Chorisepalum rotundifolium

Primary tabs

Chorisepalum rotundifolium



1. 005-002-004-001


15-22 x 7-11 mm2
2. 005-002-002-002


narrowly ovate-elliptic3
3. 005-002-002-001


acute to long-acuminate4
4. 005-003-006-001


9-12 x 3-4 mm5
5. 005-003-005-002


6. 005-003-005-001


7. 005-004-002-001


2-4 mm long8
8. 005-004-002-003


9. 005-004-002-002


ca. 4-5 mm long10
10. 005-004-001-001


rounded, sometimes mucronate11
11. 003-002-006-001


rounded to cuneate12
12. 003-002-007-001

<<<Leaves>Blade>Margins>Growth form

13. 003-002-005-001


1.5-6 cm long14
14. 002-003-001


apex ;15
15. 005-002-004


16. 005-002-001


lobes , ,17
17. 005-002-002


margin scarcely hyaline,18
18. 005-002-003


apex ;19
19. 005-003-006


green to brownish20
20. 005-003-001


25-30 mm long21
21. 005-003-003


lobes , ,22
22. 005-003-005


23. 005-003-002


7-11 mm wide at mouth24
24. 005-003-004


anthers , , , straight to slightly bent;25
25. 005-004-002


filaments , straight,26
26. 005-004-001


light brown27
27. 006-005-001


0.7-1.5 mm in diam.28
28. 006-005-002


1-3 x 2-3 mm29
29. 004-002-002


30. 004-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Flower number per inflorescence>Flower number

31. 004-001-001


8-11 mm long32
32. 004-003-001


apex ,33
33. 003-002-006


base .34
34. 003-002-007


dull above35
35. 003-002-002


1.8-7.2(-14.2) x 1.2-5.3(-11) cm36
36. 003-002-004


margin slightly to strongly ,37
37. 003-002-005


obovate, suborbicular to elliptic38
38. 003-002-003


coriaceous to thickly coriaceous39
39. 003-002-001


0.4-1 cm long40
40. 003-001-001


0.9 cm in diam.41
41. 002-001


internodes .42
42. 002-003


terete to slightly quadrangular, not winged43
43. 002-002


calyx ,44
44. 005-002


corolla , , , ,45
45. 005-003

<Flowers>Growth form

46. 005-001


pistil not seen.47
47. 005-006


pollen exine coarsely reticulate;48
48. 005-005


stamens reaching corolla mouth but not exserted,49
49. 005-004


green, becoming brown with age50
50. 006-002


11-20 x 8-9 mm51
51. 006-004

<Fruits>Growth form

52. 006-001


seeds ,53
53. 006-005


54. 006-003


up to 4 m high55
55. 001-001


bracts scale-like, , ;56
56. 004-002


pedicel .57
57. 004-003


blade , with conspicuous venation, , ,58
58. 003-002


petiole ;59
59. 003-001


Branches , ;60
60. 002


Shrub, up to 4 m high, branched. Branches 0.9 cm in diam., terete to slightly quadrangular, not winged; internodes 1.5-6 cm long. Leaves petiolate, evenly distributed; petiole 0.4-1 cm long; blade coriaceous to thickly coriaceous, dull above with conspicuous venation, obovate, suborbicular to elliptic, 1.8-7.2(-14.2) x 1.2-5.3(-11) cm, margin slightly to strongly recurved, apex rounded, sometimes mucronate, base rounded to cuneate. Inflorescence 1-8-flowered; bracts scale-like, ovate-triangular, 1-3 x 2-3 mm; pedicel 8-11 mm long. Flowers erect; calyx green, lobes narrowly ovate-elliptic, 15-22 x 7-11 mm, margin scarcely hyaline, apex acuminate; corolla green to brownish, salver-shaped, 25-30 mm long, 7-11 mm wide at mouth, lobes ovate, 9-12 x 3-4 mm, apex acute to long-acuminate; stamens reaching corolla mouth but not exserted, filaments ca. 4-5 mm long, straight, anthers yellow, linear-oblong, 2-4 mm long, straight to slightly bent; pollen exine coarsely reticulate; pistil not seen. Fruit erect, green, becoming brown with age, ellipsoid, 11-20 x 8-9 mm; seeds light brown, 0.7-1.5 mm in diam.


Guyana present present, Mt. Roraima present present, Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela present), tepuis in Bolívar state present
Venezuela (tepuis in Bolívar state), Guyana (Mt. Roraima); 8 collections studied, of which 1 from Mt. Roraima in Guyana, Persaud 152 (NY) (GU: 1).


Flowers ;61
61. 005


Fruit , , , ;62
62. 006


Shrub, , branched.63
63. 001


Inflorescence ;64
64. 004


Leaves petiolate, evenly distributed;65
65. 003


Flowers reported , fruits .