Dendrophthora decipiens

Primary tabs

Dendrophthora decipiens

<<Fruits>Perianth segments>Growth form

1. 005-004-001

<<Habit>Basal cataphylls>Cataphyll pair number

1 pair2
2. 001-003-001

<<Habit>Basal cataphylls>Relative distance

extremely low (sometimes to 0.3 cm above axil on larger secondary branches)3
3. 001-003-002


to 3 cm long4
4. 001-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes>Fertile internode number

1 or 25
5. 004-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Flowers>Flower number per bract

6. 004-004-001


2- or 3-seriate, rarely 1-seriate7
7. 004-004-002


0.05-0.1 cm8
8. 004-002-001


to 2 x 0.2 cm9
9. 002-001-002


narrowly lanceolate10
10. 002-001-001


11. 005-001


0.25 x 0.2 cm12
12. 005-003

<Fruits>Perianth segments

perianth segments .13
13. 005-004


14. 005-002

<Habit>Basal cataphylls

basal cataphylls , and inconspicuous.15
15. 001-003


yellowish to deep green16
16. 001-001


internodes terete, but mostly much shorter;17
17. 001-002

<Inflorescences>Fertile internodes

fertile internodes ;18
18. 004-003


flowers per fertile bract, .19
19. 004-004


to 0.4 cm long20
20. 004-001


peduncle ;21
21. 004-002


blade linear to , , acute.22
22. 002-001


Diffusely branched plants, yellowish to deep green; internodes terete, to 3 cm long but mostly much shorter; basal cataphylls 1 pair, extremely low (sometimes to 0.3 cm above axil on larger secondary branches) and inconspicuous. Petiole indistinct and very short; blade linear to narrowly lanceolate, to 2 x 0.2 cm, acute. Monoecious, male and female flowers on same inflorescence, former often above latter. Inflorescence mostly solitary, to 0.4 cm long; peduncle 0.05-0.1 cm; fertile internodes 1 or 2; flowers 1-3 per fertile bract, 2- or 3-seriate, rarely 1-seriate. Fruit white, ovoid, 0.25 x 0.2 cm, perianth segments erect.


Bolivar present, Guianas present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present), Tepui summits of Venezuela present, Venezuela/Guyana border area present, summit of Mt. Roraima present
Tepui summits of Venezuela (Amazonas&BolĂ­var); Venezuela/Guyana border area, summit of Mt. Roraima; not yet recorded for the Guianas.


Fruit , , ,23
23. 005


Diffusely branched plants, ;24
24. 001


Inflorescence mostly solitary, ;25
25. 004


Similar to D. roraimae but differing in its larger size and its smaller inflorescences with extremely short peduncles and mostly 2- or 3-seriate flowers.


Petiole indistinct and very short;26
26. 002

Plant sexuality

Monoecious, male and female flowers on same inflorescence, former often above latter.27
27. 003