
Primary tabs


<<<Flowers>Ovary>Ovules>Ovule number

1. 004-004-002-001

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Style>Stigma number

1 lobed or 2-52
2. 004-004-003-002

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Style>Style number

13 2-54
3. 004-004-003-001, 4. 004-004-003-003


5. 004-001-002-001

<<<Flowers>Sepals>Calyx>Teeth number

4- or 5-toothed6
6. 004-001-002-002

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers>Locule number

7. 004-003-003-001

<<Flowers>Ovary>Locule number

8. 004-004-001


ovules , campylotropous, placentae basal, central or free central,9
9. 004-004-002


style , stigmas, or styles , free or united at base.10
10. 004-004-003


united in a , calyx11
11. 004-001-002

<<Flowers>Sepals>Sepal number

12. 004-001-001


anthers , versatile, longitudinally dehiscent;13
13. 004-003-003


filaments free, basally united or epipetalous ones adnate to base of petal,14
14. 004-003-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Whorl number

1 or 2 whorls15
15. 004-003-001


embryo curved around perisperm.16
16. 005-002-001


ovary superior, sessile or shortly stipitate, ,17
17. 004-004


petals as many as sepals or sometimes some or all absent, free or nearly so, sometimes bifid and clawed;18
18. 004-002


sepals , imbricate, free or , persistent;19
19. 004-001


stamens in , sometimes in part absent,20
20. 004-003


seeds usually numerous, small, with mealy endosperm,21
21. 005-002

<Fruits>Teeth number

22. 005-001


stems often jointed and swollen at nodes.23
23. 001-001


24. 003-001


often sessile or indistinctly petiolate, petiole often amplexicaul.25
25. 002-002


exstipulate or less often with small, scarious stipules, often connate at base;26
26. 002-001


Annual or perennial herbs, or subshrubs; stems often jointed and swollen at nodes. Leaves opposite and decussate, or whorled, simple, entire; exstipulate or less often with small, scarious stipules, often connate at base; often sessile or indistinctly petiolate, petiole often amplexicaul. Inflorescence a terminal, solitary flower, or a dichasial cyme or umbel. Flowers regular, bisexual, rarely unisexual; sepals 4-5, imbricate, free or united in a tubular, 4- or 5-toothed calyx, persistent; petals as many as sepals or sometimes some or all absent, free or nearly so, sometimes bifid and clawed; stamens in 1 or 2 whorls, sometimes in part absent, filaments free, basally united or epipetalous ones adnate to base of petal, anthers 2-locular, versatile, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary superior, sessile or shortly stipitate, 1(-5)-locular, ovules 1-numerous, campylotropous, placentae basal, central or free central, style 1, 1 lobed or 2-5 stigmas, or styles 2-5, free or united at base. Fruit a capsule, valvate or dehiscing by 2-5 apical teeth; seeds usually numerous, small, with mealy endosperm, embryo curved around perisperm.


Cosmopolitan present, Guianas present
Approximately 2200 species in 86 genera, cosmopolitan, but most widely distributed in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere (with a center in the Mediterranean and Irano-Turanean regions), rarely indigenous to the tropics; in the Guianas 2 species in 2 genera.


Flowers regular, bisexual, rarely unisexual;27
27. 004


Fruit a capsule, valvate or dehiscing by apical teeth;28
28. 005


Annual or perennial herbs, or subshrubs;29
29. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Goodland, R. 537 Suriname, Teunissen, P.A. et al. LBB 14521 Suriname, Hostmann, F.W.R. et al. 714 Suriname, Heinemann, D. s.n. Suriname, Hostmann, F.W.R. et al. 303 Suriname, without coll. s.n. Suriname, Caulon, B. 538 Poiteau, P.A. s.n. Jacquemin, H. 1636 Guyana, Cooper, A. 310 Raynal-Roques, A. 19874 Mori, S.A. et al. 23381 Guyana, Maas, P.J.M. et al. 3770 Guyana, Pulle, A. II 533 Guyana, Harrison, S.G. & R. Persaud 751 Suriname, Hostmann, F.W.R. et al. 714a Suriname, Doesburg, P.H. van 27 Guyana, Hahn, W. et al. 4472 Guyana, Harrison, S.G. & R. Persaud 1026 Guyana, Appun, C.F. 2121 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 624 Guyana, Maguire, B. & D.B. Fanshawe 23562 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1708 Suriname, Herb. Schweinitz s.n. Guyana, Irwin, H.S. 342 Guyana, Georgetown Botanic Garden H 1759/51 Feuillet, C. 1696 Guyana, Pipoly, J.J. et al. 9376 Guyana, Mell, R.C. & C.D. Mell 232 Suriname, Kappler, A. 25 Suriname, Jansma, R. 9 Jacquemin, H. 1497 Guyana, Hohenkerk, L.S. 964 Suriname, Hostmann, F.W.R. et al. 598 Guyana, Appun, C.F. 841 Suriname, Lindeman, J.C. & E.A. Mennega 5722 Suriname, Donselaar, J. van & W.A.E. van Donselaar 331 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 483 Jacquemin, H. 1509 Ducatillon, C. & A. Gelly 83 Suriname, LBB Guyana, Hohenkerk, L.S. 127 Suriname, Archer, W.A. 2837 Suriname, Essed, E, s.n. 81 Suriname, Maas, P.J.M. et al. 7693 Guyana, Fanshawe, D.B. 64 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1663 Suriname, Lindeman, J.C. & E.A. Mennega 182 Alexandre, D.Y. 383 Broadway, W.E. 27 Moretti, C. 268


Inflorescence a , solitary flower, or a dichasial cyme or umbel.30
30. 003


Leaves opposite and decussate, or whorled, simple, entire;31
31. 002