Portulaca oleracea

Primary tabs

Portulaca oleracea



ca. 1 mm long1
1. 001-002-004-001


0.6-4 x 0.2-2 cm2
2. 002-003-002-001


0.4-0.5 mm long3
3. 004-005-003-002


broadly oblongoid or globose4
4. 004-005-003-001


1.5-1.75 mm long5
5. 004-005-002-001


6. 005-004-001


7. 005-004-002


very finely and minutely granulate or tuberculate8
8. 005-004-004


ca. 0.5-0.8 mm wide9
9. 005-004-003


10. 001-002-003

<<Habit>Stems>Growth form

11. 001-002-001


glabrous or with few nodal hairs of12
12. 001-002-004


to 30(-50) cm long13
13. 001-002-002


14. 002-003-003


flat, elliptical, obovate or spathulate, , obtuse or truncate at apex, cuneate at base15
15. 002-003-002


16. 002-003-001


1-8 mm long17
17. 002-002-001


ovoid or short-conical18
18. 004-006-001

<<Sepals>Ovary>Stigmatic branch number

19. 004-006-002


20. 004-004-001


3-8 x 1.5-3 mm21
21. 004-004-004

<<Sepals>Petals>Petal number

22. 004-004-002


23. 004-004-003


anthers , ;24
24. 004-005-003


filaments ,25
25. 004-005-002

<<Sepals>Stamens>Stamen number

26. 004-005-001


ca. 4-5 x ca. 2.5 mm27
27. 005-002

<Fruits>Relative dimensions

circumscissile from ca. 1/3 up from base, to near middle28
28. 005-003


seeds , , , .29
29. 005-004


broadly ovoid to fusiform30
30. 005-001

<Habit>Root system

31. 001-001


stems prostrate or decumbent, , , .32
32. 001-002

<Inflorescences>Flower number per cluster

up to 1033
33. 003-002


34. 003-001


blade , , .35
35. 002-003


petiole ;36
36. 002-002


stipules inconspicuous, minutely fimbriate or absent;37
37. 002-001


38. 004-001


2.8-5 x 2.8-4 mm39
39. 004-003


ovary half-inferior, , stigmatic branches .40
40. 004-006


petals , , , , ephemeral;41
41. 004-004


broadly ovate to orbicular-ovate or triangular42
42. 004-002


stamens ,43
43. 004-005

Common Name

Boni (French Guiana): posin Creole (French Guiana): croupier, croupier blanc English (French Guiana): akusinami, posen, pourpier English (Guyana): hog bhajee English (Suriname): bembe, gron-posren, gron-possie, krokot, lonia, piendjalang, porselein, pose, postelein


Annual herb, succulent; fibrous-rooted; stems prostrate or decumbent, spreadingto 30(-50) cm long, purplish, glabrous or with few nodal hairs of ca. 1 mm long. Leaves alternate, upper leaves often opposite; stipules inconspicuous, minutely fimbriate or absent; petiole 1-8 mm long; blade fleshy, flat, elliptical, obovate or spathulate, 0.6-4 x 0.2-2 cm, obtuse or truncate at apex, cuneate at base, glabrous. Inflorescence of terminal, solitary or clustered, sessile or subsessile flowers, clusters of up to 10 flowers. Sepals green, broadly ovate to orbicular-ovate or triangular, 2.8-5 x 2.8-4 mm, broadly keeled above, united at base, usually persistent; petals yellow, 4-5, obovate, 3-8 x 1.5-3 mm, ephemeral; stamens 6-20, filaments 1.5-1.75 mm long, anthers broadly oblongoid or globose, 0.4-0.5 mm long; ovary half-inferior, ovoid or short-conical, stigmatic branches 4-6. Fruit broadly ovoid to fusiform, ca. 4-5 x ca. 2.5 mm, circumscissile from ca. 1/3 up from base, to near middle; seeds black, cochleate, ca. 0.5-0.8 mm wide, very finely and minutely granulate or tuberculate.


Guianas present, Old World tropics
Subcosmopolitan weed, indigenous to the Old World tropics and introduced elsewhere; in the Guianas on disturbed ground; 79 collections studied, all from the Guianas (GU: 20; SU: 39; FG: 20).


Fruit , , ;44
44. 005


Annual herb, succulent;45
45. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Along road from Nieuw Nickerie to the sea, Wessels Boer 529 Guyana, Kanuku Mts., Nappi-head on Nappi Cr., Camp 1, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 665 Suriname, Paramaribo, way to Kwatta, Samuels 330 Iles de Salut, Ile Royale, Cremers 8433 Guyana, Rupununi R., Monkey Pond landing, SW of Mt. Makarapan, Maas et al. 7635 Guyana, Pomeroon Distr., Waramuri Mission, Moruka R., de la Cruz 2564 Maripasoula, Sauvain 623 Route de Baduel, Ile de Cayenne, Hoff 5709 Suriname, Lower Saramacca R. near Plantation Catharina Sophia, Lanjouw 277


Inflorescence of , solitary or clustered, sessile or subsessile flowers, clusters of flowers.46
46. 003


Leaves alternate, upper leaves often opposite;47
47. 002


No seemingly authentic Guianan specimens of Portulaca mucronata Link, (cited for the Guianas, e.g. by Lemée (1955) and Grenand (1987) for French Guiana), have been seen in this study; it is a South American yellow-flowered plant with mucronate leaves, resembling P. oleracea.


Sepals , , , broadly keeled above, united at base, usually persistent;48
48. 004


Sometimes cultivated as a leafy vegetable in Suriname, and the leaves also mixed with sugar or soap and used for ripening abscesses (Ostendorf, 1962). In French Guiana, the Palikur Amerindians crush the leaves and stems in water, and drink the resulting liquid as an hypotensive, whereas French Guianan Creoles use a tea of the plant as an antidiabetic (e.g., Ducatillon & Gelly 49) and digestive. They also use the whole plant as an emollient for muscular aches and make a purgative and a drink for albuminuria from the plant (Grenand et al., 1987).