
Primary tabs



<<<<Flowers>Ovary>Style>Disk>Stigma number

1. 005-006-004-004-001

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Ovules>Ovule number

2. 005-006-003-001

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Style>Branch number

3. 005-006-004-003


expanded into broad umbrella-shaped disc with stigmas4
4. 005-006-004-004

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Style>Growth form

5. 005-006-004-002

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Style>Style number

6. 005-006-004-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers>Locule number

7. 005-003-002-002


8. 005-003-002-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers>Theca number

9. 005-003-002-003

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number>Whorl number

10. 005-003-001-001

<<<Fruits>Seeds>Cotyledons>Cotyledon number

11. 006-001-003-001

<<<Fruits>Seeds>Embryo>Growth form

12. 006-001-002-001


glabrous, pubescent or tuberculate13
13. 005-006-002

<<Flowers>Ovary>Locule number

14. 005-006-001


ovules , axial, anatropous,15
15. 005-006-003


style , simple, , shallowly lobed, or .16
16. 005-006-004

<<Flowers>Petals>Cycle number

17. 005-002-002

<<Flowers>Petals>Petal number

absent or 518
18. 005-002-001

<<Flowers>Pollen>Colpus number

19. 005-004-002


20-35 x 20-30(-46) μm20
20. 005-004-001

<<Flowers>Sepals>Cycle number

21. 005-001-002

<<Flowers>Sepals>Sepal number

22. 005-001-001


anthers , , , basifixed, sometimes during anthesis reflexing from introrse to extrorse, or anthers dorsifixed, introrse and not reflexing, laterally dehiscing or dehiscing by caudal appendages;23
23. 005-003-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

10-numerous, in whorl, or numerous and originating from an irregular primordial plexus24
24. 005-003-001


cotyledons , short.25
25. 006-001-003


embryo small or relatively large, , embedded in (copious) endosperm,26
26. 006-001-002


ovoid, obovoid27
27. 006-001-001

<<Leaves>Mature leaves>Indumentum

indument inside pitcher differentiated (see note to Heliamphora)28
28. 003-002-002

<<Leaves>Mature leaves>Shape

29. 003-002-001

<<Leaves>Primary veins>Lid veins

veins in the lid reticulate.30
30. 003-003-002

<<Leaves>Primary veins>Secondary veins

secondary veins reticulate,31
31. 003-003-001


ovary superior, , ,32
32. 005-006


petals , , free, strongly imbricate;33
33. 005-002


pollen , , exine verruculate or minutely scrobiculate;34
34. 005-004


sepals , ;35
35. 005-001


stamens , free,36
36. 005-003


staminodes absent;37
37. 005-005


seeds many, or clavate, compressed, fimbriate or basally tailed,38
38. 006-001


bracteoles absent or present.39
39. 004-003


bracts absent or present, then scale-like or foliaceous, sessile;40
40. 004-002


41. 004-001

<Leaves>Mature leaves

mature leaves transformed into large, pitchers (insect traps) with a reduced blade, ;42
42. 003-002


phyllodes present or absent;43
43. 003-001

<Leaves>Primary veins

primary veins in the pitcher parallel,44
44. 003-003


Perennial herbs, sometimes climbing. Stem simple or branched. Leaves rosulate or alternate, not stipulate, sessile; phyllodes present or absent; mature leaves transformed into large, tubular pitchers (insect traps) with a reduced blade, indument inside pitcher differentiated (see note to Heliamphora); primary veins in the pitcher parallel, secondary veins reticulate, veins in the lid reticulate. Inflorescences simple, terminal, single-flowered or racemose; bracts absent or present, then scale-like or foliaceous, sessile; bracteoles absent or present. Flowers bisexual, regular; sepals 4-6, 1-cyclic; petals absent or 5, 1-cyclic, free, strongly imbricate; stamens 10-numerous, in 1 whorl, or numerous and originating from an irregular primordial plexus, free, anthers oblong-linear, 2-locular, 4-thecate, basifixed, sometimes during anthesis reflexing from introrse to extrorse, or anthers dorsifixed, introrse and not reflexing, laterally dehiscing or dehiscing by caudal appendages; pollen 20-35 x 20-30(-46) μm, (3-)4-9-colporate, exine verruculate or minutely scrobiculate; staminodes absent; ovary superior, 3(-4)-5-locular, glabrous, pubescent or tuberculate, ovules numerous, axial, anatropous, style 1, simple, erect, shallowly lobed, 5-branched or expanded into broad umbrella-shaped disc with 5 stigmas. Fruits loculicidal capsules; seeds many, ovoid, obovoid or clavate, compressed, fimbriate or basally tailed, embryo small or relatively large, erect, embedded in (copious) endosperm, cotyledons 2, short.


E coast of the United States present, Guayana Highlands present, Guianas present, N California and adjacent Oregon present
A Neotropical family of 3 genera and 15 species; SarraceniaL. from the E coast of the United States (8 species), the monotypic genus Darlingtonia Torr. from N California and adjacent Oregon and Heliamphora Benth. with 6 species restricted to the Guayana Highlands; in the Guianas only Heliamphora nutans Benth. is present.


Flowers bisexual, regular;45
45. 005


Fruits loculicidal capsules;46
46. 006


Perennial herbs, sometimes climbing.47
47. 001



Individuals Association

Guyana, Renz, J. 14202 Guyana, Tate, G.H.H. 363 Schomburgk, Ro. ser. I, 1050 Guyana, Renz, J. 14267 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ri. 983 Guyana, Abbensetts, N.J. 42 Guyana, Abbensetts, N.J. 3 Ule, E. Herbarium Brasiliense 8608 Guyana, Hahn, W.J. et al. 5528 Guyana, Thurn, E.F. im 258


Inflorescences simple, , single-flowered or racemose;48
48. 004


Leaves rosulate or alternate, not stipulate, sessile;49
49. 003


Stem simple or branched.50
50. 002