Dicliptera knappii

Primary tabs

Dicliptera knappii


<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Middle lobes>Width

0.5 mm wide1
1. 005-005-007-004-001

<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip>Shape>Dimensions

8-11 x 4 mm2
2. 005-005-005-001-001


3. 005-005-007-003

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Lateral lobes

lateral ones slightly narrower4
4. 005-005-007-005


about 0.5 mm long5
5. 005-005-007-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Middle lobes

middle one6
6. 005-005-007-004


7. 005-005-007-002

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip>Dimensions

8-11 x 2.5 mm8
8. 005-005-006-002

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobe number

3-lobed at apex9
9. 005-005-006-003

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip>Shape

narrowly ovate10
10. 005-005-006-001


about 9 mm long11
11. 005-005-004-002


12. 005-005-004-001


1 mm wide basally, 2 mm wide apically13
13. 005-005-004-003

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip>Shape

obovate, , rounded or obtuse14
14. 005-005-005-001


15. 005-006-002-002


16. 005-006-002-001


1 x 0.5 mm17
17. 005-006-003-001


pilose, trichomes18
18. 004-004-003-004


about 4 mm long19 1.5-2 mm long20
19. 004-004-003-002, 20. 004-004-003-005


21. 004-004-003-001


22. 004-004-003-003

<<<Flowers>Cymule bracts>Margins>Hairs

ciliate with straight trichomes23
23. 004-005-004-001

<<<Flowers>Cymule bracts>Margins>Length

1.5-2 mm long24
24. 004-005-004-002

<<<Flowers>Cymule bracts>Shape>Dimensions

12-14 x 4-6.5 mm25
25. 004-005-001-001

<<<Lower leaves>Margins>Cystoliths>Cystolith number

26. 003-003-005-001


27. 005-005-001


glabrous except hirtellous medial portion and outer surface of lips28
28. 005-005-003


17-20 mm long29
29. 005-005-002


lobes , , , , ;30
30. 005-005-007

<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip

lower lip , , ,31
31. 005-005-006


tube , , ,32
32. 005-005-004

<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip ,33
33. 005-005-005


low and cupuliform34
34. 005-007-001


1.5-2 x 0.5 mm wide at base35
35. 005-004-002


narrowly subulate-triangular36
36. 005-004-001


37. 005-008-001


filaments , ,38
38. 005-006-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Relative distance

exserted about 7 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube39
39. 005-006-001


anther thecae superposed, ;40
40. 005-006-003


1 mm long41
41. 006-003-001


obliquely cucullate and acute42
42. 006-003-002


43. 004-006-001


44. 004-006-004


about 5 mm long45
45. 004-006-003


46. 004-006-002


bracts subtending cymes , , ,47
47. 004-004-003


glandular puberulous48
48. 004-004-002


0.5-2 mm long49
49. 004-004-001

<<Flowers>Cymule bracts>Colour

green with whitish base, minutely dotted with yellowish glands50
50. 004-005-003

<<Flowers>Cymule bracts>Margins

margin of ;51
51. 004-005-004

<<Flowers>Cymule bracts>Shape

similar in size or anterior one slightly smaller than other, both elliptic to ovate, , acuminate and mucronate at tip, cuneate at base52
52. 004-005-001

<<Flowers>Cymule bracts>Vein number

5-veined from base53
53. 004-005-002


to 6 cm long54
54. 004-001-002


55. 004-001-001


glandular puberulous56
56. 004-003-002


2-5 mm long57
57. 004-003-001

<<Flowers>Primary bracts>Shape

commonly reduced and apiculate58
58. 004-002-001

<<Lower leaves>Blade>Dimensions

3-4 x 1.1.5 cm59
59. 003-002-002

<<Lower leaves>Blade>Shape

60. 003-002-001

<<Lower leaves>Margins>Colour

drying dark olive green61
61. 003-003-003

<<Lower leaves>Margins>Cystoliths

cystoliths ;62
62. 003-003-005

<<Lower leaves>Margins>Hairs

glabrous63 ciliolate64
63. 003-003-004, 64. 003-003-001

<<Lower leaves>Margins>Shape

acuminate, often apiculate upwards, narrowed and rounded at base and then shortly cuneate onto petiole65
65. 003-003-002

