Phoradendron pellucidulum

Primary tabs

Phoradendron pellucidulum

<<Female inflorescences>Flowers>Flower number per bract

mostly 31
1. 006-002-001

<<Habit>Basal cataphylls>Cataphyll number

2. 001-002-001


orange brown3
3. 001-001-002


2-5 cm long4
4. 001-001-001


ca. 0.1 cm thick5
5. 001-001-003

<<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes>Fertile internode number

2 or 36
6. 004-003-001

<<Leaf blades>Veins>Basal vein number

7. 002-005-001

<<Male inflorescences>Flowers>Flower number per bract

to 188
8. 005-002-001

<<Male inflorescences>Flowers>Series

9. 005-002-002

<Female inflorescences>Flowers

flowers per fertile bract.10
10. 006-002

<Female inflorescences>Length

to 2 cm long11
11. 006-001


0.3 cm in diameter12
12. 007-001

<Fruits>Perianth segments

perianth segments closed.13
13. 007-002

<Habit>Basal cataphylls

basal cataphylls .14
14. 001-002


leaf-bearing internodes , , terete and below when leaf-bearing, expanding somewhat and slightly keeled above;15
15. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes

fertile internodes .16
16. 004-003


0.1-0.3 cm long17
17. 004-002

<Inflorescences>Sterile cataphyll pair number

to 2 pairs18
18. 004-001

<Leaf blades>Apex

apex rounded, with long, slenderly tapering base;19
19. 002-004

<Leaf blades>Dimensions

mostly to 6 x 1.5 cm20
20. 002-003

<Leaf blades>Shape

narrowly elliptical21
21. 002-002

<Leaf blades>Texture

22. 002-001

<Leaf blades>Veins

venation inconspicuous, pinnate, often with strong basal veins.23
23. 002-005

<Male inflorescences>Flowers

flowers per fertile bract, .24
24. 005-002

<Male inflorescences>Length

to 1.5 cm long25
25. 005-001


Delicate, percurrent, much branched plants; leaf-bearing internodes 2-5 cm long, orange brown, terete and ca. 0.1 cm thick below when leaf-bearing, expanding somewhat and slightly keeled above; basal cataphylls 1-5. Leaf blade thin, narrowly elliptical, mostly to 6 x 1.5 cm, apex rounded, with long, slenderly tapering base; venation inconspicuous, pinnate, often with 2 strong basal veins. Dioecious; occasional bisexual plant and possibly some unisexual inflorescences.Inflorescence peduncle mostly simple but sometimes with to 2 pairs of sterile cataphylls, 0.1-0.3 cm long; fertile internodes 2 or 3. Male inflorescence to 1.5 cm long; flowers to 18 per fertile bract, 3-seriate. Female inflorescence to 2 cm long in fruit; flowers mostly 3 per fertile bract. Fruit globose, 0.3 cm in diameter, perianth segments closed.


Bolivar present, C Paraguay present, Guyana present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), southern Brazil present
Venezuela (Amazonas, BolĂ­var) and Guyana to southern Brazil and C Paraguay; 125+ collections studied (GU: 7).

Female inflorescences

Female inflorescence in fruit;26
26. 006


Fruit globose, ,27
27. 007


Delicate, percurrent, much branched plants;28
28. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Upper Mazaruni R. basin, Karowrieng R., Pakaraima Mts., unnamed peak NW of Maipuri Falls, Pipoly et al. 7688 Guyana, Pakaraima Mts., Heika R., 4 km from Chinoweing Village, Hoffman et al. 3363 Guyana, Paruima-Utshi R., trail to Venezuela junction, Clarke 862 Guyana, Mazaruni-Potaro, Imbaimadai, Partang R. crossing, 1 km from mouth, Gillespie et al. 2691 Guyana, Imbaimadai Cr., W of Imbaimadai, Pipoly et al. 7960 Guyana, Pakaraima, Kuraku burru, Graham 535 Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Kuyuwini Landing, Kuyuwini R., Jansen-Jacobs et al. 2976


Inflorescence peduncle mostly simple but sometimes with of sterile cataphylls, ;29
29. 004

Leaf blades

Leaf blade , , ,30
30. 002

Male inflorescences

Male inflorescence ;31
31. 005


Superficially somewhat reminiscent of a slender form of P. quadrangulare, but mostly dioecious, and with very different cataphyll characteristics. Also similar to slender plants of P. obtusissimum in general aspect but, in contrast to that species, mostly dioecious and with simple peduncles. Young leaves characteristically tend to be reddish-translucent at least when dry.

Plant sexuality

Dioecious; occasional bisexual plant and possibly some unisexual inflorescences.32
32. 003