Dendrophthora roraimae

Primary tabs

Dendrophthora roraimae

<<Habit>Basal cataphylls>Cataphyll pair number

1 pair1
1. 001-002-001

<<Habit>Basal cataphylls>Relative distance

to 1 cm above axil2
2. 001-002-002

<<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes>Fertile internode number

3. 003-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Flowers>Flower number per bract

3 or 44
4. 003-004-001


5. 003-004-002


0.2 cm long6
6. 003-002-001


7. 004-001

<Fruits>Perianth segments

perianth segments reflexed.8
8. 004-003


9. 004-002

<Habit>Basal cataphylls

basal cataphylls , .10
10. 001-002

<Habit>Growth form

11. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes

fertile internode ;12
12. 003-003


flowers per fertile bract, .13
13. 003-004


peduncle ;14
14. 003-002


axillary only15
15. 003-001

<Leaf blades>Length

to 2 cm long16
16. 002-003

<Leaf blades>Shape

narrowly lanceolate17
17. 002-002

<Leaf blades>Texture

rather thick18
18. 002-001


Small, erect plants; basal cataphylls 1 pair, to 1 cm above axil. Leaf blade rather thick, linear to narrowly lanceolate, to 2 cm long. Inflorescence about half as long as subtending leaf, axillary only; peduncle 0.2 cm long; fertile internode 1(2); flowers 3 or 4 per fertile bract, 1-seriate. Fruit white, spherical, perianth segments reflexed.


Bolivar present, Mt. Roraima present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present), Tepuis of Venezuela present
Tepuis of Venezuela (Amazonas&BolĂ­var), Mt. Roraima; 8 specimens studied (GU: 4).


Fruit , ,19
19. 004


Small, plants;20
20. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Guyana, edge and summit of Mt. Roraima, Im Thurn 323 Guyana, Mt. Roraima,, McConnell & Quelch 82 Guyana, Mt. Roraima, Ule 8599


Inflorescence about half as long as subtending leaf, ;21
21. 003

Leaf blades

Leaf blade , linear to , .22
22. 002