- <<<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs>Lobe number
- <<<Calyx>Disk>Gland number>Lobe number
- <<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Lobe number
- <<<Calyx>Stamens>Anthers>Anther pair number
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Colour
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Shape
- <<Calyx>Disk>Gland number
- <<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Anthers
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Filaments
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Thecae
- <Calyx>Corolla
- <Calyx>Disk
- <Calyx>Lobe number
- <Calyx>Ovary
- <Calyx>Stamens
- <Calyx>Staminodes
- <Flowers>Bracteoles
- <Flowers>Flower number
- <Flowers>Flower number per inflorescence
- <Flowers>Pedicels
- <Flowers>Peduncle
- <Flowers>Position
- <Fruits>Colour
- <Fruits>Texture
- <Habit>Growth form
- Calyx
- Cytology
- Description
- Distribution
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Habit
- Leaves
- Stems
Terrestrial or epiphytic, caulescent, spreading, prostrate, pendulous, to erect herbs or small shrubs, without modified stems. Stems rarely branched. Leaves opposite, equal or unequal in a pair, venation pinnate, foliar nectaries absent. Flowers axillary, solitary or in fasciculate few-10-flowered inflorescences; epedunculate; bracteoles small (in Guianan species), sometimes caducous; usually pedicellate. Calyx lobes 5, usually free nearly to base; corolla usually red, less commonly yellow, rarely greenish or cream, tubular or ventricose, limb 5-lobed; stamens exserted or included, filaments basally connate, anthers coherent in 2 pairs, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, thecae parallel, not divergent; staminode absent or minute; disc a single dorsal 2-lobed gland or rarely 5 separate glands; ovary superior, stigma stomatomorphic or 2-lobed. Fruit a fleshy, indehiscent, white or colored berry.
Amaprá present, C America present, Caribbean Islands present, Guianas present, Northern America, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present), northern S America present
About 160 species from Mexico through C America, to the Caribbean islands and into northern S America as far south as Bolivia and east to Amaprá in Brazil; 4 species are so far known from the Guianas, a 5th, C. scandens , included here because it might be expected in our area.
Terrestrial or epiphytic, caulescent, herbs or small shrubs, without modified stems.31
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Leaves opposite, equal or unequal in a pair, venation pinnate, foliar nectaries absent.32
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