Besleria flavovirens

Primary tabs

Besleria flavovirens



0.2 cm wide1
1. 005-007-005-001


0.3-0.4 cm wide2
2. 005-007-007-001


0.1-0.2 x 0.1-0.2 cm3
3. 005-007-008-003

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Growth form

4. 005-007-008-001


5. 005-007-008-002

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Margins>Margin type

6. 005-007-009-001


outside glabrous, inside with a ring of glandular hairs below attachment of filaments7
7. 005-007-006-002


0.2 cm wide8
8. 005-007-006-001


0.35-0.4 cm long9
9. 005-007-004-002


10. 005-007-004-001


11. 005-009-004-002


0.3 cm long12
12. 005-009-004-001


above glabrous, below appressed pubescent especially on midrib and veins13
13. 003-002-006-001

<<<Leaves>Blade>Margins>Margin type

14. 003-002-004-001


outside puberulous when young, inside glabrous15
15. 005-006-002


rounded or subemarginate16
16. 005-006-001


base not spurred or gibbous, , middle ventricose,17
17. 005-007-005


18. 005-007-002

<<Calyx>Corolla>Growth form

erect in calyx19
19. 005-007-001


0.35-0.6 cm long20
20. 005-007-003


limb ,21
21. 005-007-007


lobes subequal, , , ,22
22. 005-007-008


margin ;23
23. 005-007-009


throat contracted, , ,24
24. 005-007-006


tube , ,25
25. 005-007-004

<<Calyx>Free portion of lobes>Dimensions

0.2-0.3 x 0.2-0.25 cm26
26. 005-004-003

<<Calyx>Free portion of lobes>Growth form

27. 005-004-001

<<Calyx>Free portion of lobes>Shape

28. 005-004-002

<<Calyx>Margins>Margin type

29. 005-005-001


0.7 x 0.7 cm wide30
30. 005-009-002


31. 005-009-003


broadly ovoid32
32. 005-009-001


stigma stomatomorphic.33
33. 005-009-005


style , ,34
34. 005-009-004


ca. 0.1 cm long35
35. 005-003-001


36. 004-003-002


0.3-1 cm long37
37. 004-003-001


nearly glabrous38
38. 004-002-002


(0.5-)1-2.5 cm long39
39. 004-002-001


apex acuminate,40
40. 003-002-005


base cuneate, .41
41. 003-002-006


12.5-32 x 5-12 cm42
42. 003-002-003


margin ,43
43. 003-002-004


oblong lanceolate44
44. 003-002-002


papyraceous when dry45
45. 003-002-001


nearly glabrous46
46. 003-001-002


1.4-6 cm long47
47. 003-001-001


apex , ;48
48. 005-006


green or rarely purplish49
49. 005-001


corolla , , ,50
50. 005-007

<Calyx>Free portion of lobes

free portion of lobes , subequal, , ,51
51. 005-004


lobes nearly free,52
52. 005-002


margin ,53
53. 005-005


ovary , , ,54
54. 005-009


stamens subincluded, inserted at middle of corolla tube;55
55. 005-008


tube ,56
56. 005-003

<Flowers>Flower number per inflorescence

57. 004-001


pedicel , .58
58. 004-003


peduncle , ;59
59. 004-002


0.5-2 m tall60
60. 001-001


blade , , ,61
61. 003-002


petiole , ;62
62. 003-001

<Mature berries>Colour

63. 006-001

<Mature berries>Dimensions

0.4-0.6 x 0.4-0.6 cm64
64. 006-003

<Mature berries>Shape

65. 006-002

<Stems>Growth form

erect or ascending66
66. 002-001


puberulous at apex, glabrescent below67
67. 002-002


Calyx subcampanulate, ,68
68. 005

Common Name

English (Suriname): bergi-tiki, gado-oso-tiki


Terrestrial herb or subshrub, 0.5-2 m tall. Stem woody at base, erect or ascending, puberulous at apex, glabrescent below. Leaves equal in a pair; petiole 1.4-6 cm long, nearly glabrous; blade papyraceous when dry, oblong lanceolate, 12.5-32 x 5-12 cm, margin serrulate, apex acuminate, base cuneate, above glabrous, below appressed pubescent especially on midrib and veins. Flowers in cymose or congested-paniculate, numerous-flowered inflorescences; peduncle (0.5-)1-2.5 cm long, nearly glabrous; pedicel 0.3-1 cm long, puberulous. Calyx subcampanulate, green or rarely purplish, lobes nearly free, tube ca. 0.1 cm long, free portion of lobes erect, subequal, suborbicular, 0.2-0.3 x 0.2-0.25 cm, margin entire, apex rounded or subemarginate, outside puberulous when young, inside glabrous; corolla erect in calyx, white, 0.35-0.6 cm long, tube cylindric, 0.35-0.4 cm long, base not spurred or gibbous, 0.2 cm wide, middle ventricose, throat contracted, 0.2 cm wide, outside glabrous, inside with a ring of glandular hairs below attachment of filaments, limb 0.3-0.4 cm wide, lobes subequal, spreading, orbicular, 0.1-0.2 x 0.1-0.2 cm, margin entire; stamens subincluded, inserted at middle of corolla tube; ovary broadly ovoid, 0.7 x 0.7 cm wide, glabrous, style 0.3 cm long, glabrous, stigma stomatomorphic. Mature berry reddish, globose-ovoid, 0.4-0.6 x 0.4-0.6 cm.


Bolivar present, Guianas present, Loreto present, Southern America: Argentina South (Rio Negro present); Brazil North (Amazonas presentpresentpresent, Roraima present); Brazil Northeast (Bahia present); Colombia (Colombia present); Costa Rica (Costa Rica present); Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Costa Rica, Colombia (Amazonas), Venezuela (Amazonas, Bolívar), Peru (Loreto), the Guianas, Brazil (Amazonas, Roraima, Río Negro and Bahia); > 100 collections studied (GU: 3; SU: 5; FG: 32).


Flowers in cymose or congested-paniculate, inflorescences;69
69. 004


Terrestrial herb or subshrub, .70
70. 001

Individuals Association

Mt. Bellevue de l'Inini, de Granville et al. 7812 Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni Region, Pakaraima Mts., Mt. Wokomung, Suruwabaru Cr., Henkel et al. 1263 Suriname, Tafelberg, Maguire 24539 Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, Kamarang R., Tillett & Tillett 45814 Mont Chauve, Cremers & Crozier 15138 Régina Region, Mts. Tortue, Feuillet et al. 10110 Guyana, Barima-Waini Region, Matthews Ridge to ridge of "Blue Mt.", McDowell et al. 4476 Mt. Cacao, Skog & Feuillet 5680 Suriname, Sipaliwini Distr., near Emmaketen, Daniëls & Jonker 843 Suriname, Nassau Mts., Lanjouw & Lindeman 2372


Leaves equal in a pair;71
71. 003

Mature berries

Mature berry , , .72
72. 006


Collected in flower and fruit in .


Stem woody at base, , .73
73. 002