Pulchranthus variegatus

Primary tabs

Pulchranthus variegatus


<<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lobes>Lower lip>Lobes>Dimensions

5-6 x 2 mm at base1
1. 005-003-006-003-001-002

<<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lobes>Lower lip>Lobes>Shape

2. 005-003-006-003-001-001

<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lobes>Lower lip>Lobes

lobes of3
3. 005-003-006-003-001


4. 003-003-003-003-001


all lavender with purple markings, central lobe more densely so5
5. 005-003-006-004


5-6 x 1.5-2 mm6
6. 005-003-006-002


all lobes glabrous7
7. 005-003-006-005

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lobes>Lower lip

lower lip with8
8. 005-003-006-003


9. 005-003-006-001


10. 005-003-004-001


5-7 mm long11
11. 005-003-004-002

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Colour

lavender with purple markings12
12. 005-003-005-001


1.2-2 mm long13
13. 005-004-002-001


slightly pubescent basally14
14. 005-004-001-002


7-8(-12) mm long15
15. 005-004-001-001


glabrous except for a few trichomes at tip16
16. 005-004-003-002


0.5-1 mm long17
17. 005-004-003-001


18. 004-006-002-001


glabrous or on upper surface, glabrous on lower surface, except pilose primary vein19
19. 003-003-003-003

<<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Margin type

20. 003-003-003-001


acuminate-cuspidate at apex, attenuate to cuneate or slightly rounded at base21
21. 003-003-003-002


22. 006-004-001


3 x 3.5 mm23
23. 006-004-003


covered with trichome-like papillae24
24. 006-004-004


25. 006-004-002

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Dimensions

2.5-4 x 0.5-1 mm26
26. 005-002-002

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Hairs

glandular puberulent27
27. 005-002-003

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Shape

narrowly triangular28
28. 005-002-001


pale lavender or white lilac with purple markings on limb29
29. 005-003-001


glandular both within and without30
30. 005-003-003


10-17 mm long31
31. 005-003-002


lobes , , , ;32
32. 005-003-006


tube , ,33
33. 005-003-004

<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip ,34
34. 005-003-005


anthers ,35
35. 005-004-002


filaments , ,36
36. 005-004-001


staminodes , ;37
37. 005-004-003


38. 005-005-002


12-13(-20) mm long39
39. 005-005-001


1.5-2 mm long40
40. 004-006-001


margin .41
41. 004-006-002


2.5-3 x 0.5 mm42
42. 004-004-002


narrowly triangular43
43. 004-004-001


to less than 1.5 mm long44
44. 004-005-001


densely pilose and with some glandular trichomes45
45. 004-003-001


9-23.5 x 3-9 cm46
46. 003-003-002


margin , , .47
47. 003-003-003


48. 003-003-001


49. 006-001


15-20 mm long50
50. 006-003


seeds , , , .51
51. 006-004


52. 006-002

<Flowers>Calyx lobes

calyx lobes , , ;53
53. 005-002


corolla , , ,54
54. 005-003

<Flowers>Flower number per node

2-many per node55
55. 005-001


stamens exserted,56
56. 005-004


style , .57
57. 005-005


0.2-1.5 m tall58
58. 001-001


bracteoles ,59
59. 004-006


bracts , ;60
60. 004-004


7-24 cm long61
61. 004-002


pedicels lacking ;62
62. 004-005


63. 004-001


rachis ;64
64. 004-003


blade , ,65
65. 003-003


66. 003-002


3-13 mm long67
67. 003-001


exfoliating bark68
68. 002-003


69. 002-002


densely pubescent70
70. 002-004


terete to subquadrangular71
71. 002-001


Capsule tan , , ;72
72. 006


Herbaceous or subshrub, 0.2-1.5 m tall. Stem terete to subquadrangular with red, exfoliating bark, densely pubescent on younger parts, less so on older parts. Petiole 3-13 mm long, glabrous; blade elliptic-lanceolate, 9-23.5 x 3-9 cm, margin crenate, acuminate-cuspidate at apex, attenuate to cuneate or slightly rounded at base, glabrous or scabrous on upper surface, glabrous on lower surface, except pilose primary vein. Inflorescence a compact, terminal raceme or panicle, 7-24 cm long; rachis densely pilose and with some glandular trichomes; bracts narrowly triangular, 2.5-3 x 0.5 mm; pedicels lacking to less than 1.5 mm long; bracteoles 1.5-2 mm long, margin ciliolate. Flowers 2-many per node; calyx lobes narrowly triangular, 2.5-4 x 0.5-1 mm, glandular puberulent; corolla pale lavender or white lilac with purple markings on limb, 10-17 mm long, glandular both within and without, tube white, 5-7 mm long, upper lip lavender with purple markings, lobes elliptic-oblong5-6 x 1.5-2 mm, lower lip with elliptic lobes of 5-6 x 2 mm at base, all lavender with purple markings, central lobe more densely so, all lobes glabrous; stamens exserted, filaments 7-8(-12) mm long, slightly pubescent basally, anthers 1.2-2 mm long, staminodes 0.5-1 mm long, glabrous except for a few trichomes at tip; style 12-13(-20) mm long, pubescent. Capsule tan colored, clavate, 15-20 mm long; seeds brown, lenticular, 3 x 3.5 mm, covered with trichome-like papillae.


French Guiana present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amapá present), Suriname present
Suriname, French Guiana and Brazil (Amapá); 23 collections studied (SU: 1; FG: 22).


Flowers ;73
73. 005


Herbaceous or subshrub, .74
74. 001

Individuals Association

Haut Oyapock, de Granville T.1128 Suriname, Paloemeu R., Schulz 8192 Haute Approuague, Oldeman T-113


Inflorescence a compact, raceme or panicle, ;75
75. 004


Petiole , ;76
76. 003


Flowering ; fruiting .


Stem with , , on younger parts, less so on older parts.77
77. 002