Nelsonia canescens

Primary tabs

Nelsonia canescens



1. 004-003-002-002-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Anterior lobes>Dimensions

2.5-3.6 x 0.5-1.3 mm2
2. 005-001-004-002

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Anterior lobes>Shape

3. 005-001-004-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Anterior lobes>Vein number

4. 005-001-004-003

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Lateral lobes>Dimensions

3-4 x 0.5-0.8 mm5
5. 005-001-003-002

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Lateral lobes>Shape

6. 005-001-003-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Lateral lobes>Vein number

7. 005-001-003-003

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Posterior lobes>Dimensions

3-3.6 x 1.2-1.5 mm8
8. 005-001-002-002

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Posterior lobes>Shape

9. 005-001-002-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Posterior lobes>Vein number

10. 005-001-002-003


ca. 2 mm wide11
11. 005-002-005-001


3-5 mm long12
12. 005-002-004-001


0.4 mm long13
13. 005-003-002-001


14. 005-004-002-002


ca. 0.8 mm long15
15. 005-004-002-001


abaxial surface pubescent with long, trichomes mixed with shorter glandular ones16
16. 004-003-002-002

<<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Margins>Margin type

17. 004-003-002-001


4-6 x 2-4 mm18
18. 004-003-001-001

<<<Inflorescences>Fascicles>Lateral spikes>Length

20-25(-50) mm long19
19. 004-001-003-001


2.5-5 cm long20
20. 004-001-001-002


21. 004-001-001-003


22. 004-001-001-001

<<<Inflorescences>Fascicles>Spikes>Spike number per fascicle

23. 004-001-001-004

<<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Margin type

entire or undulate24
24. 003-003-003-001


4-7 x 2-3.5 cm25
25. 003-003-001-001

<<Capsules>Seeds>Seed number

usually ca. 2826
26. 006-003-001

<<Flowers>Calyx>Anterior lobes

anterior lobe , usually apically notched, rarely entire or twice notched, , ca. ;27
27. 005-001-004


usually with dense, long, fine, eglandular trichomes at base28
28. 005-001-001

<<Flowers>Calyx>Lateral lobes

lateral lobes , , ,29
29. 005-001-003

<<Flowers>Calyx>Posterior lobes

posterior lobe , , ,30
30. 005-001-002


31. 005-002-001


glabrous or minutely puberulous32
32. 005-002-003


7 mm long33
33. 005-002-002


limb ,34
34. 005-002-005


tube ,35
35. 005-002-004

<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lobes

upper lobes, slightly shorter than lower ones;36
36. 005-002-006


0.3-0.5 mm long37
37. 005-003-001


anther thecae parallel in bud, divergent in flower, , apically with a small, hook-like mucro;38
38. 005-003-002


0.9-1 mm long39
39. 005-004-001


style , .40
40. 005-004-002


margin , .41
41. 004-003-002


ovate, , imbricate, apically acute42
42. 004-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Fascicles>Central spike

central spike sessile or pedunculate43
43. 004-001-002

<<Inflorescences>Fascicles>Lateral spikes

lateral spikes with peduncles of44
44. 004-001-003


spikes , , solitary or arranged in fascicles of spikes45
45. 004-001-001


densely sericeous46
46. 004-002-001


glabrous or nearly so and glandular punctate on upper surface, sparsely to moderately pubescent and glandular punctate on lower surface47
47. 003-003-002


margin ;48
48. 003-003-003


ovate, , acute at apex, attenuate and decurrent on petiole at base49
49. 003-003-001


8-22 x 4-12 mm50
50. 003-004-001


more densely pubescent than cauline leaves51
51. 003-004-002

<<Stems>Juvenile stems>Hairs

younger stem moderately pubescent52
52. 002-001-001

<<Stems>Mature stems>Hairs

53. 002-002-001


4-4.8 x 1.5 mm54
54. 006-001


55. 006-002


seeds .56
56. 006-003


calyx ,57
57. 005-001


corolla , , ,58
58. 005-002


filaments ,59
59. 005-003


ovary ,60
60. 005-004


10-30 cm tall61
61. 001-002


to 70 cm long62
62. 001-001


often rooting at node.63
63. 001-003


bracts ,64
64. 004-003


, ,65
65. 004-001


rachis ;66
66. 004-002


blade , ,67
67. 003-003


moderately pubescent68
68. 003-002


leaves subtending inflorescence reduced and intergrading with bracts, , .69
69. 003-004


2-10 mm long70
70. 003-001

<Stems>Mature stems

older stem .71
71. 002-002


Capsule , ,72
72. 006


Creeping or decumbent herb, to 70 cm long and 10-30 cm tall; often rooting at node. Stem slender, prostrate or ascending, younger stem moderately pubescent, older stem glabrate. Petiole 2-10 mm long, moderately pubescent; blade ovate, 4-7 x 2-3.5 cm, acute at apex, attenuate and decurrent on petiole at base, glabrous or nearly so and glandular punctate on upper surface, sparsely to moderately pubescent and glandular punctate on lower surface, margin entire or undulate; leaves subtending inflorescence reduced and intergrading with bracts, 8-22 x 4-12 mm, more densely pubescent than cauline leaves. Inflorescence terminating main and lateral branches, spikes quadrangular, 2.5-5 cm long, solitary or arranged in terminal fascicles of 1-3 spikes, central spike sessile or pedunculate, lateral spikes with peduncles of 20-25(-50) mm long, rachis densely sericeous; bracts ovate, 4-6 x 2-4 mm, imbricate, apically acute, margin entire, abaxial surface pubescent with long, filiform trichomes mixed with shorter glandular ones. Flowers subsessile; calyx usually with dense, long, fine, eglandular trichomes at base, posterior lobe ovate, 3-3.6 x 1.2-1.5 mm, 5-8-veined, lateral lobes lanceolate, 3-4 x 0.5-0.8 mm, 1-3-veined, anterior lobe lanceolate, usually apically notched, rarely entire or twice notched, 2.5-3.6 x 0.5-1.3 mm, ca. 8-veined; corolla white, 7 mm long, glabrous or minutely puberulous, tube 3-5 mm long, limb ca. 2 mm wide, upper lobes, slightly shorter than lower ones; filaments 0.3-0.5 mm long, anther thecae parallel in bud, divergent in flower, 0.4 mm long, apically with a small, hook-like mucro; ovary 0.9-1 mm long, style ca. 0.8 mm long, glabrous. Capsule 4-4.8 x 1.5 mm, glabrous, seeds usually ca. 28.


Andes present, French Guiana present, NE Brazil present, Northern America, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present)
Mexico southward through the Andes to Bolivia, eastward to French Guiana and NE Brazil; 10 collections studied, 3 from French Guiana: Lemée s.n. (anno 1901); Sagot 1313; Mahury, Sagot s.n. (anno 1858).


Flowers subsessile;73
73. 005


Creeping or decumbent herb, and ;74
74. 001


Inflorescence terminating main and lateral branches, ,75
75. 004


Petiole , ;76
76. 003


Flowering and fruiting .


Stem slender, prostrate or ascending, ,77
77. 002