<<Lower leaves>Petiole>Hairs

66. 003-001-002

<<Lower leaves>Petiole>Length

5 mm long67
67. 003-001-001

<<Lower leaves>Primary and secondary veins>Hairs

more or less hirtellous68
68. 003-004-002

<<Lower leaves>Primary and secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

4-6 pairs69
69. 003-004-001


70. 005-001


corolla , , ,71
71. 005-005


disk ;72
72. 005-007


minutely puberulous73
73. 005-003


about 4 mm long74
74. 005-002


lobes , ;75
75. 005-004


ovary .76
76. 005-008


stamens ,77
77. 005-006


5 x 1 mm78
78. 006-001


79. 006-002


retinacula , ;80
80. 006-003


seeds not seen.81
81. 006-004


bracteoles , , , .82
82. 004-006


cyme branches short, , , ;83
83. 004-004

<Flowers>Cymule bracts

cymule bracts , firm, , ,84
84. 004-005


borne in shortly pedunculate cymes, these in axils of leaf-like bracts, becoming crowded and confluent upwards to form a dense inflorescence85
85. 004-001


peduncle , ;86
86. 004-003

<Flowers>Primary bracts

primary bracts similar to leaves but ;87
87. 004-002


to 1 m tall88
88. 001-001

<Lower leaves>Blade

blade thin, , ,89
89. 003-002

<Lower leaves>Margins

margins , , , ,90
90. 003-003

<Lower leaves>Petiole

petiole slender, , ;91
91. 003-001

<Lower leaves>Primary and secondary veins

primary vein and secondary veins () .92
92. 003-004

<Stems>Growth form

93. 002-001


94. 002-003


subhexagonal, angles rounded95
95. 002-002


Calyx , , ,96
96. 005


Capsule , ,97
97. 006


Climbing perennial suffrutescent to 1 m tall. Stem erect, subhexagonal, angles rounded, glabrous. Lower leaves soon deciduous; petiole slender, 5 mm long, hirtellous; blade thin, lanceolate, 3-4 x 1.1.5 cm, margins ciliolate, acuminate, often apiculate upwards, narrowed and rounded at base and then shortly cuneate onto petiole, drying dark olive green, glabrous, cystoliths numerous; primary vein and secondary veins (4-6 pairs) more or less hirtellous. Flowers borne in shortly pedunculate cymes, these in axils of leaf-like bracts, becoming crowded and confluent upwards to form a dense terminal inflorescence to 6 cm long; primary bracts similar to leaves but commonly reduced and apiculate; peduncle 2-5 mm long, glandular puberulous; cyme branches short, 0.5-2 mm long, glandular puberulous, bracts subtending cymes linear, about 4 mm long, chartaceous, pilose, trichomes1.5-2 mm long; cymule bracts similar in size or anterior one slightly smaller than other, both elliptic to ovate, 12-14 x 4-6.5 mm, acuminate and mucronate at tip, cuneate at base, firm, 5-veined from base, green with whitish base, minutely dotted with yellowish glands, margin ciliate with straight trichomes of 1.5-2 mm long; bracteoles whitish-green, linear-lanceolate, about 5 mm long, hirsute. Calyx whitish-green, about 4 mm long, minutely puberulous, lobes narrowly subulate-triangular, 1.5-2 x 0.5 mm wide at base; corolla purple, 17-20 mm long, glabrous except hirtellous medial portion and outer surface of lips, tube cylindrical, about 9 mm long, 1 mm wide basally, 2 mm wide apically, upper lip obovate, 8-11 x 4 mm, rounded or obtuse, lower lip narrowly ovate, 8-11 x 2.5 mm, 3-lobed at apex, lobes about 0.5 mm long, rounded, pilose, middle one 0.5 mm wide, lateral ones slightly narrower; stamens exserted about 7 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube, filaments flattened, glabrous, anther thecae superposed, 1 x 0.5 mm; disk low and cupuliform; ovary glabrous. Capsule 5 x 1 mm, pubescent, retinacula 1 mm long, obliquely cucullate and acute; seeds not seen.


Guyana present
Guyana; known only from the type collection.


Flowers ;98
98. 004


Climbing perennial suffrutescent .99
99. 001

Lower leaves

Lower leaves soon deciduous;100
100. 003


Flowering in .


Stem , , .101
101. 002