescence involving the entire plant68
68. 004-003-002

<<Juvenile stems>Hairs>Line number

69. 002-002-001


2.5-6(-16) x 0.7-3.5(-4) cm70
70. 003-003-002


margin , , ;71
71. 003-003-003


narrowly ovate to lanceolate72
72. 003-003-001

<<Petiole>Primary and secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

ca. 6 pairs73
73. 003-004-001


body ,74
74. 006-005


3-5 x 2 x 1 mm75
75. 006-002


sparingly hirtellous or glabrate76
76. 006-003


retinacula , ;77
77. 006-006


seeds , , ,78
78. 006-007


79. 006-001


stipe ,80
80. 006-004


calyx , ,81
81. 005-001


corolla , , ,82
82. 005-002


stamens ,83
83. 005-003


style , ,84
84. 005-004

<Habit>Growth form

Erect to spreading or decumbent85
85. 001-001


to 1 m tall86
86. 001-002

<Habit>Lower nodes

often rooting at the lower nodes.87
87. 001-003


bracteoles , , .88
88. 004-008


bracts subtending flowers , , strongly costate;89
89. 004-007


branches of inflorescence in whorls of , , ,90
90. 004-005


flowers secund, per axil of bract;91
91. 004-006


panicles and ,92
92. 004-004


peduncle ,93
93. 004-002


axillary and terminal94
94. 004-001


spikes forming in aggregate or panicle or sometimes a ,95
95. 004-003

<Juvenile stems>Hairs

glabrous or sparsely pubescent, trichomes spreading or retrorse and disposed in lines96
96. 002-002

<Juvenile stems>Shape

subhexagonal to subquadrangular, ± grooved97
97. 002-001


blade , ,98
98. 003-003


glabrous or rather sparingly hirtellous99
99. 003-002


0 to 20 mm long100
100. 003-001

<Petiole>Primary and secondary veins

primary vein and secondary veins () obscure.101
101. 003-004


Capsule , , ,102
102. 006

Common Name

English (Suriname): yaladu


Erect to spreading or decumbent (annual ?) perennial, often somewhat aquatic, herb to 1 m tall; often rooting at the lower nodes. Young stem subhexagonal to subquadrangular, ± grooved, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, trichomes spreading or retrorse and disposed in 2 lines. Petiole 0 to 20 mm long, glabrous or rather sparingly hirtellous; blade narrowly ovate to lanceolate, 2.5-6(-16) x 0.7-3.5(-4) cm, margin entire, acuminate at apex, attenuate to truncate to cordate-auriculate at base, both surfaces and margin glabrous to sparsely pubescent; primary vein and secondary veins (ca. 6 pairs) obscure. Inflorescence axillary and terminal slender or branched spikes, these fascicled or the lowermost disposed in peduncled umbels, peduncle to 7 cm long, spikes forming in aggregate or terminal panicle or sometimes a paniculate inflorescence involving the entire plant, panicles to 25 cm long and 12 cm wide at base, branches of inflorescence in whorls of 3-7, very slender and almost filiform, to 4 mm long, ± angular, minutely to densely hirtellous, often with longer, gland-tipped trichomes intermixed, flowers secund, 1 per axil of bract; bracts subtending flowers subulate to triangular-subulate, 0.8-2.2(-5) x 0.3-0.5 mm, sharply acute, glabrous, strongly costate; bracteoles subulate to triangular-subulate, 0.7-3 x 0.2-0.5 mm, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous. Flowers sessile; calyx 5-lobed, 1.5-4 mm long, lobes narrowly lanceolate to subulate, equal, 1.2-3 x 0.3-0.5 mm, glabrous to minutely hirtellous; corolla white, lilac, light blue, purplish-white, often with maroon markings or nectar guides on lower lip, 3-7 mm long, glabrous or upper part of tube sparsely pubescent, tube cylindric, 1-2 mm long, 0.8-1.4 mm in diam., upper lip erect, ovate, 2-3 x 1-1.25 mm, emarginate, lobes 0.1 mm long, lower lip spreading, triangular, 1.8-4 x 3 mm, lobes ovate, 0.5-1.2 x 0.4-1 mm; stamens exserted ca. 2 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube, filaments glabrous, anthers purple, thecae 0.3-0.5 mm long, unequal, subparallel to perpendicular, unequally inserted or superposed, glabrous; style exserted ca. 3 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube, glabrous, stigma subcapitate, 0.1 mm long, minutely bilobed and rounded. Capsule clavate, 3-5 x 2 x 1 mm, sparingly hirtellous or glabrate, stipe 1-1.7 mm long, body ovoid to subellipsoid to obovoid, 2-2.7 m long, often with medial constriction, retinacula ca. 0.75 mm long, narrowly cucullate; seeds 4, lenticular, reddish brown, 0.9-1.3 x 0.9-1.2 mm, surface covered with knoblike papillae, margin fringed, minutely papillose.


Guianas present, Southern America, northern Argentina present, southern Mexico present, tropical America present
Widely distributed throughout tropical America; ranging from southern Mexico and the West Indies, southward to northern Argentina; 453 collections studied of which 21 from the Guianas (GU: 7; SU: 9; FG: 5).


Flowers sessile;103
103. 005


(annual ?) perennial, often somewhat aquatic, herb ;104
104. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, banks of Kabalebo R., Florschütz & Maas 2559 Suriname, Lindeman & Görts-van Rijn et al. 527 Guyana, Barima-Waini Region: Barima R. Head, Pipoly 8347 confluence of l’Itany (Haut Maroni) and Marouini Rs., Cremers 5001 Guyana, upper Rupununi R., de la Cruz 1450 de Granville et al. 9787


Inflorescence slender or branched spikes, these fascicled or the lowermost disposed in peduncled umbels,105
105. 004

Juvenile stems

Young stem , .106
106. 002


As is to be expected of a species of such an extensive range, considerable variation in corolla color, pubescence of inflorescence and leaf blades shape and size is exhibited. Plants in wet situations, especially those growing in water, tend to produce long narrow leaf blades gradually narrowed to a subsessile base.


Petiole , ;107
107. 003


Flowering and fruiting .