Dendrophthora warmingii

Primary tabs

Dendrophthora warmingii

<<Habit>Branches>Cataphyll pair number

1 pair1
1. 001-004-001

<<Habit>Branches>Relative distance

0.6-1 cm above axil2
2. 001-004-002

<<Habit>Juvenile internodes>Length

to 6 cm long3
3. 001-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Inflorescence arrangement>Cataphyll pair number

1 or 2 pairs4
4. 003-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Inflorescence arrangement>Fertile internode number

3 or 45
5. 003-002-003

<<Inflorescences>Inflorescence arrangement>Flower number per bract

6. 003-002-004

<<Inflorescences>Inflorescence arrangement>Relative distance

about 0.2 cm apart7
7. 003-002-002

<<Inflorescences>Inflorescence arrangement>Series

8. 003-002-005


apex obtuse to rounded,9
9. 002-002-004


base tapering into stout, indistinct petiole;10
10. 002-002-005


to 9 x 7 cm11
11. 002-002-003


ellipsoid to ovate12
12. 002-002-002


13. 002-002-001


0.4 x 0.4 cm14
14. 004-001

<Fruits>Perianth segments

perianth segments more or less open.15
15. 004-002


branches with of basal cataphylls , rarely with a second pair.16
16. 001-004


Olivegreen to tawny or bronze plants, in part covered with innumerable yellow spots giving a granular appearance17
17. 001-001

<Habit>Juvenile internodes

young internodes angled or compressed-keeled soon becoming terete, often stout, ;18
18. 001-002


nodes slightly swollen;19
19. 001-003

<Inflorescences>Inflorescence arrangement

of basal cataphylls , followed by fertile internodes, distal one mostly very short and rounded apically, larger ones with flowers per fertile bract, usually .20
20. 003-002


to 4 cm long21
21. 003-001


blade , , ,22
22. 002-002


ca. 0.5 cm long23
23. 002-001


venation obscure but apparently basal-palmate.24
24. 002-003


Olivegreen to tawny or bronze plants, in part covered with innumerable yellow spots giving a granular appearance; young internodes angled or compressed-keeled soon becoming terete, often stout, to 6 cm long; nodes slightly swollen; branches with 1 pair of basal cataphylls 0.6-1 cm above axil, rarely with a second pair. Petiole ca. 0.5 cm long; blade coriaceous, ellipsoid to ovate, to 9 x 7 cm, apex obtuse to rounded, base tapering into stout, indistinct petiole; venation obscure but apparently basal-palmate. Inflorescence fairly stout, to 4 cm long; 1 or 2 pairs of basal cataphylls about 0.2 cm apart, followed by 3 or 4 fertile internodes, distal one mostly very short and rounded apically, larger ones with 5-9 flowers per fertile bract, usually 2-seriate. Fruit broadly ovoid, 0.4 x 0.4 cm, perianth segments more or less open.


Amazonian Peru present, Guianas present, Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Brazil, Amazonian Peru, Venezuela, the Guianas; 25 specimens studied, 3 from the Guianas (GU: 2; FG: 1).


Fruit broadly ovoid, ,25
25. 004


26. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Paruima, 17 km W, 3 km W of eastern summit of Waukauyeng-tipu, Clarke et al. 5776 Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, foothills immediately S of Mt. Ayanganna, 1 km W of Pong Cr., Pipoly et al. 10693 Commune de Montsinnery, piste de Risque tout à 12 km de la route du Tour de l'IIe, Cremers 6020


Inflorescence fairly stout, ;27
27. 003


Petiole ;28
28. 002