
Primary tabs


<<<Flowers>Ovary>Ovules>Ovule number per locule

1-numerous per locule1
1. 004-004-002-001

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Style>Style or stigma number

as many as locules2
2. 004-004-003-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers>Locule number

3. 004-003-003-001

<<Flowers>Ovary>Locule number

(1-)2- to 5-locular4
4. 004-004-001


ovules , placentation axile, anatropous to campylotropous, bitegmic, crassinucellate,5
5. 004-004-002


styles or stigmas , usually free.6
6. 004-004-003

<<Flowers>Petals>Petal number

absent in Guianan species or few to numerous7
7. 004-002-001

<<Flowers>Sepals>Sepal number

8. 004-001-001


9. 004-001-002


anthers , dehiscing by longitudinal slits;10
10. 004-003-003


filaments usually connate at base in short cupular tube,11
11. 004-003-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

12. 004-003-001


embryo peripheral, curved,13
13. 005-001-003


endosperm scanty or absent.14
14. 005-001-005


perisperm hard, starchy,15
15. 005-001-004


usually reniform16
16. 005-001-001


17. 005-001-002

<<Inflorescences>Position>Flower number per inflorescence

sometimes few-flowered18
18. 003-001-001


19. 002-002-001


ovary superior, ,20
20. 004-004


petals ;21
21. 004-002


sepals , free, ;22
22. 004-001


stamens ,23
23. 004-003


seeds , , sometimes with a funicule and strophiole,24
24. 005-001


25. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Bracts and bracteoles

bracts and bracteoles minute.26
26. 003-002


mostly terminal or seemingly axillary cymes, axillary27
27. 003-001


petiolate (sometimes weakly).28
28. 002-003


exstipulate or stipules , sometimes laciniate;29
29. 002-002


often somewhat fleshy30
30. 002-001


Annual or perennial, glabrous herbs or subshrubs, with monopodial or sympodial branching. Leaves alternate, opposite or whorled, simple, entire, often somewhat fleshy and crowded into a basal rosette and with pseudowhorls on stem; exstipulate or stipules membranous, sometimes laciniate; petiolate (sometimes weakly). Inflorescence mostly terminal or seemingly axillary cymes, sometimes few-flowered axillary fascicles or cymes, or solitary flowers; bracts and bracteoles minute. Flowers bisexual (rarely unisexual and dioecious), regular; sepals (4-)5, free, membranous; petals absent in Guianan species or few to numerous; stamens (3-)4-5(-numerous), filaments usually connate at base in short cupular tube, anthers 4-locular, dehiscing by longitudinal slits; ovary superior, (1-)2- to 5-locular, ovules 1-numerous per locule, placentation axile, anatropous to campylotropous, bitegmic, crassinucellate, styles or stigmas as many as locules, usually free. Fruit a loculicidally dehiscent capsule; seeds usually reniform, smooth, sometimes with a funicule and strophiole, embryo peripheral, curved, perisperm hard, starchy, endosperm scanty or absent.


Africa, Guianas present, New and Old World tropics and subtropics present
Approximately 120 species in 13 genera, occurring mainly in the New and Old World tropics and subtropics, including a primary center of distribution in southern Africa; 2 genera in the Guianas.


Flowers bisexual (rarely unisexual and dioecious), regular;31
31. 004


Fruit a loculicidally dehiscent capsule;32
32. 005


Annual or perennial, herbs or subshrubs, with monopodial or sympodial branching.33
33. 001

Individuals Association

Cremers, G.A. 635 Guyana, Harrison, S.G. et al. 1765 Guyana, Schulz, J.P. 8309 Guyana, Pulle, A. II 543 Suriname, Boerboom, J. LBB 9522 Philippe, M. 91 Suriname, Hostmann, F.W.R. 5101 Cremers, G.A. 12896 Cremers, G.A. 12463 Guyana, Irwin, H.S. 773 Suriname, BW Merlier, - GY 128 Guyana, Thurn, E.F. im s.n. Guyana, Parker, C.S. s.n. Suriname, Versteeg, G.M. 272 Suriname, LBB Suriname, Heyligers, P.C. 742 Suriname, Donselaar, J. van & W.A.E. van Donselaar 379 Jelski, C. von s.n. Poiteau, P.A. s.n. Cremers, G.A. 11439 Suriname, Focke, H.C. 274 Guyana, Goodland, R.J.A. 1054 Broadway, W.E. 507 Suriname, Mennega, A.M.W. 402 Guyana, Davis, D.H. 101 Guyana, without coll. s.n. Sastre, C. et al. 234 Suriname, Geijskes, D.C. 193 Feuillet, C. 579 Suriname, Hekking, W.H.A. 1090 Suriname, Jonker-Verhoef, A.M.E. & F.P. Jonker 158 Sagot, P.A. 37 Granville, J.J. de 1957 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 125 Suriname, Went, F.A.F.C. 465 Suriname, Went, F.A.F.C. 418 Suriname, Stahel, G. & J.W. Gonggrijp BW 3035 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro., ser. I 255 Suriname, Hostmann, F.W.R. 1019 Cremers, G.A. 5120 Lescure, J.P. 635 Guyana, Kortright, P. 135 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1847 Suriname, Pons, T.L. LBB 12654 Cremers, G.A. 4922 Hoff, M. 5244 Suriname, Schulz, J.P. LBB 9930 Cremers, G.A. 7996 Guyana, Harrison, S.G. et al. 1071 Oldeman, R.A.A. 171h Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1818 Merlier, - GY 130 Guyana, Rothery, H.C. 109 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 999 Leprieur, F.R. 7038


Inflorescence fascicles or cymes, or solitary flowers;34
34. 003


Leaves alternate, opposite or whorled, simple, entire, and crowded into a basal rosette and with pseudowhorls on stem;35
35. 002


Regarding the MOLLUGINACEAE, Endress and Bittrich (1993) observed that "morphologically, the basic differences with the AIZOACEAE are in the structure of the androecium and the calyx, funicle length and the epidermis of leaves and stems." For additional information, see also note under family 30. AIZOACEAE.