Irlbachia breviflora

Primary tabs

Irlbachia breviflora



1. 005-002-005-001


2 x 2 mm2
2. 005-002-003-002


3. 005-002-003-001


4. 005-003-004-001


3-6 x 5-6 mm5
5. 005-003-003-002


6. 005-003-003-001


inside white-striped7
7. 005-003-002-001


10-19 mm long8
8. 005-003-002-003


broadly funnel-shaped9
9. 005-003-002-002


4-8 mm wide at mouth10
10. 005-003-002-004


ca. 3 x 2 mm11
11. 005-006-002-001

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes>Dimensions

1-2 x 1-2 mm12
12. 005-006-004-002

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes>Shape

narrowly oblong13
13. 005-006-004-001


4-12 mm long14
14. 005-006-003-001


15. 005-004-002-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers>Growth form

recurved after anthesis16
16. 005-004-002-004


2-3 mm long17
17. 005-004-002-003


18. 005-004-002-002


6-11 mm long19
19. 005-004-001-001


20. 003-002-005-001


rounded to slightly attenuate21
21. 003-002-006-001


22. 003-002-004-001

<<<Leaves>Blade>Midveins>Secondary vein pair number

1 pair (rarely 2)23
23. 003-002-007-001


apex ;24
24. 005-002-005


25. 005-002-001


3-5 x 3-4 mm26
26. 005-002-002


lobes , ,27
27. 005-002-003


margin hyaline,28
28. 005-002-004


apex ;29
29. 005-003-004


white, blue, to purple30
30. 005-003-001


lobes , ,31
31. 005-003-003


throat and midrib , , , ,32
32. 005-003-002


ca. 10 mm long33
33. 005-006-001


ovary ,34
34. 005-006-002

<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes

stigma lobes , .35
35. 005-006-004


style ,36
36. 005-006-003


anthers , , , ;37
37. 005-004-002


filaments , bent,38
38. 005-004-001


39. 006-005-001


ca. 1 mm in diam.40
40. 006-005-002


ca. 1-2 x 0.5-1 mm41
41. 004-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Flower number per inflorescence>Flower number

42. 004-001-001


1-8(-11) mm long43
43. 004-003-001


apex ,44
44. 003-002-005


base ,45
45. 003-002-006


1.1-8 x 0.4-2.6 cm46
46. 003-002-003


margin ,47
47. 003-002-004


midvein raised below, with of basal arcuate secondary veins.48
48. 003-002-007


narrowly elliptic, lanceolate, to broadly elliptic49
49. 003-002-002


membranaceous to coriaceous50
50. 003-002-001


0-1.2 cm long51
51. 003-001-001

<<Stems and branches>Internodes>Length

0.8-12 cm long52
52. 002-004-001

<<Stems and branches>Wings>Wing number

53. 002-003-001


calyx , ,54
54. 005-002


corolla ,55
55. 005-003

<Flowers>Growth form

erect, horizontal or nodding56
56. 005-001


pistil ,57
57. 005-006


pollen exine reticulate with groups of spines in polar areas;58
58. 005-005


stamens exserted from corolla mouth,59
59. 005-004


60. 006-002


6-9 x 3-4 mm61
61. 006-004

<Fruits>Growth form

erect, horizontal or slightly nodding62
62. 006-001


seeds ,63
63. 006-005


64. 006-003


40-80(-150) cm high65
65. 001-001


bracts awl-shaped, ;66
66. 004-002


pedicel .67
67. 004-003


blade , , ,68
68. 003-002


petiole ;69
69. 003-001

<Stems and branches>Diameter

up to 0.5 cm in diam.70
70. 002-001

<Stems and branches>Internodes

internodes .71
71. 002-004

<Stems and branches>Shape

72. 002-002

<Stems and branches>Wings

with narrow wings on each side of stem73
73. 002-003


Herb, 40-80(-150) cm high, sparsely branched. Stems and branches up to 0.5 cm in diam., terete, with 2 narrow wings on each side of stem; internodes 0.8-12 cm long. Leaves sessile to shortly petiolate, arranged close to base or spread out along stem; petiole 0-1.2 cm long; blade membranaceous to coriaceous, narrowly elliptic, lanceolate, to broadly elliptic, 1.1-8 x 0.4-2.6 cm, margin flat, apex acute, base rounded to slightly attenuate, midvein raised below, with 1 pair (rarely 2) of basal arcuate secondary veins. Inflorescence 3-70-flowered, long-stalked; bracts awl-shaped, ca. 1-2 x 0.5-1 mm; pedicel 1-8(-11) mm long. Flowers erect, horizontal or nodding; calyx green, 3-5 x 3-4 mm, lobes elliptic, 2 x 2 mm, margin hyaline, apex obtuse; corolla white, blue, to purple, throat and midrib inside white-striped, broadly funnel-shaped, 10-19 mm long, 4-8 mm wide at mouth, lobes elliptic, 3-6 x 5-6 mm, apex acuminate; stamens exserted from corolla mouth, filaments 6-11 mm long, bent, anthers white, linear, 2-3 mm long, recurved after anthesis; pollen exine reticulate with groups of spines in polar areas; pistil ca. 10 mm long, ovary ca. 3 x 2 mm, style 4-12 mm long, stigma lobes narrowly oblong, 1-2 x 1-2 mm. Fruit erect, horizontal or slightly nodding, brown, ovoid-ellipsoid, 6-9 x 3-4 mm; seeds brown, ca. 1 mm in diam.


Guianas present, Guyana present, Pakaraima Mts present, S Venezuela, tepui summits and slopes present
S Venezuela, tepui summits and slopes, and adjacent Guyana (Pakaraima Mts.); 67 collections studied, of which 12 from the Guianas (GU: 12).


Flowers ;74
74. 005


Fruit , , , ;75
75. 006


Herb, , sparsely branched.76
76. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Pakaraima Mts, Mt Aymatoi (sandstone), Maas et al. 5800 Guyana, Haieka Savanna, 2 km E of Chinowieng Village, Tillett et al. 45251 Guyana, upper Mazaruni R. region, Karowtepu Mt., Boom & Gopaul 7556


Inflorescence , long-stalked;77
77. 004


Leaves sessile to shortly petiolate, arranged close to base or spread out along stem;78
78. 003


This species shows large plasticity, with plants only 5 cm high in moss-covered habitats to ca. 80 cm high in open sandy areas. Irlbachia breviflora is very similar to the lowland species I. nemorosa (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Merrill, which is found in S Venezuela and N Brazil. Both species show extensive variability and some researchers have treated them as conspecific. The main differing characteristic is the longer peduncle of I. breviflora, giving it a long-stalked inflorescence, and a tendency to have the leaves aggregated closer to the base. Seeds of I. breviflora also appear to have only concave cells, whereas plants from the lowlands have seeds with both dome-like and concave cells, but this needs to be confirmed with additional studies.
This species has been known as I. cardonae (Gleason) Maguire until now. Studies of the type material of Lisianthus breviflorus Benth. identified these as the same species. Since Bentham’s name (1840) has nomenclatoral priority over Gleason’s name (1939), the name of the species had to be changed.


Flowering and fruiting .

Stems and branches

Stems and branches , , ;79
79. 002