
Primary tabs


<<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Lobe number

1. 005-006-001-001


yellow, orange, red, or white2
2. 005-002-001

<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobe number

3. 005-002-003


usually cylindric4
4. 005-002-002


stigma stomatomorphic to .5
5. 005-006-001


anthers coherent at first, becoming free, dehiscing by longitudinal slits,6
6. 005-003-002


filaments usually not connate,7
7. 005-003-001


thecae parallel to divergent;8
8. 005-003-003


corolla , with lobes;9
9. 005-002


disc annular, entire;10
10. 005-005

<Calyx>Lobe number

11. 005-001


ovary superior,12
12. 005-006


stamens included,13
13. 005-003


staminode occasionally developing;14
14. 005-004


bracteoles absent;15
15. 004-004

<Flowers>Flower number

rarely solitary16
16. 004-002

<Flowers>Flower number per inflorescence

more usually in few-many17
17. 004-003


short or long pedicellate.18
18. 004-005


19. 004-001


red, orange, or white20
20. 006-002


21. 006-001

<Habit>Growth form

erect, rarely scandent22
22. 001-001


Calyx lobes , usually connate at base into a short or long tube;23
23. 005


Chromosome number n=16 (Skog 1984).


Terrestrial or rarely epiphytic, caulescent, erect, rarely scandent herbs or shrubs, without modified stems. Stems rarely branched. Leaves opposite, rarely ternate, equal to unequal in a pair, venation pinnate, foliar nectaries absent. Flowers axillary, rarely solitary, but more usually in few-many fasciculate, epedunculate to long-pedunculate, cymose or subumbellate inflorescences; bracteoles absent; short or long pedicellate. Calyx lobes 5, usually connate at base into a short or long tube; corolla yellow, orange, red, or white, usually cylindric with 5 lobes; stamens included, filaments usually not connate, anthers coherent at first, becoming free, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, thecae parallel to divergent; staminode occasionally developing; disc annular, entire; ovary superior, stigma stomatomorphic to 2-lobed. Fruit a fleshy, indehiscent, red, orange, or white berry.


Guianas present, Northern America, Southern America, northwestern S America present
About 200 species from Mexico to Brazil and the West Indies, from an apparent center in northwestern S America; 7 species in the Guianas.


Flowers , , but fasciculate, epedunculate to long-pedunculate, cymose or subumbellate inflorescences;24
24. 004


Fruit a , indehiscent, berry.25
25. 006


Terrestrial or rarely epiphytic, caulescent, herbs or shrubs, without modified stems.26
26. 001


Leaves opposite, rarely ternate, equal to unequal in a pair, venation pinnate, foliar nectaries absent.27
27. 003


Miquel () described Besleria surinamensis from Suriname. Pulle () renamed the species as Besleria verrucosa (Splitg. ex de Vriese) Pulle based on Clerodendrum verrucosum Splitg. ex de Vriese (). This species has been identified as Trichanthera gigantea (Humb. & Bonpl.) Nees, a member of the ACANTHACEAE.
A single collection of Besleria lutea L. is labeled "French Guiana". The specimen at P was collected by L.C. Richard, but the locality is doubtful. The specimen was probably collected in the French Antilles where the species is well known.
Leeuwenberg (1958: 369) reported a collection of Besleria lanceolata Urb. in P-LA labeled "French Guiana". Leeuwenberg believed it to have been collected in Martinique where it is endemic.


Stems rarely branched.28
28. 002