Knema laurina var. heteropilis

Primary tabs

Knema laurina var. heteropilis


Leaves on lower surface with persistent hairs of variable size and shape. Fruits 1.5(—2) cm long;


Asia-Tropical: Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present); Sumatera (Sumatera present), Kedah present, Negri Sembilan present, Perak present, Selangor present, Simeuluë I present, W Java present
Malesia: Sumatra (Simeuluë I.), Peninsular Malaysia (Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan), W Java.


2 The specimen Lutjeharms 4421, from Enggano, is possibly of hybrid origin, in the vicinity of K. glaucescens and K. losirensis. 1 Specimens of var. heteropilis from Peninsular Malaysia and Java have somewhat narrower leaves as compared to those from Simeuluë I. and to those generally found in the type variety. The specimens from Simeuluë I. (Achmad 63, 1195, 1808), are stout, with large, broad leaves, strong twigs at apex 4 mm diameter, and fruits 2 by 1.2 cm; typical var. laurina is known from Siberut (Iboet 178).