- <<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Lobe number
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Colour
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Shape
- <<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Anthers
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Filaments
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Thecae
- <<Fruits>Valves>Opening angle
- <Calyx>Corolla
- <Calyx>Disk
- <Calyx>Ovary
- <Calyx>Stamens
- <Calyx>Staminodes
- <Flowers>Bracteoles
- <Flowers>Flower number per inflorescence
- <Flowers>Peduncle
- <Flowers>Position
- <Fruits>Colour
- <Fruits>Texture
- <Fruits>Valve number
- <Fruits>Valves
- <Habit>Growth form
- <Leaves>Smaller leaves
- Calyx
- Cytology
- Description
- Distribution
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Habit
- Leaves
- Stems
pale blue or tube white and limb lavender or white with purple dots inside2
2. 005-001-001
<Leaves>Smaller leaves
smaller leaf mostly scale-like, very small to minute, rarely a much smaller version of the larger one.23
23. 003-001
Terrestrial or sometimes epiphytic, acaulescent, erect, small herbs, tuberous. Stems unbranched. Leaves opposite, radicular, strongly unequal in a pair, rarely more than one pair in the wild, plant appearing as having a single leaf, foliar nectaries absent; smaller leaf mostly scale-like, very small to minute, rarely a much smaller version of the larger one. Flowers axillary, few in subcymose inflorescences; pedunculate; bracteoles small, pedicellate. Calyx lobes free; corolla pale blue or tube white and limb lavender or white with purple dots inside, broadly tubular or campanulate; stamens included, filaments not connate, anthers coherent in pairs, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, thecae parallel; staminode present; disc absent; ovary superior, stigma 2-lobed. Fruit a fleshy, becoming dry, green to light brown capsule, loculicidally dehiscent, 2-valved, valves opening to 180°.
French Guiana present, Suriname present, northern Brazil present
Monotypic, 1 species from Suriname, French Guiana and northern Brazil.
Leaves opposite, radicular, strongly unequal in a pair, rarely more than one pair in the wild, plant appearing as having a single leaf, foliar nectaries absent;28
28. 003