Phoradendron chrysocladon

Primary tabs

Phoradendron chrysocladon

<<<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes>Flowers>Flower number per bract

ca. 121
1. 004-003-002-001

<<<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes>Flowers>Series

2. 004-003-002-002

<<Habit>Basal cataphylls>Cataphyll pair number

1 pair3
3. 001-004-002

<<Habit>Basal cataphylls>Position

4. 001-004-001

<<Habit>Leaves>Cataphyll pair number

1 pair5
5. 001-003-001

<<Habit>Leaves>Relative distance

to 1.5 cm above base6
6. 001-003-002

<<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes>Fertile internode number

7. 004-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes>Flowers

flowers per fertile bract, usually very regularly .8
8. 004-003-002


apex acute;9
9. 002-002-003


to 15 x 9 cm10
10. 002-002-002


broadly lanceolate11
11. 002-002-001


0.3 cm long12
12. 005-001

<Fruits>Perianth segments

perianth segments closed.13
13. 005-002

<Habit>Basal cataphylls

basal cataphylls of branches , acute, sometimes with a second pair.14
14. 001-004


15. 001-001


successive pairs of foliage leaves separated by of very acute intercalary cataphylls ;16
16. 001-003


stems terete to slightly keeled;17
17. 001-002

<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes

fertile internodes ,18
18. 004-003


to 1 cm long19 to 5 cm long20
19. 004-002, 20. 004-001

<Petiole>Basal veins

usually 5 conspicuous long basal veins.21
21. 002-003


blade , ,22
22. 002-002


0.5 cm long23
23. 002-001


Yellowish green plants; stems terete to slightly keeled; successive pairs of foliage leaves separated by 1 pair of very acute intercalary cataphylls to 1.5 cm above base; basal cataphylls of lateral branches 1 pair, acute, sometimes with a second pair. Petiole 0.5 cm long, indistinct, stout; blade broadly lanceolate, to 15 x 9 cm, apex acute; usually 5 conspicuous long basal veins. Monoecious, sex distribution variable. Inflorescence to 5 cm long, mostly with simple peduncle to 1 cm long; fertile internodes 3-5, flowers ca. 12 per fertile bract, usually very regularly 3-seriate. Fruit ovoid to spherical, 0.3 cm long, perianth segments closed.


Amazonian Bolivia present, Southern America: Peru (Peru present)
Variable species, known from the Caribbean, to Brazil and Amazonian Bolivia and Peru; 400+ collections studied (GU: 5).


Fruit ovoid to spherical, ,24
24. 005


Yellowish plants;25
25. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni Region, Pakaraima Mts., Mt. Wokomung, W face of ridge, headwaters of Wusupubaru Cr., 1 km downslope to Patamona Lookout, Henkel et al. 1403 Guyana, Paruima, savanna on Waukauyeng-tipu, Clarke et al. 5860 Guyana, Pakaraima Mts., 12 m waterfall, large Partang R. tributary, 12.7 km NE of Imbaimadai, Hoffman et al. 1881 Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, Ayanganna Plateau, savanna N of montain center, Pipoly et al. 10889 Guyana, Paruima, 15 km W, Clarke et al. 5761


Inflorescence , mostly with simple peduncle ;26
26. 004


Petiole , indistinct, stout;27
27. 002

Plant sexuality

Monoecious, sex distribution variable.28
28. 003