Phoradendron pteroneuron

Primary tabs

Phoradendron pteroneuron

<<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes>Fertile internode number

1. 004-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Flowers>Flower number per bract

2. 004-004-001


3. 004-004-002

<<Juvenile stems>Internodes>Length

to 7 cm long4
4. 001-001-001

<<Juvenile stems>Lateral internodes>Basal cataphyll pair number

1 or 2 (3) pairs5
5. 001-003-001

<<Juvenile stems>Lateral internodes>Relative distance

to 2 cm or more above axil6
6. 001-003-002


apex rounded,7
7. 002-002-003


base abruptly tapered into petiole.8
8. 002-002-004


to 9(-12) x 6 cm9
9. 002-002-002


(ob)ovate to elliptic10
10. 002-002-001


0.4 x 0.25 cm11
11. 005-001

<Fruits>Perianth segments

perianth segments closed.12
12. 005-002

<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes

fertile internodes , crowded;13
13. 004-003


flowers per fertile bract, .14
14. 004-004


to 5 cm long15
15. 004-001

<Inflorescences>Sterile internode number

16. 004-002

<Juvenile stems>Intercalary cataphylls

intercalary cataphylls absent;17
17. 001-002

<Juvenile stems>Internodes

internodes ;18
18. 001-001

<Juvenile stems>Lateral internodes

laterals with of rather large basal cataphylls, .19
19. 001-003


blade , ,20
20. 002-002


ca. 1 cm long21
21. 002-001


Young stems slightly keeled, soon becoming terete, percurrent; internodes to 7 cm long; intercalary cataphylls absent; laterals with 1 or 2 (3) pairs of rather large basal cataphylls, to 2 cm or more above axil. Petiole ca. 1 cm long; blade (ob)ovate to elliptic, to 9(-12) x 6 cm, apex rounded, base abruptly tapered into petiole. Monoecious? (spikes of all 3 specimens identical). Inflorescence to 5 cm long, with 1-6 sterile internodes, fertile internodes 3-6, crowded; flowers (3)5(7) per fertile bract, 2-seriate. Fruit ovoid, 0.4 x 0.25 cm, smooth, perianth segments closed.


Guyana present, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present); Brazil Southeast (Rio de Janeiro present); Colombia (Colombia present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), Suriname present
Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Bolivia; 60+ collections studied (GU: 4; SU: 1).


Fruit ovoid, , smooth,22
22. 005

Individuals Association

Suriname, Oldenburger et al. 814 Guyana, Ayanganna Plateau, Koatse R. valley, 2 km E of base camp, Pipoly et al. 10933 Guyana, Rupununi, trail Kopinang-Orinduik, ca. 1.5 mi walk from Orinduik, Boom et al. 9301 Guyana, Mazaruni-Potaro, Parakaima Mts., Cipo Mts., sheetrock area N and NW of summit ridge, Henkel et al. 1142 Guyana, Headwaters of Kangu R., W branch, 4 km W of peak of Mt. Ayanganna, first talus slope of Plateau, Pipoly et al. 11010


Inflorescence , with sterile internodes,23
23. 004

Juvenile stems

Young stems slightly keeled, soon becoming terete, percurrent;24
24. 001


Similar in general appearance, especially leaf shape and size, to P. racemosum, which ranges through the Guianas, the Caribbean, and northern Brazil. P. racemosum, however, is consistently dichotomous (through abortion of its apex), while P. pteroneuron is percurrent; and the inflorescence of the former has a peduncle of no more than 2 sterile internodes, while up to 6 are present in P. pteroneuron.


Petiole ;25
25. 002

Plant sexuality

Monoecious? (spikes of all 3 specimens identical).26
26. 003